AKA | Time Series Analysis |
Classification | Analyzing/Trending (AT) |
Trend analysis tool can project, on the basis of historical data segments, the increase or decrease of what is being measured for the next time segment. Trend analysis is simply comparing performance data and calculating a projection that, if undesirable, may require immediate attention.
To project future time segment data on the basis of time-series calculations.
To analyze performance data trends over time.
To show directionality and variability in measured data.
→ | Select and define problem or opportunity |
→ | Identify and analyze causes or potential change |
Develop and plan possible solutions or change | |
Implement and evaluate solution or change | |
→ | Measure and report solution or change results |
Recognize and reward team efforts |
1 | Research/statistics |
Creativity/innovation | |
3 | Engineering |
2 | Project management |
4 | Manufacturing |
Marketing/sales | |
Administration/documentation | |
Servicing/support | |
5 | Customer/quality metrics |
Change management |
Data Collection Strategy
Line Chart
Timeline Chart
Action Plan
What-If Analysis
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Countermeasures Matrix
Recommendation: Use at least nine time intervals of historical data to calculate the "next time interval" projection for costs, defects, time lost, time used, outputs, inventory, activities, events, or other performance measures.
Equations used to calculate a projection:
As calculated for the example shown:
STEP 1 As a preliminary step, the data collection process determines the specific performance data, the historical time period and number of time segments within, and the next time segment for which the projection is to be calculated.
STEP 2 An odd number of data scores (13 months in this example) is inserted into columns T and Y of the trend analysis worksheet. See example Projecting Total TQM Meeting Hours for February.
STEP 3 Column Y is multiplied by column X and the results inserted into column XY. Positive and negative totals are added, and the resultant total reflects the directionality of the trend. The respective values in column X2 (within the brackets) are also added.
STEP 4 The totals of all columns are used to calculate the average (a), the factor (b), and finally, the projection (Y') as shown in notes and key points.
STEP 5 A check is made by adding the factor (b) to the calculated average (a) in column P, as shown in this example. In this case, a repeated addition of 31 for each month (August-February) will result in a February projection of 882 as calculated with Y' a + bt. Note: t = 7, the number of segments for this calculation (July–January) as seen in column T. Ensure that the median data score is always placed in the midpoint position of column T in the trend analysis worksheet.
STEP 6 All calculations are verified for accuracy; the trend analysis worksheet is dated and attached to a report.