Response Time: Eight Seconds, Plus or Minus Two

People hate to wait.

You're the fourth person in a six-person line at the supermarket . You spot a clerk moving toward the closed register in the next lane. Is she going to open it? If you bail out too early and she's just looking for bags, it's the back of the line for you. Wait too long and the clerk could call over the next person in line. What do you do?

On the Internet, this kind of choice is simple. If the page you're waiting for takes more than a few seconds to open, you just bail out to another site. No bodies to jostle, no icy stares from the slower crowd . Just exercise your freedom of choice with a twitch of a finger. To hell with the owners of the slower site you just left. Survival of the fittest, right? It's all rosy ”unless, of course, you happen to be the owner of that slower site and it's a part of your business. In that case, it's a good thing you have this book.

In survey after survey, the most common complaint of Internet users is lack of speed. After waiting past a certain "attention threshold," users bail out to look for a faster site. Of course, exactly where that threshold is depends on many factors. How compelling is the experience? Is there effective feedback? This chapter explores the psychology of delay in order to discover why we are so impatient, and how fast is fast enough.

Lack of Speed Is the Most Common Complaint

Slow web sites are a universal phenomenon . Researchers have confirmed our need for speed in study after study:

  • "GVU's Tenth World Wide Web User Survey," by Colleen Kehoe et al. (1999) ” Over half of those surveyed cited slow downloads as a problem.

  • In "The Top Ten New Mistakes of Web Design" (1999) ”Jakob Nielsen found that 84 percent of 20 prominent sites had slow download times.

  • Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity by Jakob Nielsen (New Riders Publishing, 2000) ”" fast response times are the most important design criterion for web pages."

  • In "System Response Time and User Satisfaction: An Experimental Study of Browser-based Applications," in Proceedings of the Association of Information Systems Americas Conference (2000), John Hoxmeier and Chris DiCesare found that user satisfaction is inversely related to response time. They said that response time "could be the single most important variable when it comes to user satisfaction."

The study of this psychology is called Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This chapter focuses on the speed aspects of HCI. How does delay affect user satisfaction? Why do we become so frustrated when we have to wait? This chapter distills this research into understandable language and web page design guidelines.

Flow: The Compelling Experience

It's one thing to optimize a web site for speed and get satisfactory results. It's quite another to help your users achieve flow. Flow is an optimal state that is characterized by intense yet effortless concentration, a sense of being at one with a larger good, clarity of goals with challenges met, and actualization. Is it possible that optimal web design can lead to users experiencing this optimal state? You'll find out in Chapter 2, "Flow in Web Design."

With the rapid expansion of the web and increasing bandwidth, you would think that the problem of slow system response would have gone away. As you learned in the Introduction, the opposite is true: Consumer sites are actually becoming slower. [1] In fact, Zona estimates that over $25 billion in potential sales is lost online due to web performance issues. HCI research is just as relevant today as it was a decade ago.

[1] Zona Research, "The Need for Speed II" [online], (Redwood City, CA: Zona Research, 2001 [cited 9 November 2002]), available from the Internet at Found that although B2B sites have doubled their speed, consumer sites have become 20 percent slower.

Speed: A Key Component of Usability

Speed is a key component of usability, which helps determine system acceptability. [2] How acceptable a system is determines its adoption rate. With over half of the IT projects deployed in the U.S. abandoned or underutilized , [3] it is important to make systems and sites (many of which are big IT projects themselves ) that people actually use.

[2] Brian Shackel, "Usability ”context, framework, definition, design and evaluation," in Human Factors for Informatics Usability , ed. Brian Shackel and Simon Richardson (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1991), 21 “37.

[3] Thomas K. Landauer, The Trouble with Computers: Usefulness , Usability, and Productivity (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995). " sadly, most reengineering efforts fail." A sobering book on computers and productivity.

Shackel's Acceptability Paradigm

Part of our psyche, it seems, is devoted to understanding whether a particular system will have a big enough payoff to warrant the necessary expenditure of our time and energy. Brian Shackel characterized this paradigm as "system acceptability," which is a tradeoff between three dimensions:

  • Utility ” Or perceived usefulness. Is it functionally efficient?

  • Usability ” Or perceived ease of use. Can users work the system successfully?

  • Likability ” The user's subjective attitude about using the system. Do users feel it is suitable?

All of these factors are weighed against each other and the cost of using the system (see Figure 1.1). Seen through Shackel's lens, when users make decisions about using a web site, they weigh how useful it will be, its perceived ease of use, its suitability to the task, and how much it will cost them both financially and socially . That's why sometimes we are willing to put up with difficult sites if the reward for doing so is large enough.

Figure 1.1. Shackel's Acceptability Paradigm.


Traditionally, HCI research has focused on the quantification of Shackel's second dimension, usability. There is compelling evidence, however, that the utility of a technology should first be measured before any usability analysis occurs. [4] , [5] If you can't accomplish a task, it doesn't matter how easy the system is to use. Likability, Shackel's third dimension of acceptability, is most closely associated with "flow," [6] or emotional appeal .

[4] Fred D. Davis, "Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology," MIS Quarterly 13 (1989): 319 “340. Found that perceived usefulness "had a significantly greater correlation with usage behavior" than perceived ease of use.

[5] Brian R. Gaines, Lee Li-Jen Chen, and Mildred L. G. Shaw, "Modeling the Human Factors of Scholarly Communities Supported Through the Internet and World Wide Web," Journal of the American Society for Information Science 48, no. 11 (1997): 987 “1003.

[6] Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Beyond Boredom and Anxiety: Experiencing Flow in Work and Play (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1975). This landmark book introduced the concept of flow to the public.

User Experience and Usability

The relative importance of usability changes over time. At first, usability has a strong effect on system use. As users gain more experience, they become more confident and believe they can accomplish more tasks with a desired level of performance (also known as self-efficacy [7] ). As a result, ease of use fades in importance and utility, and likability increase in relative importance. Usability then indirectly influences usage through utility (usability -> utility -> usage).

[7] Albert Bandura, Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control (New York: W. H. Freeman, 1997).

Designers tend to favor ease of use over utility. Davis found that utility has far more influence on usage than usability, however. "No amount of ease of can compensate for a system that does not perform a useful function." [8]

[8] Davis, "Perceived Usefulness," 333.

Speed plays a key role in all of these dimensions, especially usability and likability, so it is an important determinant of system acceptability and usage. In other words, how responsive your site is will in large part determine its adoption rate, which in turn affects your bottom line.

A Brief History of Web Performance

Soon after the birth of the web, HCI researchers started studying online environments. Networked environments like the Internet add another dimension to the mix ”namely, network latency. Unlike the closed computing environments that HCI researchers studied in the past, on the Internet the delay between requesting a resource and receiving it is unpredictable. The more resources a page has (graphics, multimedia), the less predictable the response rate.

Initially researchers studied the effects of fixed response times on user satisfaction. Later studies simulated variable response rates for more real-world results. Their metrics changed from user satisfaction and performance to measures such as attunability , quality of service, quality of experience, and credibility.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, researchers started looking at Shackel's likability dimension by studying the effects of download delays on user perceptions of web sites, flow states, [9] and emotional appeal.

[9] Donna L. Hoffman and Thomas P. Novak, "Marketing in Hypermedia Computer-Mediated Environments: Conceptual Foundations," Journal of Marketing 60 (July 1996): 50 “68.

Users form negative impressions from web site delays. Users perceive fast-loading pages to be of high quality, while they perceive slow-loading pages to be of low quality and untrustworthy. A user's tolerance for delay also decreases with experience. These topics are covered in more depth later in this chapter.

In fact, slow-loading web pages can cause users to believe that an error has occurred, because the computer has not responded in an appropriate amount of time. [10]

[10] Jonathan Lazar and Yan Huang, "Designing Improved Error Messages for Web Browsers," in Human Factors and Web Development , 2d edition, ed. Julie Ratner (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002).

Affective Computing

Some researchers theorize that if a computer could respond "supportively" to delay-induced frustration, any negative emotional effects could be mitigated. According to researchers who have studied "affective computing," computers can respond to human emotions in order to lower frustration levels. [12]

[12] Rosalind W. Picard, Affective Computing (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997).

Pre-Attentive Recognition

In their classic book on the psychology of human performance, Wickens and Hollands describe parallel processing in visual searching, or pre-attentive recognition . [11] We can recognize features much more quickly on the screen using color or grouping than we can locate a word in a body of text. That's why links default to blue; this helps us locate them immediately.

[11] Christopher D. Wickens and Justin G. Hollands, Engineering Psychology and Human Performance , 3d ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999), 84 “89.

Using galvanic skin response and blood volume pressure, Scheirer found that random delays can be a cause of frustration with computers. [13] Rather than ignoring their frustration (the most common condition) or letting them vent, a supportive approach gave users the most relief from frustration. [14] Perhaps we'll soon hear something like: "I'm sorry I'm so slow, Dave. Would you like me to speed up this web site?"

[13] Jocelyn Scheirer, Raul Fernandez, Jonathan Klein, and Rosalind W. Picard, "Frustrating the User on Purpose: A Step Toward Building an Affective Computer," Interacting with Computers 14, no. 2 (2002): 93 “118.

[14] Jonathan Klein,Youngme Moon, and Rosalind W. Picard, "This Computer Responds to User Frustration: Theory, Design, and Results," Interacting with Computers 14, no. 2 (2002): 119 “140.

User-Rated Quality Models

More recently, researchers have been attempting to create a grand unified theory of web site quality from a user's perspective. How do users rate web sites? Why do they return to particular web sites and buy products? WebQual , an overall measure of web site quality, is composed of twelve distinct measures derived from existing research.

WebQual can accurately assess the overall perceived quality of web sites. Response time and emotional appeal both play a major role in perceived web site quality. [15]

[15] Eleanor T. Loiacono, Richard T. Watson, and Dale L. Goodhue, "WebQual : A Web Site Quality Instrument," American Marketing Association: Winter Marketing Educators' Conference 13 (Austin, Texas: American Marketing Association, 2002): 432 “438. A 12-factor web quality super-model from a user's perspective. See also

Automated Quality Testing

WebTango researchers have developed an automated web site quality rating tool. [16] Their system, which is empirically based, automatically measures web site structure and composition in order to predict how experts will rate sites. Based on web designs judged by experts (Webby Awards), their 157-factor model, which includes page performance, had an average accuracy of 94 percent when quantifying good, average, and poor pages. However, some of the measures of good design are counterintuitive (for more Bobby accessibility errors, see

[16] Melody Y. Ivory and Marti A. Hearst, "Improving Web Site Design," IEEE Internet Computing, Special Issue on Usability and the World Wide Web 6 , no. 2 (2002): 56 “63. Available from the Internet at

Essentially a mining tool, WebTango analyzes existing web pages to create profiles of good and bad designs, and then applies this data to the design of new sites. This interactive "quality checker" is analogous to a grammar checker for web sites (see Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2. Web site structure: From information to experience design.


Set Performance Goals

Usability professionals routinely set usability metrics and goals for particular systems. Web performance is no different. Choose a performance goal for your site, and strive to achieve that goal for all of your pages. Because usability guidelines can be subjective, Shackel suggests quantifying usability in measurable terms. [17] Here is an example of a performance goal checklist:

  • Effectiveness ” Display high-traffic pages faster than eight seconds on 56Kbps modems; display useful content within the first two seconds. Other pages should display useful content in no more than 12 seconds on 56Kbps modems.

  • Learnability ” Achieve a 95 percent success rate on finding particular products within 30 seconds.

  • Flexibility ” Give users the ability to find products by browsing or searching.

  • Attitude ” With an attitude questionnaire on a 5-point scale from "very good" to "very bad," score 80 percent in good or above and only 2 percent below neutral.

  • Overall usability ” Meet 75 percent or more of Nielsen's 207-point usability checklist. [18]

    [18] Jakob Nielsen, Rolf Molich, Carolyn Snyder, and Susan Farrell, E-Commerce User Experience (Fremont, CA: Nielsen Norman Group , 2001). This invaluable book revealed the mythical 207 usability design guidelines.

[17] Shackel, "Usability ”context, framework, definition, design, and evaluation," 27.

[18] Jakob Nielsen, Rolf Molich, Carolyn Snyder, and Susan Farrell, E-Commerce User Experience (Fremont, CA: Nielsen Norman Group, 2001). This invaluable book revealed the mythical 207 usability design guidelines.

Response Time and User Satisfaction

Shneiderman posed the question best: "How long will users wait for the computer to respond before they become annoyed?" [19] Researchers say "it depends." The delay users will tolerate depends on the perceived complexity of the task, user expertise, and feedback. Variability also plays an important role in delay tolerance. Users can tolerate moderate levels of delay variability, up to plus or minus 50 percent of the mean.

[19] Ben Shneiderman, "Response Time and Display Rate in Human Performance with Computers," Computing Surveys 16, no. 3 (1984): 265 “285. Keep it under 1 to 2 seconds, please .

A number of studies have attempted to quantify computer response times versus user satisfaction. Robert Miller found three threshold levels of human attention: [20]

[20] Robert B. Miller, "Response Time in Man-Computer Conversational Transactions," in Proceedings of the AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference 33 (Montvale, NJ: AFIPS Press, 1968), 267 “277.

  • 0.1s ” One tenth of a second was viewed as instantaneous.

  • 1.0s ” A one-second response time was needed for users to feel they were moving freely through an information space.

  • 10s ” A response time below 10 seconds was required for users to keep their attention focused on the task.

Miller proposed that the ideal response time is around two seconds.

Shneiderman agreed with Miller that a two-second limit is appropriate for simple tasks, as long as the cost is not excessive. Shneiderman found that users "pick up the pace" of computer systems, that they were more productive at shorter response rates, and that they "consistently prefer the faster pace," below 1 to 2 seconds.

Although users prefer shorter response rates, the optimum system response time (SRT) depends on task complexity. Fast SRTs cause input errors while longer response times tax short- term memory and frustrate users. Users want consistency in response times.

Because surfing the web is mainly a low-complexity activity, users prefer faster response rates. Usage studies empirically confirm this need for speed; most pages are viewed for less than a second and few for more than 10 seconds. [21]

[21] Bruce McKenzie and Andy Cockburn, "An Empirical Analysis of Web Page Revisitation," in Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001). Found that web page revisitation is over 80 percent, visits are short, and bookmark lists are long.

An Interview with Ben Shneiderman, Ph.D.

I talked to Dr. Ben Shneiderman, one of the leading experts on HCI, to find out more about the relationship between speed and user satisfaction on the web.

Andy King: How does speed relate to usability and success on the web?

Ben Shneiderman: Usability plays a key role in web success stories design, graphics, navigation, organization, consistency, etc. all play important roles. Speed is also vital ”it's hard to get users to like a slow interface, and satisfaction grows with speed. Google is a good example of an excellent service that is even more valuable and appreciated because it is fast. Speed is the strongest correlate of user satisfaction.

King: Why do we prefer shorter response times?

Shneiderman: Lively interaction keeps the engagement high. For most people, wasted time, especially while just waiting for something to happen, is annoying.

King: What happens when we exceed our attention threshold (8 to 12 seconds)?

Shneiderman: Users not only grow frustrated, but they forget their next step, and have to reconstruct their intentions often making mistakes that only exacerbate their frustration.

King: What do you think of the flow construct for user satisfaction on the web?

Shneiderman: Rapid movement through complex sequences of actions that move users toward a desired goal contributes to the flow experience. Users should be working just at the right level of challenge, accomplishing something they desire . There is a great thrill of finding what you want, and getting it rapidly so you can move on to the next step. [22]

[22] Ben Shneiderman, email to author, 24 August 2002.

System Response Time Guidelines

Shneiderman suggests the following guidelines for system response times: [23]

  • Users prefer shorter response times.

  • Longer response times (> 15 seconds) are disruptive.

  • Users change usage profiles with response time.

  • Faster is not always better. Users tend to increase the rate of interaction, which may cause corresponding increased error rates.

  • Users should be advised of long delays.

  • Modest variability in response times is acceptable (plus or minus 50 percent of the mean).

  • Unexpected delays may be disruptive.

  • Response time should be appropriate to the task:

    • Typing, cursor motion, mouse selection: 50 to 150 milliseconds

    • Simple frequent tasks: 1 second

    • Common tasks: 2 to 4 seconds

    • Complex tasks: 8 to 12 seconds

[23] Ben Shneiderman, Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction , 3d ed. (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1998). An excellent HCI book for designers.

Negative Impressions and Perceived Quality

The speed at which your pages display can affect user perceptions of the quality, reliability, and credibility of your web site. Ramsay, Barabesi, and Preece studied the effects of slow-loading pages on user perceptions of web sites. [24] Using delays of two seconds to two minutes (with an interval of 19.5 seconds), they asked users to rate pages on eight criteria including "interesting content" and scannability. They found that pages with delays of 41 seconds or longer were perceived to be significantly less interesting and harder to scan. Note that the pages in this study loaded incrementally.

[24] Judith Ramsay, Alessandro Barabesi, and Jenny Preece, "A psychological investigation of long retrieval times on the World Wide Web," Interacting with Computers 10 (1998): 77 “86.

Perceived Usability

Jacko, Sears, and Borella studied the effects of network delay and type of document on perceived usability. They found that perceived usability of web sites was dependent on the length of delay and on the media used in web documents. When delays are short, users prefer documents that include graphics. When delays lengthen, however, users prefer text-only documents because graphics are viewed as contributing to the delay. As users become more experienced , their sensitivity to delay increases , increasing the need for "delay reduction mechanisms." [25]

[25] Julie A. Jacko, Andrew Sears, and Michael S. Borella, "The effect of network delay and media on user perceptions of web resources," Behavior & Information Technology 19, no. 6 (2000): 427 “439.

Perceived Quality of Experience

Morris and Turner found that perceived quality of experience (Shackel's utility dimension) affects the adoption rate of IT. [26] How users perceive the quality of a system can affect how much they will actually use it.

[26] Michael G. Morris and Jason M.Turner, "Assessing Users' Subjective Quality of Experience with the World Wide Web: An Exploratory Examination of Temporal Changes in Technology Acceptance," International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 54 (2001): 877 “901.

They found that interface "enhancements" (graphics, animation, sound, etc.) had little effect on quality of experience "although these features may be aesthetically pleasing they do little to remove actual barriers to the users' goal attainment ."

Perceived Quality of Service

The speed at which your pages display affects their perceived quality and reliability. Bouch, Kuchinsky, and Bhatti investigated the effects of delay on perceived QoS in order to find an acceptable QoS level for e-commerce transactions. They tested delays from 2 to 73 seconds for both non-incremental and incrementally loaded pages. [27] Users rated latency quality versus delay on a scale of high, average, to low (see Table 1.1).

[27] Anna Bouch, Allan Kuchinsky, and Nina Bhatti, "Quality is in the Eye of the Beholder: Meeting Users' Requirements for Internet Quality of Service," in Proceedings of CHI2000 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (New York: ACM Press, 2000), 297 “304.

Table 1.1. Web Page Quality Rating versus Delay

Quality Rating

Range of Latency: Non-Incremental Display

Range of Latency: Incremental Display


0 “5 seconds

0 “39 seconds


> 5 seconds

> 39 seconds


> 11 seconds

> 56 seconds

The results show a mapping between objective QoS and the users' subjective perception of QoS. Pages that displayed quickly (<= 5 seconds) were perceived to be of high quality with high-quality products. Pages that displayed slowly (> 11 seconds) were perceived to be of low quality and untrustworthy. In fact, slower pages caused some users to feel that the security of their purchases may have been compromised, and they abandoned their transactions.

Figure 1.3 shows the actual data behind Table 1.2 for the non-incremental display. This figure plots the number of low, average, and high ratings versus latency. The range where high ratings turn to low is between 8 to 10 seconds for non-incremental downloads, closely matching what Nielsen and others have found.

Figure 1.3. Latency quality ratings show a drop-off at around 8 to 10 seconds.


Users tolerated nearly six times the delay for pages that displayed incrementally, although this tolerance decreased with usage. Test subjects rated pages as "average" with delays up to 39 seconds, and "low" with delays over 56 seconds.

The researchers also tested user requirements for speed by allowing them to click "increase quality" if they found the web page delay to be unacceptable. The average tolerance was 8.6 seconds with a standard deviation of 5.9 seconds. They attribute this large deviation in acceptable download times to contextual factors like web experience and user expectations. The longer users interact with a site, the less they tolerate delays.

Users will tolerate longer delays with tasks they perceive to be computationally complex. Users expect database access or complex calculations to take longer than displays of cached or static pages. Users form a conceptual model of system performance, which influences their tolerance for delay.


Fogg et al. found that slow-loading pages reduce ease of use, which reduces credibility (or trustworthiness and expertise). Only difficult navigation was found to hurt credibility more. [28]

[28] B. J. Fogg et al., "What Makes Web Sites Credible? A Report on a Large Quantitative Study," in Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (New York: ACM Press, 2001), 61 “68.

Bailout Rates and Attention Thresholds

The bailout rate is the percentage of users who leave a page before it loads and start looking for a faster, more engaging site. In their first "Need for Speed" study of 1999, Zona Research found that pages larger than 40K had bailout rates of 30 percent. [29] Once the designer reduced the same page to 34KB, the bailout rate fell to between 6 and 8 percent, a dramatic decrease for just a few kilobytes. When fat pages were reduced to the recommended maximum of 34K, readership went up 25 percent. [30] These are averages, and users with faster connections and processors will experience faster downloads, but they can also become frustrated.

[29] Zona Research, "The Economic Impacts of Unacceptable Web-Site Download Speeds," Zona Market Bulletin [online], (Redwood City, CA: Zona Research, 1999 [cited 9 November 2002]), available from the Internet at The oft-quoted "Need for Speed I."

[30] Jacob Nielsen, Designing Web Usability , 49.

Zona's second study, "Need for Speed II," took into account dynamic transactions in order to modify the so-called "8-second rule." [31] They recommend that web site designers of dynamic sites cut an additional 0.5 to 1.5 seconds off connection latency in order to stay at the same level of abandonment compared with static web pages. As the web moves from a "plumbing" (pipes delivering pages) to a "transaction" (a series of dynamically generated pages) model, they argue that "cumulative frustration" plays an important role in user satisfaction.

[31] Zona Research, "The Need for Speed II" [online], 2001.

Cumulative Frustration and Time Budgets

Users can change the way they browse a site as they request and view additional pages. As they become more proficient, their learning "spills over," and users reduce their expected number of page views on returning visits. Clickstream-based analysis suggests that visitors trade off the number of pages requested and the time spent at each page. [32] Users may set "time budgets" for particular tasks, even though the tasks may take multiple pages to complete.

[32] Randolph E. Bucklin and Catarina Sismeiro, "A Model of Web Site Browsing Behavior Estimated on Clickstream Data" [online], (Los Angeles, CA: UCLA, 2001 [cited 9 November 2002]), available from the Internet at

Provide Feedback for Longer Tasks

Without effective feedback, users will wait only so long for your pages to load. For longer delays, you can extend the time that users are willing to wait with realistic feedback. Displaying your pages incrementally, a crude form of feedback, can extend user tolerance for delays.

Myers found that users prefer percent-done progress indicators for longer delays. [33] These linear progress bars lower stress by allowing experienced users to estimate completion times and plan more effectively. Such progress bars are commonly used in download managers.

[33] Brad A. Myers, "The Importance of Percent-Done Progress Indicators for Computer-Human Interfaces," in Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (New York: ACM Press, 1985), 11 “17.

Bickford found that with no feedback, half of his test subjects bailed out of applications after 8.5 seconds. Switching to a watch cursor delayed their departure to an average of 20 seconds. "An animated watch cursor was good for over a minute, and a progress bar would keep them waiting until the Second Coming." [34]

[34] Peter Bickford, "Worth the Wait," Netscape's Developer Edge [online], (Mountain View, CA: Netscape Communications, 1997 [cited 10 November 2002]), available from the Internet at

Dellaert and Kahn found that wait time negatively affects consumer evaluation of web sites, but that this effect could be mitigated by providing information about the delay. [35] Delay information reduces uncertainty between expected and actual delays. For longer delays, they found that countdown feedback, a form of percent-done indicator, was better than duration feedback.

[35] Benedict G. C. Dellaert and Barbara E. Kahn, "How Tolerable Is Delay? Consumers' Evaluations of Internet Web Sites after Waiting," Journal of Interactive Marketing 13, no. 1 (1999): 41 “54. Found that countdown feedback nearly negates the negative effects of waiting for the web for retrospective evaluations.

They also found that delays before viewing pages are less frustrating than delays while viewing pages. In other words, any delay after a page has loaded ”for example, a sluggish response while users are interacting with the page ”is worse than delays before a page has loaded.

Response times below two seconds are ideal, but current bandwidths make this speed impractical , so we settle for 8 to 10 seconds. What does this mean for web page design?

Page Design Guidelines

Page size and complexity have a direct effect on page display speed. As you learned in the Introduction, the majority of current users are at 56Kbps or less. That trend will continue until at least 2004, with international users lagging behind until 2007. Table 1.2 shows the maximum allowable page size needed to meet three attention thresholds at different connection speeds (derived from Nielsen, Designing Web Usability , 2000).

Table 1.2. Maximum Page Size for Various Connection Speeds and Attention Thresholds

Attention Threshold



1 Second

2 Seconds

10 Seconds













These figures assume 0.5-second latency.

You can see that 34KB is about the limit of total page size to achieve the 10-second attention threshold at 56Kbps. Under 30KB would be an appropriate limit for 8.6 seconds at 56Kbps. This is total page size, which includes ads and graphics. Assuming a 10KB banner ad and some small graphics, your HTML should be at most around 20K.

Designers who violate the 30KB limit will pay for their largess with lost sales, increased bailout rates, and increased bandwidth costs.

The Limits of Short-Term and Working Memory

Chunking is important to the working of short-term memory. For example, we do not easily retain the number 7545551212 but have much less difficulty with 754 “555 “1212. There are three chunks and we know where to expect boundaries. Our short-term memory is limited in the number of "chunks" of information it can hold. As we gain expertise with an activity, we tend to think more abstractly and acquire shortcuts, increasing our overall chunk size and thus increasing how much we can perceive and accomplish.

Shneiderman and others suggest that delays increase user frustration due to the limits of short-term and working memory. Depending on complexity, "people can rapidly recognize approximately" three to "seven 'chunks' of information at a time, and hold them in short-term memory for 15 to 30 seconds." [36]

George Miller's original (and entertaining) "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two" [37] study was subsequently shown to be a maximum limit to short-term memory span for simple units of information along one dimension. Broadbent argued that the basic unit of memory is closer to three, where each chunk can perhaps hold three further chunks. [38] LeCompte showed that as word length or unfamiliarity increases, memory span decreases, and Miller's maximum memory span should really be three to cover 90 percent of the population. [39] Mandler said that the magic number is closer to five. [40] Some 44 years after Miller's original paper, Kareev found that the effect of capacity limitations of working memory forces people to rely on samples consisting of seven plus or minus two items, for simple binary variables . [41]

People make plans on what to do next, and form solutions to problems while waiting between tasks. Longer delays (11 to 15 seconds) tax the limits of short-term memory and frustrate users who cannot implement their plans, and errors increase. Extremely short response times also increase errors, but lower their cost, improving productivity and encouraging exploration. More complex tasks require the use of working memory, w hich slows the optimum response rate. Given their druthers, users prefer short response times to long ones.

[36] Shneiderman, "Response Time and Display Rate in Human Performance with Computers," 267 “68.

[37] George A. Miller, "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information," Psychological Review 63 (1956): 81 “97. "My problem is that I have been persecuted by an integer "

[38] Donald E. Broadbent, "The Magic Number Seven After Fifteen Years," in Studies in Long-Term Memory , ed. A. Kennedy and A. Wilkes (New York: Wiley, 1971), 3 “18.

[39] Denny C. LeCompte, "Seven, Plus or Minus Two, Is Too Much to Bear: Three (or Fewer) Is the Real Magic Number," in Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Meeting (Santa Monica, CA: HFES, 1999), 289 “292.

[40] George Mandler, "Organization in Memory," in The Psychology of Learning and Motivation , ed. K. W. Spence and J.T. Spence 1 (San Diego: Academic Press, 1967), 327 “372.

[41] Yaakov Kareev, "Seven (Indeed, Plus or Minus Two) and the Detection of Correlations," Psychological Review 107, no. 2 (2000): 397 “402.

So what have we learned from all this? Speed of response is certainly one factor in user satisfaction on the web. Consistency of response times is another. But some researchers say that modeling human behavior in real-time environments with fixed performance metrics (like response times below 10 seconds) is too simplified. What we need is a more holistic approach.


Some HCI researchers say that it is not so simple: users "attune" to a particular system's response rate regardless of its duration. [42] Ritchie and Roast say that user satisfaction with web performance is more complex than simple numeric response times. Users form a mental model of systems they are dealing with based on system response characteristics. To form this model, users perform a "selection and adjustment [of ] subjective time bases , and adapting the rate at which the environment is monitored to meet its particular pace." [43] Attuning is the process of forming this mental model and adapting our expectations to a particular system's response rate.

[42] Innes Ritchie and Chris Roast, "Performance, Usability, and the Web," in Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 5 (Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001).

[43] Chris Roast, "Designing for Delay in Interactive Information Retrieval," Interacting with Computers 10 (1998): 87 “104. Introduced the notion of attunability.

Consistent response times and adequate feedback help users attune to a system's pace. Inconsistent response times and poor feedback reduce the "attunability" of a particular system, and "temporal interaction errors" ensue. Thus "the less variable the duration of a particular task, the more likely that users can attune to the environment" [44] and the more accurately users can distinguish tasks of differing duration.

[44] Ibid., 91.

Humans can attune to a remarkably varied range of response rates, anything from years to seconds. Everyone knows that postal mail takes a matter of days, that Domino's delivers pizza within minutes, and that traffic lights change in a matter of seconds. The web is different, however.

The Chaotic Web

On large decentralized networks like the web, the effects of latency can exceed the effects of improvements in performance. Conventional performance engineering and evaluation are not possible in this environment.

Chaotic large-scale systems like the web can introduce non-deterministic delays. An external object in a web page can take anywhere from tens of milliseconds to what seems like an eternity (30 to 40 seconds or longer) to download. Rigid performance metrics such as response times under 10 seconds can be less important than consistent response rates.

To meet the needs of users, you need to provide an environment with characteristics to which they can attune. Consistency of response times and feedback allows users to better "attune" to system delays.

Consistent Response Rates

The key to attunability is to minimize the variability of delays. Variability is the difference between the slowest and fastest possible response rates. "The larger this variation, the less well system delays can be associated with a task," and the lower the system's attunability. [45] By minimizing this range, you allow users to model your system more easily and adjust their performance expectations.

[45] Ibid., 94.

Design for Attuning

Designing for attuning implies the adoption of transparency as an architectural principle. [46] By offering feedback mechanisms as pages and objects download, you can ensure that users will minimize "temporal interaction errors" associated with inconsistent response times.

[46] Chris Roast and Innes Ritchie, "Transparency in Time," in Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Architectures for Cooperative Systems (Philadelphia: IFIP Working Group 2.7/13.4, 2000).

The idea is to offer feedback that matches user expectations. Linear progress bars, which match user expectations, can be used to give users real-time feedback. Server load, cache state, and file sizes can be displayed with server-side includes. All of these performance cues are designed to let the user know how the system is performing and form a mental model. Here is an example SSI for file size cue:

 <a href="">download this file</a>  (<!--#config sizefmt="abbrev" -->  <!--#fsize file="" -->) 

This code automatically displays the file size of the referenced file so the user can gauge how long it will take.

The antithesis of this concept is the Windows file copy animation. The system portrays the activity as an animation of pages flying across at a constant rate, independent of the actual progress being made. This is like a spinning watch cursor, which has no relation to the progress bar. The non-linear progress bar stalls near the end of the scale, while pages keep flying (see Figure 1.4). A better solution would be to create a linear progress bar, and change the animation to filling up a page or removing it entirely.

Figure 1.4. The non-linear Windows file copy animation.


Users "attune" to the speed of the web's response. If your pages are slower than average or are inconsistent in size, users tend to tune out and go elsewhere. Optimizing the size of your pages and making them respond consistently can help users establish a rhythm as they surf through your site. Throw in a compelling experience, and some sites can attain the most elusive of web site goals, flow. You'll learn more about flow in Chapter 2, "Flow in Web Design."


The research suggests that without feedback, the length of time that users will wait for web pages to load is from 8 to 12 seconds. Nielsen recommends the average of 10 seconds. Bickford, Bouch, and Shneiderman found that most users will bail out of your page at around 8 to 8.6 seconds. Without feedback, that is the limit of people's ability to keep their attention focused while waiting.

If you provide continuous feedback through percent-done indicators, users will tolerate longer delays, up to 20 to 39 seconds, although their tolerance decreases with experience. Users will be more forgiving if you manage their delay experience with performance information. They will also tolerate increased delays if they perceive the task to be computationally complex, like a database access. Try to minimize response time variability by keeping page response times uniform to maximize attunability.

This research suggests the following web page design guidelines:

  • Load in under 8.6 seconds (non-incremental display).

  • Decrease these load times by 0.5 to 1.5 seconds for dynamic transactions.

  • Minimize the number of steps needed to accomplish tasks ”to avoid cumulative frustration from exceeding user time budgets.

  • Load in under 20 to 30 seconds (incremental display) with useful content within 2 seconds.

  • Provide performance information and linear feedback.

  • Equalize page download times to minimize delay variability.

Web designers exceed these limits at their peril. Users associate slow-loading pages with inferior quality products and services, compromised security, and low credibility. Lower user satisfaction can lead to abandoned web sites and shopping carts.

Online Resources

  • ” HCI Bibliography offers human-computer interaction resources, by Gary Perlman.

  • ” Keynote Systems offers web site performance measurement and research.

  • ” Mercury Interactive offers web site performance measurement products and services.

  • ” Jakob Nielsen's usability portal includes his biweekly newsletter, Alertbox.

  • ” Web Criteria offers automated usability tools (Site Analyst) that can find e-commerce bottlenecks to increase conversion rates.

Search Engine Visibility
Search Engine Visibility (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0321503244
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 111
Authors: Shari Thurow © 2008-2017.
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