The C-level API

 < Day Day Up > 

The C-level extensibility API consists of the JSBool (*JSNative) function signature and the following functions:

  • JSBool JS_DefineFunction()

  • unsigned short *JS_ValueToString()

  • JSBool JS_ValueToInteger()

  • JSBool JS_ValueToDouble()

  • JSBool JS_ValueToBoolean()

  • JSBool JS_ValueToObject()

  • JSBool JS_StringToValue()

  • JSBool JS_DoubleToValue()

  • JSVal JS_BooleanToValue()

  • JSVal JS_BytesToValue()

  • JSVal JS_IntegerToValue()

  • JSVal JS_ObjectToValue()

  • unsigned short *JS_ObjectType()

  • JSObject *JS_NewArrayObject()

  • long JS_GetArrayLength()

  • JSBool JS_GetElement()

  • JSBool JS_SetElement()

  • JSBool JS_ExecuteScript()

typedef JSBool (*JSNative)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, unsigned int argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval)


Method; describes C-level implementations of JavaScript functions in the following situations:

  • The cx pointer is a pointer to an opaque JSContext structure, which must be passed to some of the functions in the JavaScript API. This variable holds the interpreter's execution context.

  • The obj pointer is a pointer to the object in whose context the script executes. While the script is running, the this keyword is equal to this object.

  • The argc integer is the number of arguments being passed to the function.

  • The argv pointer is a pointer to an array of jsval structures. The array is argc elements in length.

  • The rval pointer is a pointer to a single jsval structure. The function's return value should be written to *rval.

The function returns JS_TRUE if successful; JS_FALSE otherwise. If the function returns JS_FALSE, the current script stops executing and an error message appears.

JSBool JS_DefineFunction()


JSBool JS_DefineFunction(unsigned short *name, JSNative call, unsigned int   nargs)


Method; registers a C-level function with the JavaScript interpreter in Flash. After the JS_DefineFunction() function registers the C-level function that you specify in the call argument, you can invoke it in a JavaScript script by referring to it with the name that you specify in the name argument. The name argument is case-sensitive.

Typically, this function is called from the MM_Init() function, which Flash calls during startup.


unsigned short *name, JSNative call, unsigned int nargs

  • The name argument is the name of the function as it is exposed to JavaScript.

  • The call argument is a pointer to a C-level function. The function must return a JSBool, which indicates success or failure.

  • The nargs argument is the number of arguments that the function expects to receive.


A Boolean value: JS_TRUE indicates success; JS_FALSE indicates failure.

unsigned short *JS_ValueToString()


unsigned short *JS_ValueToString(JSContext *cx, jsval v,   unsigned int *pLength)


Method; extracts a function argument from a jsval structure, converts it to a string, if possible, and passes the converted value back to the caller.


Do not modify the returned buffer pointer or you might corrupt the data structures of the JavaScript interpreter. To change the string, you must copy the characters into another buffer and create a new JavaScript string.


JSContext *cx, jsval v, unsigned int *pLength

  • The cx argument is the opaque JSContext pointer that passes to the JavaScript function.

  • The v argument is the jsval structure from which the string is to be extracted.

  • The pLength argument is a pointer to an unsigned integer. This function sets *plength equal to the length of the string in bytes.


A pointer that points to a null-terminated string if successful or to a null value on failure. The calling routine must not free this string when it finishes.

JSBool JS_ValueToInteger()


JSBool JS_ValueToInteger(JSContext *cx, jsval v, long *lp);


Method; extracts a function argument from a jsval structure, converts it to an integer (if possible), and passes the converted value back to the caller.


JSContext *cx, jsval v, long *lp

  • The cx argument is the opaque JSContext pointer that passes to the JavaScript function.

  • The v argument is the jsval structure from which the integer is to be extracted.

  • The lp argument is a pointer to a 4-byte integer. This function stores the converted value in *lp.


A Boolean value: JS_TRUE indicates success; JS_FALSE indicates failure.

JSBool JS_ValueToDouble()


JSBool JS_ValueToDouble(JSContext *cx, jsval v, double *dp);


Method; extracts a function argument from a jsval structure, converts it to a double (if possible), and passes the converted value back to the caller.


JSContext *cx, jsval v, double *dp

  • The cx argument is the opaque JSContext pointer that passed to the JavaScript function.

  • The v argument is the jsval structure from which the double is to be extracted.

  • The dp argument is a pointer to an 8-byte double. This function stores the converted value in *dp.


A Boolean value: JS_TRUE indicates success; JS_FALSE indicates failure.

JSBool JS_ValueToBoolean()


JSBool JS_ValueToBoolean(JSContext *cx, jsval v, JSBool *bp);


Method; extracts a function argument from a jsval structure, converts it to a Boolean value (if possible), and passes the converted value back to the caller.


JSContext *cx, jsval v, JSBool *bp

  • The cx argument is the opaque JSContext pointer that passes to the JavaScript function.

  • The v argument is the jsval structure from which the Boolean value is to be extracted.

  • The bp argument is a pointer to a JSBool Boolean value. This function stores the converted value in *bp.


A Boolean value: JS_TRUE indicates success; JS_FALSE indicates failure.

JSBool JS_ValueToObject()


JSBool JS_ValueToObject(JSContext *cx, jsval v, JSObject **op);


Method; extracts a function argument from a jsval structure, converts it to an object (if possible), and passes the converted value back to the caller. If the object is an array, use JS_GetArrayLength() and JS_GetElement() to read its contents.


JSContext *cx, jsval v, JSObject **op

  • The cx argument is the opaque JSContext pointer that passes to the JavaScript function.

  • The v argument is the jsval structure from which the object is to be extracted.

  • The op argument is a pointer to a JSObject pointer. This function stores the converted value in *op.


A Boolean value: JS_TRUE indicates success; JS_FALSE indicates failure.

JSBool JS_StringToValue()


JSBool JS_StringToValue(JSContext *cx, unsigned short *bytes, uint sz,   jsval *vp);


Method; stores a string return value in a jsval structure. It allocates a new JavaScript string object.


JSContext *cx, unsigned short *bytes, size_t sz, jsval *vp

  • The cx argument is the opaque JSContext pointer that passes to the JavaScript function.

  • The bytes argument is the string to be stored in the jsval structure. The string data is copied, so the caller should free the string when it is not needed. If the string size is not specified (see the sz argument), the string must be null-terminated.

  • The sz argument is the size of the string, in bytes. If sz is 0, the length of the null-terminated string is computed automatically.

  • The vp argument is a pointer to the jsval structure into which the contents of the string should be copied.


A Boolean value: JS_TRUE indicates success; JS_FALSE indicates failure.

JSBool JS_DoubleToValue()


JSBool JS_DoubleToValue(JSContext *cx, double dv, jsval *vp);


Method; stores a floating-point number return value in a jsval structure.


JSContext *cx, double dv, jsval *vp

  • The cx argument is the opaque JSContext pointer that passes to the JavaScript function.

  • The dv argument is an 8-byte floating-point number.

  • The vp argument is a pointer to the jsval structure into which the contents of the double should be copied.


A Boolean value: JS_TRUE indicates success; JS_FALSE indicates failure.

JSVal JS_BooleanToValue()


jsval JS_BooleanToValue(JSBool bv);


Method; stores a Boolean return value in a jsval structure.


JSBool bv

  • The bv argument is a Boolean value: JS_TRUE indicates success; JS_FALSE indicates failure.


A JSVal structure that contains the Boolean value that passes to the function as an argument.

JSVal JS_BytesToValue()


JSBool JS_BytesToValue(JSContext *cx, unsigned short *bytes, uint sz, jsval   *vp);


Method; converts bytes to a JavaScript value.


JSContext *cx, unsigned short bytes, uint sz, jsval *vp

  • The cx argument is the JavaScript context.

  • The bytes argument is the string of bytes to convert to a JavaScript object.

  • The sz argument is the number of bytes to be converted.

  • The vp argument is the JavaScript value.


A Boolean value: JS_TRUE indicates success; JS_FALSE indicates failure.

JSVal JS_IntegerToValue()


jsval JS_IntegerToValue(long lv);


Method; converts a long integer value to JSVal structure.



  • The lv argument is the long integer value that you want to convert to a jsval structure.


A JSVal structure that contains the integer that passed to the function as an argument.

JSVal JS_ObjectToValue()


jsval JS_ObjectToValue(JSObject *obj);


Method; stores an object return value in a JSVal. Use JS_ NewArrayObject() to create an array object; use JS_SetElement() to define its contents.


JSObject *obj

  • The obj argument is a pointer to the JSObject object that you want to convert to a JSVal structure.


A JSVal structure that contains the object that you passed to the function as an argument.

unsigned short *JS_ObjectType()


unsigned short *JS_ObjectType(JSObject *obj);


Method; given an object reference, returns the class name of the object. For example, if the object is a DOM object, the function returns "Document". If the object is a node in the document, the function returns "Element". For an array object, the function returns "Array".


Do not modify the returned buffer pointer, or you might corrupt the data structures of the JavaScript interpreter.


JSObject *obj

  • Typically, this argument is passed in and converted using the JS_ValueToObject() function.


A pointer to a null-terminated string. The caller should not free this string when it finishes.

JSObject *JS_NewArrayObject()


JSObject *JS_NewArrayObject( JSContext *cx, unsigned int length [, jsval *v   ] )


Method; creates a new object that contains an array of JSVals.


JSContext *cx, unsigned int length, jsval *v

  • The cx argument is the opaque JSContext pointer that passes to the JavaScript function.

  • The length argument is the number of elements that the array can hold.

  • The v argument is an optional pointer to the jsvals to be stored in the array. If the return value is not null, v is an array that contains length elements. If the return value is null, the initial content of the array object is undefined and can be set using the JS_SetElement() function.


A pointer to a new array object or the value null upon failure.

long JS_GetArrayLength()


long JS_GetArrayLength(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)


Method; given a pointer to an array object, gets the number of elements in the array.


JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj

  • The cx argument is the opaque JSContext pointer that passes to the JavaScript function.

  • The obj argument is a pointer to an array object.


The number of elements in the array or -1 upon failure.

JSBool JS_GetElement()


JSBool JS_GetElement(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsint idx, jsval *vp)


Method; reads a single element of an array object.


JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, unsigned int index, jsval *v

  • The cx argument is the opaque JSContext pointer that passes to the JavaScript function.

  • The obj argument is a pointer to an array object.

  • The index argument is an integer index into the array. The first element is index 0, and the last element is index (length - 1).

  • The v argument is a pointer to a jsval where the contents of the jsval structure in the array should be copied.


A Boolean value: JS_TRUE indicates success; JS_FALSE indicates failure.

JSBool JS_SetElement()


JSBool JS_SetElement(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsint idx, jsval *vp)


Method; writes a single element of an array object.


JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, unsigned int index, jsval *v

  • The cx argument is the opaque JSContext pointer that passes to the JavaScript function.

  • The obj argument is a pointer to an array object.

  • The index argument is an integer index into the array. The first element is index 0, and the last element is index (length - 1).

  • The v argument is a pointer to a jsval structure whose contents should be copied to the jsval in the array.


A Boolean value: JS_TRUE indicates success; JS_FALSE indicates failure.

JSBool JS_ExecuteScript()


JS_ExecuteScript (JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, unsigned short *script,   unsigned int sz, jsval *rval)


Method; compiles and executes a JavaScript string. If the script generates a return value, it returns in *rval.


JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, unsigned short *script, unsigned int sz, jsval *rval

  • The cx argument is the opaque JSContext pointer that passes to the JavaScript function.

  • The obj argument is a pointer to the object in whose context the script executes. While the script is running, the this keyword is equal to this object. Usually this is the JSObject pointer that passes to the JavaScript function.

  • The script argument is a string that contains JavaScript code. If the string size is not specified (see the sz argument), the string must be null-terminated.

  • The sz argument is the size of the string, in bytes. If sz is 0, the length of the nullterminated string is computed automatically.

  • The rval argument is a pointer to a single jsval structure. The function's return value is stored in *rval.


A Boolean value: JS_TRUE indicates success; JS_FALSE indicates failure.

     < Day Day Up > 

    Developing Extensions for Macromedia Flash 8
    Developing Extensions for Macromedia Flash 8
    ISBN: 032139416X
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 81 © 2008-2017.
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