name separators in Expression Builder, 373


automatic generation of SQL Server database, 1451

brackets around object, 372

checking for possible duplicates, 1071–1073

custom list, 1203–1204

eliminating extra blanks in personal, 420

field, 362

AutoCorrect options for, 192–193

brackets around, 362

changing, 212–217

characters for separating table and, 372, 373

duplicate, 836

fully qualifying, 372

including spaces in XML, 1263

omitting spaces in, 159, 216

renaming in queries, 419

requirements in expressions, 362

separating names of SQL tables and, 373

specifying in Import Text Wizard, 289

truncated when exported to dBASE or Paradox, A80

using in simple queries, 377–378

valid characters for, 159


copied tables, 207

parameters for functions and stored procedures, 1517

tables split by Table Analyzer Wizard, 237

Visual Basic variables, 966

prefixes of sample form, 525

public variables and constants, 963–964

spaces not contained in property, 920

SQL Server Rules for Identifiers, 1460

tracking AutoCorrect information for, 208

UNC path, 1323

using exclamation points and periods in, 989–990

National Language (Unicode) literal, 1515

Navigate To Category (Navigation Pane), 48

Navigation Buttons property, 671–672

Navigation mode for forms, 541

Navigation Options dialog box

creating custom categories in, 58

illustrated, 56

opening, 55–56

ordering category and group display, 61

revealing hidden shortcuts in, 72–75

setting up grouping options, 56–58

Show System Objects check box, 1267, 1269

working with groups in custom categories, 59–63

Navigation Pane, 45–82.

See also groups;

Navigation Options dialog box


display of single, 81

using custom groups and, 53–55

viewing from submenus, 72


group in, 49

hiding contextual tabs when collapsed, 739

width of, 47


modules in, 131

object shortcuts in custom groups, 63–67

database object list filtering in, 49, 50

displaying custom group names, 62–63

embedding subform from, 703

expanding, 47

exporting files from, 1245–1246

filtering objects by group, 81–82

function of, 45–47


on application startup, 1311

custom groups and object shortcuts, 67–72

illustrated, 24, 46

initial placement of objects and groups in, 62–63

jumping to objects in, 46

manually sorting objects in, 77–78

new project’s, 1457

Object Type category

displaying tables only, 105–106

filtering form objects, 114, 115

groups included in, 57

maximizing search for objects from, 82

unable to reorder display, 61

viewing objects organized in groups in, 105

object views in, 48–53


Navigation Options dialog box, 55–56

queries from, 348

Query list in, 348

renaming object shortcuts, 70–72

revealing hidden shortcuts, 72–75

searching for database objects from, 78–82

setting up grouping options, 56–58

Single-Click options, 106

sorting and selecting views in, 76–77

Tables And Related Views category, 49–52

adding groups to, 57

filtering objects in, 52–53

groups included in, 57

maximizing search for objects from, 82

switching to, 49–50

unable to reorder display, 61

Unrelated Objects category in, 51–52

viewing module objects in database, 942–943

width of

collapsing, 47

maintained from last use, 103

.NET Framework, 1159

NetBEUI protocol, 1138

network protocols, 1138


Microsoft Office system installation on, 1342

reducing traffic with server filters, 1572

New Item command, 1169

New Object button, 890

New Query dialog box

creating new views, functions, and stored procedures from, 1496

creating text table-valued function in, 1544

illustrated, 1524

selecting query wizard in, 432

new row indicator, 385

newsgroups for Access, 17

nonclustered indexes, 1471, 1472

noncontiguous selections

choosing multiple, 1082–1086

deselecting fields, 579

holding down Ctrl key for, 579, 1082

non-equijoins, A42

Normal template, 682

normalization, A19–A27

field independence, A24–A26

field uniqueness, A19–A20

four rules of table design, A27

functional dependence of fields on primary key, A21–A23

rules for Multi-Value Lookup Fields, 248

unique identifier or primary key, A20–A21

not trusted macros

defined, 916

listing of, 917–918

Notepad for Ribbon construction, 1270, 1271

NotInList event, 931, 1058–1061

Now function, 831

NULL predicate, A50

Null values

aboutNullfields, 166

allowing with check constraints, 1482

concatenating in expressions, 364, 420

converting to zero values, 446–447

data type conversions setting content to, 226

displaying in text fields, 657

testing for with macro, 927

Number data type

about, 158, 159

converting, 228

decimal fields in SharePoint Services converted to, 1219

displaying Null values for, 657

Format property setting for, 652


adding report line, 846–848

field properties for, 162

formatting properties for, 652–654

four-digit year formats, 191–192, 651, 1489


inserting in controls, 806

report, 773–774, 830–833

report grouping options for, 818

Microsoft Office Access 2007 Inside Out
MicrosoftВ® Office Access(TM) 2007 Inside Out (Microsoft Office Access Inside Out)
ISBN: 0735623252
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 234

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