Sequential test plans can also be used for variables demonstration tests. The sequential test leads to a shorter average number of part hours of test exposure if the population MTBF is near s , d (i.e., close to the specified or design MTBF).
This test plan can be used when:
The demonstration test is based upon time-to-failure data.
The underlying probability distribution is exponential.
The method to be used for the exponential distribution is to:
Identify s , d , ± , and ²
Calculate accept/reject decision points
Evaluate the following expression for the exponential distribution:
where t i = time to failure of the ith unit tested and n = number tested .
If L > , the test is failed.
If L < , the test is passed.
If , the test should be continued . -a a
A graphical solution can also be used by plotting decision lines:
nb - h 1 and nb + h 2
where n = number tested;
Let t i equal time to failure for the ith item. Make conclusions based on the following:
If < nb “ h 1 , the test has failed.
If ‰ nb + h 2 , the test is passed.
If nb “ h 1 ‰ < nb + h 2 , continue the test.
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Assume you are interested in testing a new product to see whether it meets a specified MTBF of 500 hours with a consumer's risk of 0.10. Further, specify a design MTBF of 1000 hours for a producer's risk of 0.05. Run tests to determine whether the product meets the criteria.
Determine D based on the known criteria:
Then calculate
Now solve for b
Using these results, we can determine at which points we can make a decision, by using the following:
If < nb - h 1 , 693n - 2890, the test has failed.
If ‰ nb + h 2 , 693n + 2251, the test is passed.
![]() |
If nb - h 1 ‰ < nb + h 2 , 693n - 2890 ‰
< 693n + 2251, continue the test.
Sequential test methods have also been developed for the Weibull distribution and for the normal distribution. If you are interested in pursuing the sequential tests for either of these distributions, see the selected bibliography
Interference demonstration testing can sometimes be used when the stress and strength distributions are accurately known. If a random sample of the population is obtained, it can be tested at a point stress that corresponds to a specific percentile of the stress distribution. By knowing the stress and strength distributions, the required reliability, the desired confidence level, and the number of allowable failures, it is possible to determine the sample size required.
Reliability is valued by the organization and is a primary consideration in all decision making. Reliability techniques and disciplines are integrated into system and component planning, design, development, manufacturing, supply, delivery, and service processes. The reliability process is tailored to fit individual business unit requirements and is based on common concepts that are focused on producing reliable products and systems, not just components .
Reliability block diagrams are used to break down a system into smaller elements and to show their relationship from a reliability perspective. There are three types of reliability block diagrams: series, parallel, and complex (combination of series and parallel).
A typical series block diagram is shown in Figure 7.2 with each of the three components having R1, R2, and R3 reliability respectively.
Figure 7.2: A series block diagram.
The system reliability for the series is
R total = (R 1 ) (R 2 ) (R 3 ) ... (Rn)
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If the reliability for R1 = .80, R2 = .99, and R3 = .99, the system reliability is: R total = (.80)(.99)(.99) = .78. Please notice that the total reliability is no more than the weakest component in the system. In this case, the total reliability is less than R1.
A parallel reliability block diagram shows a system that has built-in redundancy. A typical parallel system is shown in Figure 7.3. The system reliability is
Figure 7.3: A parallel reliability block diagram.
R total = 1 - [1 - R 1 (t) (1 - R 2 (t) (1 - R 3 )(t) ... (1 - R n (t)]
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If the reliability for R1 = .80, R2 = .90, and R3 = .99, the system reliability is: R total = 1 - [(1 - .80)(1 - .90)(1 - .99)] = .9998 Please notice that the total reliability is more than that of the strongest component in the system. In this case, the total reliability is more than the R3.
Complex reliability block diagrams show systems that combine both series and parallel situations. A typical complex system is shown in Figure 7.4. The system reliability for this system is calculated in two steps:
Step 1. Calculate the parallel reliability.
Step 2. Calculate the series reliability ” which becomes the total reliability.
Figure 7.4: A complex reliability block diagram.
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If the reliability for R1 = .80, R2 = .90, R3 = .95, R4 = .98, and R5 = .99, what is the total reliability for the system?
Step 1. The parallel reliability for R3 and R4 is
R total = l - [1 - R 1 (t) (1 - R 2 (t) = 1 - [1 - .95) (1 - .98)] = .999
Step 2. The series reliability for R1, R2, (R3 & R4), and R5 is
R total = (R 1 ) (R 2 ) (R 3 & R 4 ) (R 5 ) = (.80)(.90)(.999)(.99) = .712
Please notice that the parallel reliability was actually converted into a single reliability and that is why it is used in the series as a single value.
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This technique is useful for analyzing test data and graphically displaying it on Weibull probability paper. The technique provides a means to estimate the percent failed at specific life characteristics together with the shape of the failure distribution. The following procedure presents a manual method of conducting the analysis, but many computer programs can do the same calculations and also plot the Weibull curve. Weibull analysis is one of the simpler analytical methods, but it is also one of the most beneficial. The technique can be utilized for other than just analyzing failure data. It can be used for comparing two or more sets of data such as different designs, materials, or processes. Following are the steps for conducting a Weibull analysis.
Gather the failure data (it can be in miles, hours, cycles, number of parts produced on a machine, etc.), then list in ascending order. For example: We conduct an experiment and the following failures (sample size of 10 failures) are identified (actual hours to failure): 95, 110, 140, 165, 190, 205, 215, 265, 275, and 330.
Using the table of median ranks (Table 7.2), find the column corresponding to the number of failures in the sample tested. In our example we have a sample size of ten, so we use the "sample size 10" column. The "% Median Ranks" are then read directly from the table.
Match the hours (or some other failure characteristic that is measured) with the median ranks from the sample size selected. For example:
Actual Hours to Failure | % Median Ranks | |
95 | 6.7 | |
110 | 16.2 | |
140 | 25.9 | Sample size of 10 failures |
165 | 35.5 | |
190 | 45.2 | |
205 | 54.8 | |
215 | 64.5 | |
265 | 74.1 | |
275 | 83.8 | |
330 | 93.3 |
In constructing the Weibull plot, label the "Life" on the horizontal log scale on the Weibull graph in the units in which the data were measured. Try to center the life data close to the center of the horizontal scale (Figure 7.5).
Figure 7.5: The Weibull distribution for the example.
Plot each pair of "actual hours to failure" (on the horizontal logarithmic scale) and "% median rank" (on the vertical axis, which is a log-log scale) on the graph. The matching points are shown as dots (" s") on Figure 7.5. Draw a "line of best fit" ( generally a straight line) as close to the data pairs as possible. Half the data points should be on one side of the line, and the other half should be on the other side. No two people will generate the exact same line, but analysts should keep in mind that this is a visual estimate. (If the line is computer generated, it is actually calculated based on the "best fit" regression line.)
After the line of "best fit" is drawn, the life at a specific point can be found be going vertically to the "Weibull line" then going horizontally to the "Cumulative % Failed." In other words, this is the percent that is expected to fail at the life that was selected. In the example, 100 was selected as the life, then going up to the line and then across, we can see the expected % failed to be 10%. In this case, the life at 100 hours is also known as the B 10 life (or 90% reliability) and is the value at which we would expect 10% of the parts to fail when tested under similar conditions. (Please note that there is nothing secret about the B 10 life. Any B x life can be identified. It just happens that the B 10 is the conventional life that most engineers are accustomed to using.) In addition, we can plot the 5% and the 95% confidence using Tables 7.3 and 7.4 respectively.
Table 7.3: Five Percent Rank Table
Sample Size (n) | ||||||||||
1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
1 | 5.000 | 2.532 | 1.695 | 1.274 | 1.021 | 0.851 | 0.730 | 0.639 | 0.568 | 0.512 |
2 | 22.361 | 13.535 | 9.761 | 7.644 | 6.285 | 5.337 | 4.639 | 4.102 | 3.677 | |
3 | 36.840 | 24.860 | 18.925 | 15.316 | 12.876 | 11.111 | 9.775 | 8.726 | ||
4 | 47.237 | 34.259 | 27.134 | 22.532 | 19.290 | 16.875 | 15.003 | |||
5 | 54.928 | 41.820 | 34.126 | 28.924 | 25.137 | 22.244 | ||||
6 | 60.696 | 47.820 | 40.031 | 34.494 | 30.354 | |||||
7 | 65.184 | 52.932 | 45.036 | 39.338 | ||||||
8 | 68.766 | 57.086 | 49.310 | |||||||
9 | 71.687 | 60584 | ||||||||
10 | 74.113 |
Sample Size (n) | ||||||||||
j | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
1 | 0.465 | 0.426 | 0.394 | 0.366 | 0.341 | 0.320 | 0.301 | 0.285 | 0.270 | 0.256 |
2 | 3.332 | 3.046 | 2.805 | 2.600 | 2.423 | 2.268 | 2.132 | 2.011 | 1.903 | 1.806 |
3 | 7.882 | 7.187 | 6.605 | 6.110 | 5.685 | 5.315 | 4.990 | 4.702 | 4.446 | 4.217 |
4 | 13.507 | 12.285 | 11.267 | 10.405 | 9.666 | 9.025 | 8.464 | 7.969 | 7.529 | 7.135 |
5 | 19.958 | 18.102 | 16.566 | 15.272 | 14.166 | 13.211 | 12.377 | 11.643 | 10.991 | 10.408 |
6 | 27.125 | 24.530 | 22.395 | 20.607 | 19.086 | 17.777 | 16.636 | 15.634 | 14.747 | 13.955 |
7 | 34.981 | 31.524 | 28.705 | 26.358 | 24.373 | 22.669 | 21.191 | 19.895 | 18.750 | 17.731 |
8 | 43.563 | 39.086 | 35.480 | 32.503 | 29.999 | 27.860 | 26.011 | 24.396 | 22.972 | 21.707 |
9 | 52.991 | 47.267 | 42.738 | 39.041 | 35.956 | 33.337 | 31.083 | 29.120 | 27.395 | 25.865 |
10 | 63.564 | 56.189 | 50.535 | 45.999 | 42.256 | 39.101 | 36.401 | 34.060 | 32.009 | 30.195 |
11 | 76.160 | 66.132 | 58.990 | 53.434 | 48.925 | 45.165 | 41.970 | 39.215 | 36.811 | 34.693 |
12 | 77.908 | 68.366 | 61.461 | 56.022 | 51.560 | 47.808 | 44.595 | 41.806 | 39358 | |
13 | 79.418 | 70.327 | 63.656 | 58.343 | 53.945 | 50.217 | 47.003 | 44.197 | ||
14 | 80.736 | 72.060 | 65.617 | 60.436 | 56.112 | 52.420 | 49.218 | |||
15 | 81.896 | 73.604 | 67.381 | 62.332 | 58.088 | 54.442 | ||||
16 | 82.925 | 74.988 | 68.974 | 64.057 | 59.897 | |||||
17 | 83.843 | 76.234 | 70.420 | 65.634 | ||||||
18 | 84.668 | 77.363 | 71.738 | |||||||
19 | 85.413 | 78.389 | ||||||||
20 | 86.089 |
Table 7.4: Ninety-five Percent Rank Table
Sample Size (n) | ||||||||||
j | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
1 | 95.000 | 77.639 | 63.160 | 52.713 | 45.072 | 39.304 | 34.816 | 31.234 | 28.313 | 25.887 |
2 | 97.468 | 86.465 | 75.139 | 65.741 | 58.180 | 52.070 | 47.068 | 42.914 | 39.416 | |
3 | 98.305 | 90.239 | 81.075 | 72.866 | 65.874 | 59.969 | 54.964 | 50.690 | ||
4 | 98.726 | 92.356 | 84.684 | 77.468 | 71.076 | 65.506 | 60.662 | |||
5 | 98.979 | 93.715 | 87.124 | 80.710 | 74.863 | 69.646 | ||||
6 | 99.149 | 94.662 | 88.889 | 83.125 | 77.756 | |||||
7 | 99.270 | 95.361 | 90.225 | 84.997 | ||||||
8 | 99.361 | 95.898 | 91.274 | |||||||
9 | 99.432 | 96.323 | ||||||||
10 | 99.488 |
Sample Size (n) | ||||||||||
j | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
1 | 23.840 | 22.092 | 20.582 | 19.264 | 18.104 | 17.075 | 16.157 | 15.332 | 14.587 | 13.911 |
2 | 36.436 | 33.868 | 31.634 | 29.673 | 27.940 | 26.396 | 25.012 | 23.766 | 22.637 | 21.611 |
3 | 47.009 | 43.811 | 41.010 | 38.539 | 36.344 | 34.383 | 32.619 | 31.026 | 29.580 | 28.262 |
4 | 56.437 | 52.733 | 49.465 | 46566 | 43.978 | 41.657 | 39.564 | 37.668 | 35.943 | 34366 |
5 | 65.019 | 60.914 | 57.262 | 54.000 | 51.075 | 48.440 | 46.055 | 43.888 | 41.912 | 40.103 |
6 | 72.875 | 68.476 | 64.520 | 60.928 | 57.744 | 54.835 | 52.192 | 49.783 | 47.580 | 45.558 |
7 | 80.042 | 75.470 | 71.295 | 67.497 | 64.043 | 60.899 | 58.029 | 55.404 | 52.997 | 50.782 |
8 | 86.492 | 81.898 | 77.604 | 73.641 | 70.001 | 66.663 | 63.599 | 60.784 | 58.194 | 55.803 |
9 | 92.118 | 87.715 | 83.434 | 79.393 | 75.627 | 72.140 | 68.917 | 65.940 | 63.188 | 60.641 |
10 | 96.668 | 92.813 | 88.733 | 84.728 | 80.913 | 77.331 | 73.989 | 70.880 | 67.991 | 65.307 |
11 | 99.535 | 96.954 | 93.395 | 89.595 | 85.834 | 82.223 | 78.809 | 75.604 | 72.605 | 69.805 |
12 | 99.573 | 97.195 | 93.890 | 90.334 | 86.789 | 83.364 | 80.105 | 77.028 | 74.135 | |
13 | 99.606 | 97.400 | 94.315 | 90.975 | 87.623 | 84.366 | 81.250 | 78.293 | ||
14 | 99.634 | 97.577 | 94.685 | 91.535 | 88.357 | 85.253 | 82.269 | |||
15 | 99.659 | 97.732 | 95.010 | 92.030 | 89.009 | 86.045 | ||||
16 | 99.680 | 97.868 | 95.297 | 92.471 | 89.592 | |||||
17 | 99.699 | 97.989 | 95.553 | 92.865 | ||||||
18 | 99.715 | 98.097 | 95.783 | |||||||
19 | 99.730 | 98.193 | ||||||||
20 | 99.744 |
The confidence lines are drawn for our example in Figure 7.5. The reader will notice that the confidence lines are not straight. That is because as we move in the fringes of the reliability we are less confident about the results.
The graph can be used for estimating the cumulative % failure at a specified life, or it can be used for determining the estimated life at a cumulative % failure. In the example, we would expect 63.2% of the test units to fail at 222 hours. This value at 63.2% is also known as the characteristic life or the mean time between failures (MTBF) for the example distribution. Or looking at the chart another way, we would like to estimate the failure hours at a specified % failure. For example at 95% cumulative % failed, the hours to failure are 325 hours. Once the Weibull plot is determined, an analyst can go either way.
The Weibull graph can also be used to estimate the reliability at a given life, using the equation of R(t) = 1 - F(t). A designer who wishes to estimate the reliability of life at 200 hours would go vertically to the Weibull line, then go horizontally to 52%, which is the percent expected to fail. The estimated reliability at 200 hours would be 1 - 0.52 = 0.48 or 48%. At 80 hours it would be 1 - 0.056 = 0.944 or 94.4%. The slope is obtained by drawing a line parallel to the Weibull line on the Weibull slope scale that is in the upper left corner of the chart.
If a computer program is used, the calculation for the line of best fit is determined by the computer. Some programs draw the graph and show the paired points, the line of best fit (using the least squares method or the maximum likelihood method), the reliability at a specified hour (or other designated parameter), and the slope of the line.
One of the interesting observations regarding the Weibull graph is the interpretations that can be made about the distribution by the portrayal of the slope. When the slope is:
Less than 1, this indicates a decreasing failure rate, early life, or infant mortality
Approximately 1, the distribution indicates a nearly constant failure rate (useful life or a multitude of random failures)
Exactly 1, the distribution has an exponential pattern
Greater than 1, the start of wear out
Approximately 3.55, a normal distribution pattern,
Weibull plots can be made if test data also include test samples that have not failed. Parts that have not failed (for whatever reason during the testing) can be included in the calculations together with the failed parts or assemblies. The non-failed data are referred to as suspended items. The method of determining the Weibull plot is shown in the next set of instructions.
Gather the failure and suspended items data, then including the suspended items, list in ascending order.
Item Number | Hours to Failure or Suspension | Failure or Suspension Code [a] | |
1 | 95 | F1 | |
2 | 110 | F2 | |
3 | 140 | F3 | |
4 | 165 | F4 | Sample Size 13 10 failures 3 suspensions |
5 | 185 | S1 | |
6 | 190 | F5 | |
7 | 205 | F6 | |
8 | 210 | S2 | |
9 | 215 | F7 | |
10 | 265 | F8 | |
11 | 275 | F9 | |
12 | 330 | F10 | |
13 | 350 | S3 | |
[a] Code items as failed (F) or suspended (S). |
Calculate the mean order number of each failed unit. The mean order numbers before the first suspended item are the respective item numbers in the order of occurrence, i.e., 1, 2, 3, and 4. The mean order numbers after the suspended items are calculated by the following equations.
Mean order number = (previous mean order number) + (new number)
where, new increment =
and N = total sample size.
For example, to compensate for S1 (first suspended item), new increment = [(13 + 1) -4]/(1 + 8) = 1.111 and the mean order number of F5 (fifth failed item) = 4 + 1.111 = 5.111.
Note | Only one new increment is found each time a suspended item is encountered . Mean order number of F6 = 5.111 + 1.111 = 6.222. |
New increment for mean order number of F7 = [(13 + 1) - 6.222] (1 + 5) = 1.296.
Then, the mean order number of F7 (seventh failed item) is 6.222 + 1.296 = 7.518 (and so on for F8, F9, and F10).
This new increment also applies to mean order numbers:
Item Number | Hours to Failure or Suspension | Failure or Suspension Code | Mean Order Number |
1 | 95 | F1 | 1 |
2 | 110 | F2 | 2 |
3 | 140 | F3 | 3 |
4 | 165 | F4 | 4 |
5 | 185 | S1 | ” |
6 | 190 | F5 | 5.111 |
7 | 205 | F6 | 6.222 |
8 | 210 | S2 | ” |
9 | 215 | F7 | 7.518 |
10 | 265 | F8 | 8.815 |
11 | 275 | F9 | 10.111 |
12 | 330 | F10 | 11.407 |
13 | 350 | S3 | ” |
A rough check on the calculations can be made by adding the last increment to the final mean order number. If the value is close to the total sample size, the numbers are correct. In our example, 11.407 + [11.407 - 10.111] = 11.407 + 1.296 = 12.702, which is a close approximation to the sample size of 13.
Using the table of median ranks for a sample size of 13 we can determine the median rank for the first four failures, or we can use the approximate median rank formula.
Median rank = [J - .3]/[N + .4]
where J = mean order number and N = total sample size.
For example, the median rank of F5 is:
= 0.359
and, the remainder of the failures:
= 0.442
and so on.
Item Number | Hours to Failure or Suspension | Failure or Suspension Code | Mean Order Number | % Median Rank |
1 | 95 | F1 | 1 | 5.2 |
2 | 110 | F2 | 2 | 12.6 |
3 | 140 | F3 | 3 | 20.0 |
4 | 165 | F4 | 4 | 27.5 |
5 | 185 | S1 | ” | ” |
6 | 190 | F5 | 5.111 | 35.9 |
7 | 205 | F6 | 6.222 | 44.2 |
8 | 210 | S2 | ” | ” |
9 | 215 | F7 | 7.518 | 53.9 |
10 | 265 | F8 | 8.815 | 63.5 |
11 | 275 | F9 | 10.111 | 73.2 |
12 | 330 | F10 | 11.407 | 82.9 |
13 | 350 | S3 | ” | ” |
Label the "Life" on the horizontal log scale on the Weibull graph in the units in which the data were measured. Try to center the life data close to the center of the horizontal scale.
Plot each pair of "actual hours to failure" (on the horizontal scale) and "% median rank" (on the vertical scale) on the graph. Draw a "line of best fit" (generally a straight line) as close to the data pair as possible. Half the data points should be on one side of the line, and the other half should be on the other side.
Once the line is drawn, the life at a specific point can be found by going vertically to the "Weibull line" then going horizontally to the "Cumulative % failed." In other words, this is the percent that is expected to fail at the life that was selected. In the example, 200 hours was selected as the life, then going up to the line and then across, we can see the expected % failed to be 40%.
Other reliability parameters that can be read from the Weibull plot are:
MTBF | = | 240 hours |
B 10 | = | 105 hours |
B | = | 2.5 |
Reliability at 100 hours is 1 - 0.09 = 0.91 reading from the graph, or using the Weibull equation
Comparing the two examples shows that the analysis with suspended items results in a slightly higher reliability characteristics. This is using the same failure data plus the three suspended items.
Weibull plotting is an invaluable tool for analyzing life data; however, some precautions should be taken. Goodness-of-fit is one concern. This can be tested with various tests such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov or Chisquare. The use of an adequate sample size is another concern. Generally a sample size should be greater than ten, but if the failure rate is in a tight pattern (with relatively low variability), this generality may be relaxed . Be suspicious of a curved line that best fits the data. This may indicate a mixed sample of failures or inappropriate sampling.
If the Weibull plot is made and a curvilinear relation develops for the connecting points, it usually indicates that two or more distributions are making up the data. This may be due to infant mortality failures being mixed with the data, failures due to components from two different machines or assembly operations, or some other underlying cause. If a curved relationship is indicated, the analyst should revisit the data and try to determine if the data are made up of two or more distributions and then manage each distribution separately.
There is another parameter in the Weibull analysis that was not discussed. Beside the shape or slope (b) of the Weibull line and the scale or characteristic life (the mean life or MTBF at the 63.2% cumulative percentage), there is the "location parameter." In most cases it is usually zero and should be of little concern. In effect, it states that the distribution of failure times starts at zero time, which is more often the case because it is difficult to imagine otherwise . The characteristic life splits the distribution in two areas of 0.632 before and 0.368 ( R ( ) = = e -1 = .368) after.
One of the advantages of using the Weibull is that it is very flexible in its interpretations. A wealth of information can be derived from it. If the Weibull slope is equal to one, the distribution is the same as the exponential, or a constant failure rate. If the slope is in the vicinity of 3.5, it is a "near normal distribution." If the slope is greater than one, the plot starts to represent a wear out distribution, or an increasing hazard rate. A slope less than one generally indicates a decreasing hazard rate, or an infant mortality distribution.
Analysts should be careful about extrapolating beyond the data when making predictions . Remember that the failure points fall within certain bounds and that the analyst should have a valid reason when venturing beyond these bounds. When making projections over and above these confines, sound engineering judgment, statistical theory, and experience should all be taken into consideration.
The three-parameter Weibull is a distribution with non-zero minimum life. This means that the population of products goes for an initial period of time without failure. The reliability function for the three-parameter Weibull is given by
R(t) = , t ‰
where t = time to failure (t ‰ ); = minimum life parameter ( ‰ 0); ² = Weibull slope ( ² > 0); and = characteristic life ( ‰ ).
For a given reliability
t = +( - ) —
and the B 10 life is
B 10 = +( - ) —