
Normalization was developed by an IBM researcher named E.F. Codd in the early 1970s (he also invented the relational database). A relational database is merely a collection of data, organized in a particular manner; Dr. Codd created a series of rules called normal forms that help define that organization. In this chapter I will discuss the first three of the normal forms, which is sufficient for most database designs.

Before you begin normalizing your database, you must define the role of the application being developed. Whether it means that you thoroughly discuss the subject with a client or figure it out for yourself, understanding how the information will be accessed dictates the modeling. Thus, this chapter will require paper and pen, rather than the MySQL software itself (to be clear, database design is applicable to any relational database, not just MySQL).

Database design texts commonly use examples such as music or book collections (indeed, I use the latter in my book PHP Advanced for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickPro Guide), but I will create a more business-oriented accounting database here. The primary purpose of the database will be to track invoices and expenses, but it could easily be expanded to log work hours on projects or whatever. Table 3.1 reflects a sample record showing the type of data to be stored.

Table 3.1. Based on my intended usage of this database, all of the requisite information to be recorded is listed here.

Accounting Data



Invoice Number


Invoice Date


Invoice Amount


Invoice Description

HTML design

Date Invoice Paid


Client Information

Acme Industries, 100 Main Street, Anytown, NY, 11111, (800) 555-1234

Expense Amount


Expense Category & Description

Web Hosting Fees-Annual contract for hosting

Expense Date


Before designing the database, some basic terminology is required. The next two sections will discuss the notions of keys and relationships.


  • One of the best ways to determine what information should be stored in a database is to determine what questions will be asked of the database and what data would be included in the answers.

  • Although I will demonstrate manual database design, ready-made applications for this express purpose are listed in Appendix C, "Resources."

MySQL Visual QuickStart Guide Serie  .Covers My SQL 4 and 5
MySQL, Second Edition
ISBN: 0321375734
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 162
Authors: Larry Ullman © 2008-2017.
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