Entering Table Data

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Getting the data into the table is the easy part. You might enter data by hand, copy it from an Excel spreadsheet, drag it from another table, download it from a SharePoint data list box, or import it from a text-delimited file. To add data by hand, simply click in the cell in which you want to add data and type. Move to the next cell by pressing the Right Arrow key, if there's no data in the cell, or by pressing Tab. To move back to a previous cell, press the Left Arrow key or Shift+Tab.


SharePoint Team Services is a collection of Web-based services that enable you to create team Web sites, organize meetings, and do much more. For more information, see Chapter 25, "Working with Shared Documents."

Perhaps the easiest way to get data into your table, if it already exists in another table, is to use the drag-and-drop technique. If you want to copy an entire table, simply click the table move handle in the upper left corner of the selected table, press Ctrl, and drag to the new location. (If you don't press Ctrl while you drag, the entire table will move but not copy.)

Troubleshooting: Drag-and-drop technique doesn't work

start example

If you've been trying to drag and drop text from one place to another in your document and find that it doesn't work, check to make sure you've got the feature enabled. To check this, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Tools, Options.

  2. Click the Edit tab, and select the Drag-And-Drop Text Editing check box, in the Editing Options section.

  3. This activates the feature, and you should be able to drag and drop items as needed.

end example

 < Day Day Up > 

Microsoft Office Word 2003 Inside Out
Microsoft Office Word 2003 Inside Out (Bpg-Inside Out)
ISBN: 0735615152
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 373

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