

RBS (resource breakdown structure), 429, 431

Record Macro dialog box, 366

recording macros, xxxviii, 365–69

recurring tasks, xxviii, 148–52, 492

Relationship Diagram view, 228

relationships, 44, 492. See also task relationships

remaining costs, 191

Remove button, 75


deadlines from tasks, 147

filters, xxxi, 210

text formatting, 98

replacing resources for cost reductions, xxxvii, 332–33


communicating with stakeholders via, 223

customizing headers and footers, xxiv, 102–4

defined, 21, 30, 492

editing Task, 236

inserting logos on, 103

macros for publishing, 365–69

Overbudget Resources, 316

predefined, 22

previewing, xix, 21–23, 99–100, 238

printing, xxxiii, 85, 99–104, 234–37

project summary, 259–64

setting page options for, xxxii, 226–27

stoplight view, 317–21, 456–60

viewing multiple pages, 101–2

Reports dialog box, 2, 99, 234


duration, 140–44

incomplete work, xxxv, 295–99

split tasks and, 296, 298

resizing row height, 217

Resource Allocation view, 181

resource breakdown structure (RBS), 429, 431

resource calendars. See also calendars

adjusting, 66–68

defined, 492

importing Outlook appointments and events for, 442

resource costs, working with, 316

Resource Form, 399

Resource Graph view, 180, 185

Resource Information dialog box, 60–61, 68, 157, 400–401

resource leveling

defined, 184–85, 492

exercise in, 186–90

slack, 187

split tasks and, 137

Resource Leveling dialog box, 185, 186–90

resource manager, 492

resource notes, xxii, 69

resource outline codes, 429

resource pools, 63, 392–97. See also sharer plans

about, 392–93, 416

advantages of, 393

clearing assignments for deleted sharer plans, 409

creating, xl, 393–96

defined, 392, 492

designating project plans as, 397

editing calendars in, 416

enterprise, 424

linking project plans to, xli, 404–6

naming, 394

options for opening, 404

saving changes to resource details, 408

updating, xl–xli, 400–401, 403, 406–9

viewing assignment details in, xl, 397–99

Resource Sheet view, 16, 198–99, 201, 332, 394

Resource Substitution Wizard, xlii, 429–36, 439

Resource Usage view, 16, 175, 179, 195, 428

resources, 55–69. See also generic resources; material resources; resource pools; work resources

adjusting resource calendar, 66–68

allocating tasks to category of workers, 59

allocating throughout project, 173–80

applying different cost rates for, xxix, 166–67, 170

applying pay rates at different times, xxviii, 157–59

assigning material resources to tasks, 82–83

collecting actuals from, 295

comparing work and materials, 63

consumption rates for material, xxix, 167–70

creating, 61

creating issues, xliv, 467–69

customizing availability of, xxviii–xxix, 159–61, 167, 170

defined, 475, 492

delaying start of assignments, xxix, 161–62, 170

displaying overbudget, xxxvi, 312–13, 320–21

editing assignments, 182–83

entering pay rates for, xxii, 64–65

equipment, 60–62

evaluating costs, 313–16

fully allocated, 173, 392, 488

getting accurate cost information for, 65

grades of, 480

grouping data about, xxxi, 202–6, 218

handling actuals submitted from, xliv, 450–55

importing information from address book, 57

leveling overallocated, xxx, 184–90

manually resolving overallocations, xxx, 180–84

material, xxi–xxii, 62–63, 69

maximum units, 58–60, 61–62, 174, 195

multiple pay rates for, xxviii, 155–57

notes for, xxii, 69

overallocating, 71, 83, 174

overview, 55

resources (continued)

permanently renumbering, 199, 315

replacing, xxxvii, 332–33, 429–36

setting up sharer plans for, 395–96

shortening assignments for, 330–34

sorting, xxxvi, 314–16

staffing enterprise project with, 427–36

underallocated, 173, 392, 495

updating task status without updating, 295

work, xxi, 55–60

risks, 39

associating with project plan, xliv, 464–66

defined, 464, 492

issues vs., 464, 472

types of associations for, 464, 472

viewing status and owner, 466

rolling down values, 283, 299

rolling up

baselines, 281

project information, 409

values, 283

running macros, xxxviii, 368–69

Microsoft Office Project 2003 Step by Step
MicrosoftВ® Office Project 2003 Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735619557
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 199 © 2008-2017.
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