By Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner 1st Edition October 1999 1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807 652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM |
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The %isoamsa; parameter entity includes the ISO character entities with the public identifier:
ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN
The following character entities are defined in this entity set:
Entity | Unicode # | Glyph | ISO Description |
cularr | 21B6 | Anticlockwise top semicircle arrow | |
curarr | 21B7 | Clockwise top semicircle arrow | |
dArr | 21D3 | Downwards double arrow | |
darr2 | 21CA | Downwards paired arrows | |
dharl | 21C3 | Downwards harpoon with barb leftwards | |
dharr | 21C2 | Downwards harpoon with barb rightwards | |
lAarr | 21DA | Leftwards triple arrow | |
Larr | 219E | Leftwards two headed arrow | |
larr2 | 21C7 | Leftwards paired arrows | |
larrhk | 21A9 | Leftwards arrow with hook | |
larrlp | 21AB | Leftwards arrow with loop | |
larrtl | 21A2 | Leftwards arrow with tail | |
lhard | 21BD | Leftwards harpoon with barb downwards | |
lharu | 21BC | Leftwards harpoon with barb upwards | |
hArr | 21D4 | Left right double arrow | |
harr | 2194 | Left right arrow | |
lrarr2 | 21C6 | Leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow | |
rlarr2 | 21C4 | Rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow | |
harrw | 21AD | Left right wave arrow | |
rlhar2 | 21CC | Rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon | |
lrhar2 | 21CB | Leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon | |
lsh | 21B0 | Upwards arrow with tip leftwards | |
map | 21A6 | Rightwards arrow from bar | |
mumap | 22B8 | Multimap | |
nearr | 2197 | North east arrow | |
nlArr | 21CD | Leftwards double arrow with stroke | |
nlarr | 219A | Leftwards arrow with stroke | |
nhArr | 21CE | Left right double arrow with stroke | |
nharr | 21AE | Left right arrow with stroke | |
nrarr | 219B | Rightwards arrow with stroke | |
nrArr | 21CF | Rightwards double arrow with stroke | |
nwarr | 2196 | North west arrow | |
olarr | 21BA | Anticlockwise open circle arrow | |
orarr | 21BB | Clockwise open circle arrow | |
rAarr | 21DB | Rightwards triple arrow | |
Rarr | 21A0 | Rightwards two headed arrow | |
rarr2 | 21C9 | Rightwards paired arrows | |
rarrhk | 21AA | Rightwards arrow with hook | |
rarrlp | 21AC | Rightwards arrow with loop | |
rarrtl | 21A3 | Rightwards arrow with tail | |
rarrw | 21DD | Rightwards squiggle arrow | |
rhard | 21C1 | Rightwards harpoon with barb downwards | |
rharu | 21C0 | Rightwards harpoon with barb upwards | |
rsh | 21B1 | Upwards arrow with tip rightwards | |
drarr | 2198 | South east arrow | |
dlarr | 2199 | South west arrow | |
uArr | 21D1 | Upwards double arrow | |
uarr2 | 21C8 | Upwards paired arrows | |
vArr | 21D5 | Up down double arrow | |
varr | 2195 | Up down arrow | |
uharl | 21BF | Upwards harpoon with barb leftwards | |
uharr | 21BE | Upwards harpoon with barb rightwards | |
xlArr | long l dbl arrow | ||
xhArr | long l&r dbl arr | ||
xharr | long l&r arr | ||
xrArr | long rt dbl arr |
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DocBook Character Entity Reference | Up | Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators Character Entities (%isoamsb;) |
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