
  • 6.1 The figure below depicts a maze. Write a description of the maze in FSP which, using deadlock analysis, finds the shortest path out of the maze starting at any square.

    image from book

  • (Hint: At each numbered square in the maze, a directional action can be used to indicate an allowed path to another square.)

  • 6.2 One solution to the Dining Philosophers problem permits only four philosophers to sit down at the table at the same time. Specify a BUTLER process which, when composed with the model of section 6.2, permits a maximum of four philosophers to engage in the sitdown action before an arise action occurs. Show that this system is deadlock-free.

  • 6.3 Using the Java timed wait primitive:

     public final void wait(long timeout)                   throws InterruptedException

  • modify the Fork monitor such that after a wait of 1 second, the call to get times out and returns the result false. The Philosopher should release the other fork, if it holds it, and try again. Observe the behavior of the resulting system.

  • 6.4 It is possible for the following system to deadlock. Explain how this deadlock occurs and relate it to one of the four necessary and sufficient conditions for deadlock to occur.

     Alice = (call.bob -> wait.chris -> Alice). Bob   = (call.chris -> wait.alice -> Bob). Chris = (call.alice -> wait.bob -> Chris). ||S   = (Alice || Bob || Chris) /{call/wait}.

  • The following model attempts to fix the problem by allowing Alice, Bob and Chris to time out from a call attempt. Is a deadlock still possible? If so, describe how the deadlock can occur and give an execution trace leading to the deadlock.

     Alice = (call.bob -> wait.chris -> Alice       |  timeout.alice -> wait.chris ->Alice). Bob   = (call.chris -> wait.alice -> Bob       |  timeout.bob -> wait.alice ->Bob). Chris = (call.alice -> wait.bob -> Chris       |  timeout.chris -> wait.bob ->Chris). ||S = (Alice || Bob || Chris) /{call/wait}. 

Concurrency(c) State Models & Java Programs
Concurrency: State Models and Java Programs
ISBN: 0470093552
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 162

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