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IANA, see Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
idap_count_entries, 200
idap_get_attributes, 201
idap_sort, 200
IETF, see Internet Engineering Task Force
Illegal partitions, 148, 149, see also Partitioning
Import tools, 277
Importing data, 173
Imposter, 156
Include clause, 307
Inconsistency, 172
Index files, naming 50
Indexes, 125–126, 276
mechanism, 50
change and PHP scripting language, 198, 199
adding entries, 33–34
case study and Web, 312
changing, 39
information model, 54, 56, 61, 62
using, 29
schema object and Perl language, 221
inerorgperson.schema, 376
Information islands, 142
Information model, 49–50
Information retrieval, 6, 125
Information technology (IT), 3, 4
Informational status, 12
Inheritance, 57, 58, 60–61, 62, 65
directory-server software, 259–270
security software for OpenLDAP server, 274
int ber_identifier, 203
int errcode, 201
Interfaces, 8, see also Individual entries
International Standardization Organization (ISO), 10, 16
case study of LDAP and Web, 310–312
security, 156, 168
standards, 12
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, 9
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 50, 65
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 12, 223, 334
Internet protocol (IP), 4, 9, 163, 260
Interpreter, 120–121, 190, 191
C language, 229–232
data interchange format, 130
functional model, 88, 89, 90–93
Perl language, 213–214
Intranet, 101–102, 142, 168, 317
Invalid partitions, 148, 149, see also Partitioning
IP, see Internet protocol
iPlanet console, 265, 266
iPlanet directory, 336
ISO, see International Standardization Organization
IT, see Information technology
Iteration commands, 232–234
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