macros, hooking, 3031, 3738

Main, function, 260262

MainEntryPoint, function, 232, 234239

MainForm, function, 260262

MAKEFILE file, content of, 20

makeWritable, function, 6678

Manipulating data types, Rtl routine, 41

Manipulating memory, Rtl routine, 41

MapKernelAddress, function, 5463

mapping functions, differentiated, 20

MASTER_FILE, ADS location, 16

MDLFlags, Memory Descriptor List (MDL) and, 2930

Memory Descriptor List (MDL)

defined, 28

diagrammed, 28

MDLFlags and, 29–30

ntddk.h, 28–29

using, 28–30

memory scanning, overview, 278

message hook detection, IceSword, 314

MetaSploit software, using, 8

Microsoft, website, 12

Microsoft Driver Development Kit (DDK)

downloading the, 1–2

installing the, 4

shortcuts, 4–5

verifying the, 6

Microsoft MSDN subscription, necessity of having a, 12

Microsoft Outlook

E-mail filtering overview, 215–216

installing an Outlook client filter, 231

OutlookExtension.cpp file, 218–231

OutlookExtension.h file, 216–218

testing the Outlook client extension, 231–232

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express

downloading, 2

installing, 5

verifying, 6

Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, and 2003, PGP Monitor, 101

modifying, environment variables, 23

Monitor History, control category, 257

Monitor Status, control category, 257

Mozilla Firefox, installation technique for, 249251

MSDN, integrating, 5

Professional Rootkits
Professional Rootkits (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470101547
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 229
Authors: Ric Vieler

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