Section 15.3. PyMailGUI Implementation

15.3. PyMailGUI Implementation

Last but not least, we get to the code. PyMailGUI consists of the nine new modules listed at the start of this chapter; the source code for these modules is listed in this section.

15.3.1. Code Reuse

Besides the code here, PyMailGUI also gets a lot of mileage out of reusing modules we wrote earlier and won't repeat here: mailtools for mail loads, composition, parsing, and delete operations; threadtools for managing server and local file access threads; the GUI section's TextEditor for displaying and editing mail message text; and so on.

In addition, standard Python modules and packages such as poplib, smtplib, and email hide most of the details of pushing bytes around the Net and extracting and building message components. As usual, the Tkinter standard library module also implements GUI components in a portable fashion.

15.3.2. Code Structure

As mentioned earlier, PyMailGUI applies code factoring and OOP to leverage code reuse. For instance, list view windows are implemented as a common superclass that codes most actions, along with one subclass for the server inbox list window and one for local save-file list windows. The subclasses customize the common superclass for their specific mail media.

This design reflects the operation of the GUI itselfserver list windows load mail over POP, and save-file list windows load from local files. The basic operation of list window layout and actions, though, is similar for both and is shared in the common superclass to avoid redundancy and simplify the code. Message view windows are similarly factored: a common view window superclass is reused and customized for write, reply, and forward view windows.

To make the code easier to follow, it is divided into two main modules that reflect the structure of the GUIone for the implementation of list window actions and one for view window actions. If you are looking for the implementation of a button that appears in a mail view or edit window, for instance, see the view window module and search for a method whose name begins with the word onthe convention used for callback handler methods. Button text can also be located in name/callback tables used to build the windows. Actions initiated on list windows are coded in the list window module instead.

In addition, the message cache is split off into an object and module of its own, and potentially reusable tools are coded in importable modules (e.g., line wrapping and utility popups). PyMailGUI also includes a main module that defines startup window classes, a module that contains the help text as a string, and the mailconfig user settings module (a version specific to PyMailGUI is used here).

The next few sections list all of PyMailGUI's code for you to study; as you read, refer back to the demo earlier in this chapter and run the program live to map its behavior back to its code. PyMailGUI also includes a _ _init_ file so that it can be used as a packagesome of its modules may be useful in other programs. The _ _init_ is empty in this package, so we omit it here.

15.3.3. PyMailGui2: The Main Module

Example 15-1 defines the file run to start PyMailGUI. It implements top-level list windows in the systemcombinations of PyMailGUI's application logic and the window protocol superclasses we wrote earlier in the text. The latter of these define window titles, icons, and close behavior.

The main documentation is also in this module, as well as command-line logicthe program accepts the names of one or more save-mail files on the command line, and automatically opens them when the GUI starts up. This is used by the PyDemos launcher, for example.

Example 15-1. PP3E\Internet\Email\PyMailGui\

 ############################################################################### # PyMailGui 2.1 - A Python/Tkinter email client. # A client-side Tkinter-based GUI interface for sending and receiving email. # # See the help string in for usage details, and a list of # enhancements in this version.  Version 2.0 is a major rewrite.  The changes # from 2.0 (July '05) to 2.1 (Jan '06) were quick-access part buttons on View # windows, threaded loads and deletes of local save-mail files, and checks for # and recovery from message numbers out-of-synch with mail server inbox on # deletes, index loads, and message loads. # # This file implements the top-level windows and interface.  PyMailGui uses # a number of modules that know nothing about this GUI, but perform related # tasks, some of which are developed in other sections of the book.  The # mailconfig module is expanded for this program. # # Modules defined elsewhere and reused here: # # mailtools (package): #    server sends and receives, parsing, construction     (client-side chapter) # #    thread queue manangement for GUI callbacks           (GUI tools chapter) # #    border configuration for top-level windows           (GUI tools chapter) # #    text widget used in mail view windows, some pop ups   (GUI programs chapter) # # Generally useful modules defined here: # # #    help and busy windows, for general use # #    a cache that keeps track of mail already loaded # #    utility for wrapping long lines of messages # #    user configuration parameters: server names, fonts, etc. # # Program-specific modules defined here: # # #    objects shared between window classes and main file # #    implementation of view, write, reply, forward windows # #    implementation of mail-server and local-file list windows # #    user-visible help text, opened by main window bar # #    main, top-level file (run this), with main window types ############################################################################### import mailconfig, sys from SharedNames import appname, windows from ListWindows import PyMailServer, PyMailFile ############################################################################### # Top-level window classes # View, Write, Reply, Forward, Help, BusyBox all inherit from PopupWindow # directly: only usage;  askpassword calls PopupWindow and attaches;  order # matters here!--PyMail classes redef some method defaults in the Window # classes, like destroy and okayToExit: must be leftmost;  to use # PyMailFileWindow standalone, imitate logic in PyMailCommon.onOpenMailFile; ############################################################################### # uses icon file in cwd or default in tools dir srvrname = mailconfig.popservername or 'Server' class PyMailServerWindow(PyMailServer, windows.MainWindow):     def _ _init_ _(self):         windows.MainWindow._ _init_ _(self, appname, srvrname)         PyMailServer._ _init_ _(self) class PyMailServerPopup(PyMailServer, windows.PopupWindow):     def _ _init_ _(self):         windows.PopupWindow._ _init_ _(self, appname, srvrnane)         PyMailServer._ _init_ _(self) class PyMailServerComponent(PyMailServer, windows.ComponentWindow):     def _ _init_ _(self):         windows.ComponentWindow._ _init_ _(self)         PyMailServer._ _init_ _(self) class PyMailFileWindow(PyMailFile, windows.PopupWindow):     def _ _init_ _(self, filename):         windows.PopupWindow._ _init_ _(self, appname, filename)         PyMailFile._ _init_ _(self, filename) ############################################################################### # when run as a top-level program: create main mail-server list window ############################################################################### if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':     rootwin = PyMailServerWindow( )              # open server window     if sys.argv > 1:         for savename in sys.argv[1:]:             rootwin.onOpenMailFile(savename)      # open save file windows (demo)         rootwin.lift( )                          # save files loaded in threads     rootwin.mainloop( ) 

15.3.4. SharedNames: Program-Wide Globals

The module in Example 15-2 implements a shared, system-wide namespace that collects resources used in most modules in the system, and defines global objects that span files. This allows other files to avoid redundantly repeating common imports, and encapsulates the locations of package imports; it is the only file that must be updated if paths change in the future. Using globals can make programs harder to understand in general (the source of some names is not as clear), but it is reasonable if all such names are collected in a single expected module such as this one (because there is only one place to search for unknown names).

Example 15-2. PP3E\Internet\Email\PyMailGui\

 ############################################################################## # objects shared by all window classes and main file: program-wide globals ############################################################################## # used in all window, icon titles appname  = 'PyMailGUI 2.1' # used for list save, open, delete; also for sent messages file saveMailSeparator = 'PyMailGUI' + ('-'*60) + 'PyMailGUI\n' # currently viewed mail save files; also for sent-mail file openSaveFiles     = {}                  # 1 window per file,{name:win} # standard library services import sys, os, email, webbrowser from Tkinter       import * from tkFileDialog  import SaveAs, Open, Directory from tkMessageBox  import showinfo, showerror, askyesno # reuse book examples from PP3E.Gui.Tools      import windows      # window border, exit protocols from PP3E.Gui.Tools      import threadtools  # thread callback queue checker from PP3E.Internet.Email import mailtools    # load,send,parse,build utilities from PP3E.Gui.TextEditor import textEditor   # component and pop up # modules defined here import mailconfig                            # user params: servers, fonts, etc. import popuputil                             # help, busy, passwd pop-up windows import wraplines                             # wrap long message lines import messagecache                          # remember already loaded mail import PyMailGuiHelp                         # user documentation def printStack(exc_info):     # debugging: show exception and stack traceback on stdout     print exc_info[0]     print exc_info[1]     import traceback     traceback.print_tb(exc_info[2], file=sys.stdout) # thread busy counters for threads run by this GUI # sendingBusy shared by all send windows, used by main window quit loadingHdrsBusy = threadtools.ThreadCounter( )   # only 1 deletingBusy    = threadtools.ThreadCounter( )   # only 1 loadingMsgsBusy = threadtools.ThreadCounter( )   # poss many sendingBusy     = threadtools.ThreadCounter( )   # poss many 

15.3.5. ListWindows: Message List Windows

The code in Example 15-3 implements mail index list windows for the server inbox window and for one or more local save-mail file windows. These two types of windows look and behave largely the same, and in fact share most of their code in common in a superclass. The window subclasses mostly just customize the superclass to map mail Load and Delete calls to the server or a local file.

List windows are created on program startup (the initial server window, and possible save-file windows for command-line options), as well as in response to Open button actions in existing list windows (save-file list windows). See the Open button's callback in this example for initiation code.

Notice that the basic mail processing operations in the mailtools package from Chapter 14 are mixed into PyMailGUI in a variety of ways. The list window classes in Example 15-3 inherit from the mailtools mail parser class, but the server list window class embeds an instance of the message cache object, which in turn inherits from the mailtools mail fetcher. The mailtools mail sender class is inherited by message view write windows, not list windows; view windows also inherit from the mail parser.

This is a fairly large file; in principle it could be split into three files, one for each class, but these classes are so closely related that it is handy to have their code in a single file for edits. Really, this is one class, with two minor extensions.

Example 15-3. PP3E\Internet\Email\PyMailGui\

 ############################################################################### # Implementation of mail-server and save-file message list main windows: # one class per kind.  Code is factored here for reuse: server and file # list windows are customized versions of the PyMailCommon list window class; # the server window maps actions to mail transferred from a server, and the # file window applies actions to a local file.  List windows create View, # Write, Reply, and Forward windows on user actions.  The server list window # is the main window opened on program startup by the top-level file;  file # list windows are opened on demand via server and file list window "Open". # Msgnums may be temporarily out of sync with server if POP inbox changes. # # Changes here in 2.1: # -now checks on deletes and loads to see if msg nums in sync with server # -added up to N attachment direct-access buttons on view windows # -threaded save-mail file loads, to avoid N-second pause for big files # -also threads save-mail file deletes so file write doesn't pause GUI # TBD: # -save-mail file saves still not threaded: may pause GUI briefly, but #  uncommon - unlike load and delete, save/send only appends the local file. # -implementation of local save-mail files as text files with separators #  is mostly a prototype: it loads all full mails into memory, and so limits #  the practical size of these files; better alternative: use 2 DBM keyed #  access files for hdrs and fulltext, plus a list to map keys to position; #  in this scheme save-mail files become directories, no longer readable. ############################################################################### from SharedNames import *     # program-wide global objects from ViewWindows import ViewWindow, WriteWindow, ReplyWindow, ForwardWindow ############################################################################### # main frame - general structure for both file and server message lists ############################################################################### class PyMailCommon(mailtools.MailParser):     """     a widget package, with main mail listbox     mixed in with a Tk, Toplevel, or Frame     must be customized with actions( ) and other     creates view and write windows: MailSenders     """     # class attrs shared by all list windows     threadLoopStarted = False                     # started by first window     # all windows use same dialogs: remember last dirs     openDialog = Open(title=appname + ': Open Mail File')     saveDialog = SaveAs(title=appname + ': Append Mail File')     def _ _init_ _(self):         self.makeWidgets( )                           # draw my contents: list,tools         if not PyMailCommon.threadLoopStarted:    # server,file can both thread             PyMailCommon.threadLoopStarted = True # start thread exit check loop             threadtools.threadChecker(self)       # just one for all windows     def makeWidgets(self):         # add all/none checkbtn at bottom         tools = Frame(self)         tools.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)         self.allModeVar = IntVar( )         chk = Checkbutton(tools, text="All")         chk.config(variable=self.allModeVar, command=self.onCheckAll)         chk.pack(side=RIGHT)         # add main buttons at bottom         for (title, callback) in self.actions( ):             Button(tools, text=title, command=callback).pack(side=LEFT, fill=X)         # add multiselect listbox with scrollbars         mails    = Frame(self)         vscroll  = Scrollbar(mails)         hscroll  = Scrollbar(mails, orient='horizontal')         fontsz   = (sys.platform[:3] == 'win' and 8) or 10      # defaults         listbg   = mailconfig.listbg   or 'white'         listfg   = mailconfig.listfg   or 'black'         listfont = mailconfig.listfont or ('courier', fontsz, 'normal')         listbox  = Listbox(mails, bg=listbg, fg=listfg, font=listfont)         listbox.config(selectmode=EXTENDED)         listbox.bind('<Double-1>', (lambda event: self.onViewRawMail( )))         # crosslink listbox and scrollbars         vscroll.config(command=listbox.yview, relief=SUNKEN)         hscroll.config(command=listbox.xview, relief=SUNKEN)         listbox.config(yscrollcommand=vscroll.set, relief=SUNKEN)         listbox.config(xscrollcommand=hscroll.set)         # pack last = clip first         mails.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)         vscroll.pack(side=RIGHT,  fill=BOTH)         hscroll.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH)         listbox.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)         self.listBox = listbox     #################     # event handlers     #################     def onCheckAll(self):         # all or none click         if self.allModeVar.get( ):             self.listBox.select_set(0, END)         else:             self.listBox.select_clear(0, END)     def onViewRawMail(self):         # possibly threaded: view selected messages - raw text headers, body         msgnums = self.verifySelectedMsgs( )         if msgnums:             self.getMessages(msgnums, after=lambda: self.contViewRaw(msgnums))     def contViewRaw(self, msgnums):         for msgnum in msgnums:                       # could be a nested def             fulltext = self.getMessage(msgnum)       # put in ScrolledText             from ScrolledText import ScrolledText    # don't need full TextEditor             window  = windows.QuietPopupWindow(appname, 'raw message viewer')             browser = ScrolledText(window)             browser.insert('0.0', fulltext)             browser.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)     def onViewFormatMail(self):         """         possibly threaded: view selected messages - pop up formatted display         not threaded if in savefile list, or messages are already loaded         the after action runs only if getMessages prefetch allowed and worked         """         msgnums = self.verifySelectedMsgs( )         if msgnums:             self.getMessages(msgnums, after=lambda: self.contViewFmt(msgnums))     def contViewFmt(self, msgnums):         for msgnum in msgnums:             fulltext = self.getMessage(msgnum)             message  = self.parseMessage(fulltext)             type, content = self.findMainText(message)             content  = wraplines.wrapText1(content, mailconfig.wrapsz)             ViewWindow(headermap   = message,                        showtext    = content,                        origmessage = message)             # non-multipart, content-type text/HTML (rude but true!)             # can also be opened manually from Split or part button             # if non-multipart, other: must open part manually with             # Split or part button; no verify if mailconfig says so;             if type == 'text/html':                 if ((not mailconfig.verifyHTMLTextOpen) or                     askyesno(appname, 'Open message text in browser?')):                     try:                         from tempfile import gettempdir # or a Tk HTML viewer?                         tempname = os.path.join(gettempdir( ), 'pymailgui.html')                         open(tempname, 'w').write(content)                         webbrowser.open_new('file://' + tempname)                     except:                         show_error(appname, 'Cannot open in browser')     def onWriteMail(self):         # compose new email         starttext = '\n'                         # use auto signature text         if mailconfig.mysignature:             starttext += '%s\n' % mailconfig.mysignature         WriteWindow(starttext = starttext,                     headermap = {'From': mailconfig.myaddress})     def onReplyMail(self):         # possibly threaded: reply to selected emails         msgnums = self.verifySelectedMsgs( )         if msgnums:             self.getMessages(msgnums, after=lambda: self.contReply(msgnums))     def contReply(self, msgnums):         for msgnum in msgnums:             # drop attachments, quote with '>', add signature             fulltext = self.getMessage(msgnum)             message  = self.parseMessage(fulltext)         # may fail: error obj             maintext = self.findMainText(message)[1]             maintext = wraplines.wrapText1(maintext, mailconfig.wrapsz-2)   # >             maintext = self.quoteOrigText(maintext, message)             if mailconfig.mysignature:                 maintext = ('\n%s\n' % mailconfig.mysignature) + maintext             # preset initial to/from values from mail or config             # don't use original To for From: may be many or listname             # To keeps name+<addr> format unless any ';' present: separator             # ideally, send should fully parse instead of splitting on ';'             # send changes ';' to ',' required by servers; ',' common in name             origfrom = message.get('From', '')             ToPair   = email.Utils.parseaddr(origfrom)     # 1st (name, addr)             ToStr    = email.Utils.formataddr(ToPair)      # ignore Reply-to             From     = mailconfig.myaddress                # don't try 'To'             Subj     = message.get('Subject', '(no subject)')             if not Subj.startswith('Re:'):                 Subj = 'Re: ' + Subj             if ';' not in ToStr:                           # uses separator?                 To = ToStr                                 # use name+addr             else:                 To = ToPair[1]                             # use just addr             ReplyWindow(starttext = maintext,                         headermap = {'From': From, 'To': To, 'Subject': Subj})     def onFwdMail(self):         # possibly threaded: forward selected emails         msgnums = self.verifySelectedMsgs( )         if msgnums:             self.getMessages(msgnums, after=lambda: self.contFwd(msgnums))     def contFwd(self, msgnums):         for msgnum in msgnums:             # drop attachments, quote with '>', add signature             fulltext = self.getMessage(msgnum)             message  = self.parseMessage(fulltext)             maintext = self.findMainText(message)[1]             maintext = wraplines.wrapText1(maintext, mailconfig.wrapsz-2)             maintext = self.quoteOrigText(maintext, message)             if mailconfig.mysignature:                 maintext = ('\n%s\n' % mailconfig.mysignature) + maintext             # initial from value from config, not mail             From = mailconfig.myaddress             Subj = message.get('Subject', '(no subject)')             if not Subj.startswith('Fwd: '):                 Subj = 'Fwd: ' + Subj             ForwardWindow(starttext = maintext,                           headermap = {'From': From, 'Subject': Subj})     def onSaveMailFile(self):         """         save selected emails for offline viewing         disabled if target file load/delete is in progress         disabled by getMessages if self is a busy file too         contSave not threaded: disables all other actions         """         msgnums = self.selectedMsgs( )         if not msgnums:             showerror(appname, 'No message selected')         else:             # caveat: dialog warns about replacing file             filename = )             # shared class attr             if filename:                                    # don't verify num msgs                 filename = os.path.abspath(filename)        # normalize / to \                 self.getMessages(msgnums,                         after=lambda: self.contSave(msgnums, filename))     def contSave(self, msgnums, filename):         # test busy now, after poss srvr msgs load         if (filename in openSaveFiles.keys( ) and           # viewing this file?             openSaveFiles[filename].openFileBusy):           # load/del occurring?             showerror(appname, 'Target file busy - cannot save')         else:             try:                 fulltextlist = []                 mailfile = open(filename, 'a')             # caveat:not threaded                 for msgnum in msgnums:                     # < 1sec for N megs                     fulltext = self.getMessage(msgnum)     # but poss many msgs                     if fulltext[-1] != '\n': fulltext += '\n'                     mailfile.write(saveMailSeparator)                     mailfile.write(fulltext)                     fulltextlist.append(fulltext)                 mailfile.close( )             except:                 showerror(appname, 'Error during save')                 printStack(sys.exc_info( ))             else:                                            # why .keys( ): EIBTI                 if filename in openSaveFiles.keys( ):       # viewing this file?                     window = openSaveFiles[filename]        # update list, raise                     window.addSavedMails(fulltextlist)      # avoid file reload                     #window.loadMailFileThread( )           # this was very slow     def onOpenMailFile(self, filename=None):         # process saved mail offline         filename = filename or )      # shared class attr         if filename:             filename = os.path.abspath(filename)            # match on full name             if openSaveFiles.has_key(filename):              # only 1 win per file                 openSaveFiles[filename].lift( )             # raise file's window                 showinfo(appname, 'File already open')       # else deletes odd             else:                 from PyMailGui2 import PyMailFileWindow    # avoid duplicate win                 popup = PyMailFileWindow(filename)         # new list window                 openSaveFiles[filename] = popup            # removed in quit                 popup.loadMailFileThread( )                     # try load in thread     def onDeleteMail(self):         # delete selected mails from server or file         msgnums = self.selectedMsgs( )                      # subclass: fillIndex         if not msgnums:                                      # always verify here             showerror(appname, 'No message selected')         else:             if askyesno(appname, 'Verify delete %d mails?' % len(msgnums)):                 self.doDelete(msgnums)     ##################     # utility methods     ##################     def selectedMsgs(self):         # get messages selected in main listbox         selections = self.listBox.curselection( )  # tuple of digit strs, 0..N-1         return [int(x)+1 for x in selections]       # convert to ints, make 1..N     warningLimit = 15     def verifySelectedMsgs(self):         msgnums = self.selectedMsgs( )         if not msgnums:             showerror(appname, 'No message selected')         else:             numselects = len(msgnums)             if numselects > self.warningLimit:                 if not askyesno(appname, 'Open %d selections?' % numselects):                     msgnums = []         return msgnums     def fillIndex(self, maxhdrsize=25):         # fill all of main listbox         hdrmaps  = self.headersMaps( )                   # may be empty         showhdrs = ('Subject', 'From', 'Date', 'To')      # default hdrs to show         if hasattr(mailconfig, 'listheaders'):            # mailconfig customizes             showhdrs = mailconfig.listheaders or showhdrs         # compute max field sizes <= hdrsize         maxsize = {}         for key in showhdrs:             allLens = [len(msg.get(key, '')) for msg in hdrmaps]             if not allLens: allLens = [1]             maxsize[key] = min(maxhdrsize, max(allLens))         # populate listbox with fixed-width left-justified fields         self.listBox.delete(0, END)                       # show multiparts with *         for (ix, msg) in enumerate(hdrmaps):              # via content-type hdr             msgtype = msg.get_content_maintype( )        # no is_multipart yet             msgline = (msgtype == 'multipart' and '*') or ' '             msgline += '%03d' % (ix+1)             for key in showhdrs:                 mysize  = maxsize[key]                 keytext = msg.get(key, ' ')                 msgline += ' | %-*s' % (mysize, keytext[:mysize])             msgline += '| %.1fK' % (self.mailSize(ix+1) / 1024.0)             self.listBox.insert(END, msgline)         self.listBox.see(END)         # show most recent mail=last line     def quoteOrigText(self, maintext, message):         quoted   = '\n-----Original Message-----\n'         for hdr in ('From', 'To', 'Subject', 'Date'):             quoted += '%s: %s\n' % (hdr, message.get(hdr, '?'))         quoted   = quoted + '\n' + maintext         quoted   = '\n' + quoted.replace('\n', '\n> ')         return quoted     ########################     # subclass requirements     ########################     def getMessages(self, msgnums, after):          # used by view,save,reply,fwd         after( )                                   # redef if cache, thread test     # plus okayToQuit?, any unique actions     def getMessage(self, msgnum): assert False    # used by many: full mail text     def headersMaps(self): assert False           # fillIndex: hdr mappings list     def mailSize(self, msgnum): assert False      # fillIndex: size of msgnum     def doDelete(self): assert False              # onDeleteMail: delete button ############################################################################### # main window - when viewing messages in local save file (or sent-mail file) ############################################################################### class PyMailFile(PyMailCommon):     """     customize for viewing saved-mail file offline     a Tk, Toplevel, or Frame, with main mail listbox     opens and deletes run in threads for large files     save and send not threaded, because only append to     file; save is disabled if source or target file busy     with load/delete; save disables load, delete, save     just because it is not run in a thread (blocks GUI);     TBD: may need thread and O/S file locks if saves ever     do run in threads: saves could disable other threads     with openFileBusy, but file may not be open in GUI;     file locks not sufficient, because GUI updated too;     TBD: appends to sent-mail file may require O/S locks:     as is, user gets error pop up if sent during load/del;     """     def actions(self):         return [ ('View',   self.onViewFormatMail),                  ('Delete', self.onDeleteMail),                  ('Write',  self.onWriteMail),                  ('Reply',  self.onReplyMail),                  ('Fwd',    self.onFwdMail),                  ('Save',   self.onSaveMailFile),                  ('Open',   self.onOpenMailFile),                  ('Quit',   self.quit) ]     def _ _init_ _(self, filename):         # caller: do loadMailFileThread next         PyMailCommon._ _init_ _(self)         self.filename = filename         self.openFileBusy = threadtools.ThreadCounter( )      # one per window     def loadMailFileThread(self):         """         Load or reload file and update window index list;         called on Open, startup, and possibly on Send if         sent-mail file appended is currently open;  there         is always a bogus first item after the text split;         alt: [self.parseHeaders(m) for m in self.msglist];         could pop up a busy dialog, but quick for small files;         2.1: this is now threaded--else runs < 1sec for N meg         files, but can pause GUI N seconds if very large file;         Save now uses addSavedMails to append msg lists for         speed, not this reload;  still called from Send just         because msg text unavailable - requires refactoring;         delete threaded too: prevent open and delete overlap;         """         if self.openFileBusy:             # don't allow parallel open/delete changes             errmsg = 'Cannot load, file is busy:\n"%s"' % self.filename             showerror(appname, errmsg)         else:             #self.listBox.insert(END, 'loading...')        # error if user clicks             savetitle = self.title( )                     # set by window class             self.title(appname + ' - ' + 'Loading...')             self.openFileBusy.incr( )             threadtools.startThread(                 action     = self.loadMailFile,                 args       = ( ),                 context    = (savetitle,),                 onExit     = self.onLoadMailFileExit,                 onFail     = self.onLoadMailFileFail)     def loadMailFile(self):         # run in a thread while GUI is active         # open, read, parser may all raise excs         allmsgs = open(self.filename).read( )         self.msglist  = allmsgs.split(saveMailSeparator)[1:]      # full text         self.hdrlist  = map(self.parseHeaders, self.msglist)      # msg objects     def onLoadMailFileExit(self, savetitle):         # on thread success         self.title(savetitle)           # reset window title to filename         self.fillIndex( )              # updates GUI: do in main thread         self.lift( )                   # raise my window         self.openFileBusy.decr( )     def onLoadMailFileFail(self, exc_info, savetitle):         # on thread exception         showerror(appname, 'Error opening "%s"\n%s\n%s' %                            ((self.filename,) +  exc_info[:2]))         printStack(exc_info)         self.destroy( )                # always close my window?         self.openFileBusy.decr( )      # not needed if destroy     def addSavedMails(self, fulltextlist):         """         optimization: extend loaded file lists for mails         newly saved to this window's file; in past called         loadMailThread to reload entire file on save - slow;         must be called in main GUI thread only: updates GUI;         sends still reloads sent file if open: no msg text;         """         self.msglist.extend(fulltextlist)         self.hdrlist.extend(map(self.parseHeaders, fulltextlist))         self.fillIndex( )         self.lift( )     def doDelete(self, msgnums):         """         simple-minded, but sufficient: rewrite all         nondeleted mails to file; can't just delete         from self.msglist in-place: changes item indexes;         Py2.3 enumerate(L) same as zip(range(len(L)), L)         2.1: now threaded, else N sec pause for large files         """         if self.openFileBusy:             # dont allow parallel open/delete changes             errmsg = 'Cannot delete, file is busy:\n"%s"' % self.filename             showerror(appname, errmsg)         else:             savetitle = self.title( )             self.title(appname + ' - ' + 'Deleting...')             self.openFileBusy.incr( )             threadtools.startThread(                 action     = self.deleteMailFile,                 args       = (msgnums,),                 context    = (savetitle,),                 onExit     = self.onDeleteMailFileExit,                 onFail     = self.onDeleteMailFileFail)     def deleteMailFile(self, msgnums):         # run in a thread while GUI active         indexed = enumerate(self.msglist)         keepers = [msg for (ix, msg) in indexed if ix+1 not in msgnums]         allmsgs = saveMailSeparator.join([''] + keepers)         open(self.filename, 'w').write(allmsgs)         self.msglist = keepers         self.hdrlist = map(self.parseHeaders, self.msglist)     def onDeleteMailFileExit(self, savetitle):         self.title(savetitle)         self.fillIndex( )              # updates GUI: do in main thread         self.lift( )                   # reset my title, raise my window         self.openFileBusy.decr( )     def onDeleteMailFileFail(self, exc_info, savetitle):         showerror(appname, 'Error deleting "%s"\n%s\n%s' %                            ((self.filename,) +  exc_info[:2]))         printStack(exc_info)         self.destroy( )                # always close my window?         self.openFileBusy.decr( )      # not needed if destroy     def getMessages(self, msgnums, after):         """         used by view,save,reply,fwd: file load and delete         threads may change the msg and hdr lists, so disable         all other operations that depend on them to be safe;         this test is for self: saves also test target file;         """         if self.openFileBusy:             errmsg = 'Cannot fetch, file is busy:\n"%s"' % self.filename             showerror(appname, errmsg)         else:             after( )                      # mail already loaded     def getMessage(self, msgnum):         return self.msglist[msgnum-1]    # full text of 1 mail     def headersMaps(self):         return self.hdrlist              # email.Message objects     def mailSize(self, msgnum):         return len(self.msglist[msgnum-1])     def quit(self):         # don't destroy during update: fillIndex next         if self.openFileBusy:             showerror(appname, 'Cannot quit during load or delete')         else:             if askyesno(appname, 'Verify Quit Window?'):                 # delete file from open list                 del openSaveFiles[self.filename]                 Toplevel.destroy(self) ############################################################################### # main window - when viewing messages on the mail server ############################################################################### class PyMailServer(PyMailCommon):     """     customize for viewing mail still on server     a Tk, Toplevel, or Frame, with main mail listbox     maps load, fetch, delete actions to server inbox     embeds a MessageCache, which is a MailFetcher     """     def actions(self):         return [ ('Load',   self.onLoadServer),                  ('View',   self.onViewFormatMail),                  ('Delete', self.onDeleteMail),                  ('Write',  self.onWriteMail),                  ('Reply',  self.onReplyMail),                  ('Fwd',    self.onFwdMail),                  ('Save',   self.onSaveMailFile),                  ('Open',   self.onOpenMailFile),                  ('Quit',   self.quit) ]     def _ _init_ _(self):         PyMailCommon._ _init_ _(self)         self.cache = messagecache.GuiMessageCache( )    # embedded, not inherited        #self.listBox.insert(END, 'Press Load to fetch mail')     def makeWidgets(self):                             # help bar: main win only         self.addHelp( )         PyMailCommon.makeWidgets(self)     def addHelp(self):         msg = 'PyMailGUI - a Python/Tkinter email client  (help)'         title = Button(self, text=msg)         title.config(bg='steelblue', fg='white', relief=RIDGE)         title.config(command=self.onShowHelp)         title.pack(fill=X)     def onShowHelp(self):         """         load,show text block string         could use HTML and web browser module here too         but that adds an external dependency         """         from PyMailGuiHelp import helptext         popuputil.HelpPopup(appname, helptext, showsource=self.onShowMySource)     def onShowMySource(self, showAsMail=False):         # display my sourcecode file, plus imported modules here & elsewhere         import PyMailGui2, ListWindows, ViewWindows, SharedNames         from PP3E.Internet.Email.mailtools import (    # mailtools now a pkg              mailSender, mailFetcher, mailParser)      # can't use * in def         mymods = (             PyMailGui2, ListWindows, ViewWindows, SharedNames,             PyMailGuiHelp, popuputil, messagecache, wraplines,             mailtools, mailFetcher, mailSender, mailParser,             mailconfig, threadtools, windows, textEditor)         for mod in mymods:             source = mod._ _file_ _             if source.endswith('.pyc'):                 source = source[:-4] + '.py'       # assume in same dir, .py             if showAsMail:                 # this is a bit cheesey...                 code   = open(source).read( )                 user   = mailconfig.myaddress                 hdrmap = {'From': appname, 'To': user, 'Subject': mod._ _name_ _}                 ViewWindow(showtext=code,                            headermap=hdrmap,                            origmessage=email.Message.Message( ))             else:                 # more useful text editor                 wintitle = ' - ' + mod._ _name_ _                 textEditor.TextEditorMainPopup(self, source, wintitle)     def onLoadServer(self, forceReload=False):         """         threaded: load or reload mail headers list on request         Exit,Fail,Progress run by threadChecker after callback via queue         may overlap with sends, disables all but send         could overlap with loadingmsgs, but may change msg cache list         forceReload on delete/synch fail, else loads recent arrivals only;         2.1: cache.loadHeaders may do quick check to see if msgnums         in synch with server, if we are loading just newly arrived hdrs;         """         if loadingHdrsBusy or deletingBusy or loadingMsgsBusy:             showerror(appname, 'Cannot load headers during load or delete')         else:             loadingHdrsBusy.incr( )             self.cache.setPopPassword(appname) # don't update GUI in the thread!             popup = popuputil.BusyBoxNowait(appname, 'Loading message headers')             threadtools.startThread(                 action     = self.cache.loadHeaders,                 args       = (forceReload,),                 context    = (popup,),                 onExit     = self.onLoadHdrsExit,                 onFail     = self.onLoadHdrsFail,                 onProgress = self.onLoadHdrsProgress)     def onLoadHdrsExit(self, popup):         self.fillIndex( )         popup.quit( )         self.lift( )         loadingHdrsBusy.decr( )     def onLoadHdrsFail(self, exc_info, popup):         popup.quit( )         showerror(appname, 'Load failed: \n%s\n%s' % exc_info[:2])         printStack(exc_info)                       # send stack trace to stdout         loadingHdrsBusy.decr( )         if exc_info[0] == mailtools.MessageSynchError:    # synch inbox/index             self.onLoadServer(forceReload=True)           # new thread: reload         else:             self.cache.popPassword = None          # force re-input next time     def onLoadHdrsProgress(self, i, n, popup):         popup.changeText('%d of %d' % (i, n))     def doDelete(self, msgnumlist):         """         threaded: delete from server now - changes msg nums;         may overlap with sends only, disables all except sends;         2.1: cache.deleteMessages now checks TOP result to see         if headers match selected mails, in case msgnums out of         synch with mail server: poss if mail deleted by other client,         or server deletes inbox mail automatically - some ISPs may         move a mail from inbox to undeliverable on load failure;         """         if loadingHdrsBusy or deletingBusy or loadingMsgsBusy:             showerror(appname, 'Cannot delete during load or delete')         else:             deletingBusy.incr( )             popup = popuputil.BusyBoxNowait(appname, 'Deleting selected mails')             threadtools.startThread(                 action     = self.cache.deleteMessages,                 args       = (msgnumlist,),                 context    = (popup,),                 onExit     = self.onDeleteExit,                 onFail     = self.onDeleteFail,                 onProgress = self.onDeleteProgress)     def onDeleteExit(self, popup):         self.fillIndex( )                     # no need to reload from server         popup.quit( )                         # refill index with updated cache         self.lift( )                          # raise index window, release lock         deletingBusy.decr( )     def onDeleteFail(self, exc_info, popup):         popup.quit( )         showerror(appname, 'Delete failed: \n%s\n%s' % exc_info[:2])         printStack(exc_info)         deletingBusy.decr( )                  # delete or synch check failure         self.onLoadServer(forceReload=True)    # new thread: some msgnums changed     def onDeleteProgress(self, i, n, popup):         popup.changeText('%d of %d' % (i, n))     def getMessages(self, msgnums, after):         """         threaded: prefetch all selected messages into cache now         used by save, view, reply, and forward to prefill cache         may overlap with other loadmsgs and sends, disables delete         only runs "after" action if the fetch allowed and successful;         2.1: cache.getMessages tests if index in synch with server,         but we only test if we have to go to server, not if cached;         """         if loadingHdrsBusy or deletingBusy:             showerror(appname, 'Cannot fetch message during load or delete')         else:             toLoad = [num for num in msgnums if not self.cache.isLoaded(num)]             if not toLoad:                 after( )         # all already loaded                 return            # process now, no wait pop up             else:                 loadingMsgsBusy.incr( )                 from popuputil import BusyBoxNowait                 popup = BusyBoxNowait(appname, 'Fetching message contents')                 threadtools.startThread(                     action     = self.cache.getMessages,                     args       = (toLoad,),                     context    = (after, popup),                     onExit     = self.onLoadMsgsExit,                     onFail     = self.onLoadMsgsFail,                     onProgress = self.onLoadMsgsProgress)     def onLoadMsgsExit(self, after, popup):         popup.quit( )         after( )         loadingMsgsBusy.decr( )    # allow others after afterExit done     def onLoadMsgsFail(self, exc_info, after, popup):         popup.quit( )         showerror(appname, 'Fetch failed: \n%s\n%s' % exc_info[:2])         printStack(exc_info)         loadingMsgsBusy.decr( )         if exc_info[0] == mailtools.MessageSynchError:      # synch inbox/index             self.onLoadServer(forceReload=True)             # new thread: reload     def onLoadMsgsProgress(self, i, n, after, popup):         popup.changeText('%d of %d' % (i, n))     def getMessage(self, msgnum):         return self.cache.getMessage(msgnum)                # full mail text     def headersMaps(self):         return map(self.parseHeaders, self.cache.allHdrs( )) # email.Message objs     def mailSize(self, msgnum):         return self.cache.getSize(msgnum)     def okayToQuit(self):         # any threads still running?         filesbusy = [win for win in openSaveFiles.values( ) if win.openFileBusy]         busy = loadingHdrsBusy or deletingBusy or sendingBusy or loadingMsgsBusy         busy = busy or filesbusy         return not busy 

15.3.6. ViewWindows: Message View Windows

Example 15-4 lists the implementation of mail view and edit windows. These windows are created in response to actions in list windowsView, Write, Reply, and Forward buttons. See the callbacks for these actions in the list window module of Example 15-3 for view window initiation calls.

As in the prior module (Example 15-3), this file is really one common class and a handful of customizations. The mail view window is nearly identical to the mail edit window, used for Write, Reply, and Forward requests. Consequently, this example defines the common appearance and behavior in the view window superclass, and extends it by subclassing for edit windows.

Replies and forwards are hardly different from the write window here, because their details (e.g., From: and To: addresses, and quoted message text) are worked out in the list window implementation before an edit window is created.

Example 15-4. PP3E\Internet\Email\PyMailGui\

 ############################################################################### # Implementation of View, Write, Reply, Forward windows: one class per kind. # Code is factored here for reuse: a Write window is a customized View window, # and Reply and Forward are custom Write windows.  Windows defined in this # file are created by the list windows, in response to user actions.  Caveat: # the 'split' pop ups for opening parts/attachments feel a bit nonintuitive. # 2.1: this caveat was addressed, by adding quick-access attachment buttons. # TBD: could avoid verifying quits unless text area modified (like PyEdit2.0), # but these windows are larger, and would not catch headers already changed. # TBD: should Open dialog in write windows be program-wide? (per-window now). ############################################################################### from SharedNames import *     # program-wide global objects ############################################################################### # message view window - also a superclass of write, reply, forward ############################################################################### class ViewWindow(windows.PopupWindow, mailtools.MailParser):     """     a custom Toplevel, with embedded TextEditor     inherits saveParts,partsList from mailtools.MailParser     """     # class attributes     modelabel       = 'View'                   # used in window titles     from mailconfig import okayToOpenParts     # open any attachments at all?     from mailconfig import verifyPartOpens     # ask before open each part?     from mailconfig import maxPartButtons      # show up to this many + '...'     tempPartDir     = 'TempParts'              # where 1 selected part saved     # all view windows use same dialog: remembers last dir     partsDialog = Directory(title=appname + ': Select parts save directory')     def _ _init_ _(self, headermap, showtext, origmessage=None):         """         header map is origmessage, or custom hdr dict for writing;         showtext is main text part of the message: parsed or custom;         origmessage is parsed email.Message for view mail windows         """         windows.PopupWindow._ _init_ _(self, appname, self.modelabel)         self.origMessage = origmessage         self.makeWidgets(headermap, showtext)     def makeWidgets(self, headermap, showtext):         """         add headers, actions, attachments, text editor         """         actionsframe = self.makeHeaders(headermap)         if self.origMessage and self.okayToOpenParts:             self.makePartButtons( )         self.editor  = textEditor.TextEditorComponentMinimal(self)         myactions    = self.actionButtons( )         for (label, callback) in myactions:             b = Button(actionsframe, text=label, command=callback)             b.config(bg='beige', relief=RIDGE, bd=2)             b.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)         # body text, pack last=clip first         self.editor.pack(side=BOTTOM)               # may be multiple editors         self.editor.setAllText(showtext)            # each has own content         lines = len(showtext.splitlines( ))         lines = min(lines + 3, mailconfig.viewheight or 20)         self.editor.setHeight(lines)                # else height=24, width=80         self.editor.setWidth(80)                    # or from PyEdit textConfig         if mailconfig.viewbg:             self.editor.setBg(mailconfig.viewbg)    # colors, font in mailconfig         if mailconfig.viewfg:             self.editor.setFg(mailconfig.viewfg)         if mailconfig.viewfont:                     # also via editor Tools menu             self.editor.setFont(mailconfig.viewfont)     def makeHeaders(self, headermap):         """         add header entry fields, return action buttons frame         """         top    = Frame(self); top.pack   (side=TOP,   fill=X)         left   = Frame(top);  left.pack  (side=LEFT,  expand=NO,  fill=BOTH)         middle = Frame(top);  middle.pack(side=LEFT,  expand=NO,  fill=NONE)         right  = Frame(top);  right.pack (side=RIGHT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)         # headers set may be extended in mailconfig (Bcc)         self.userHdrs = ( )         showhdrs = ('From', 'To', 'Cc', 'Subject')         if hasattr(mailconfig, 'viewheaders') and mailconfig.viewheaders:             self.userHdrs = mailconfig.viewheaders             showhdrs += self.userHdrs         self.hdrFields = []         for header in showhdrs:             lab = Label(middle, text=header+':', justify=LEFT)             ent = Entry(right)             lab.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=X)             ent.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=X)             ent.insert('0', headermap.get(header, '?'))             self.hdrFields.append(ent)             # order matters in onSend         return left     def actionButtons(self):                       # must be method for self         return [('Cancel', self.destroy),          # close view window silently                 ('Parts',  self.onParts),          # multiparts list or the body                 ('Split',  self.onSplit)]     def makePartButtons(self):         """         add up to N buttons that open attachments/parts         when clicked; alternative to Parts/Split (2.1);         okay that temp dir is shared by all open messages:         part file not saved till later selected and opened;         partname=partname is required in lambda in Py2.4;         caveat: we could try to skip the main text part;         """         def makeButton(parent, text, callback):             link = Button(parent, text=text, command=callback, relief=SUNKEN)             if mailconfig.partfg: link.config(fg=mailconfig.partfg)             if mailconfig.partbg: link.config(bg=mailconfig.partbg)             link.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=YES)         parts = Frame(self)         parts.pack(side=TOP, expand=NO, fill=X)         for (count, partname) in enumerate(self.partsList(self.origMessage)):             if count == self.maxPartButtons:                 makeButton(parts, '...', self.onSplit)                 break             openpart = (lambda partname=partname: self.onOnePart(partname))             makeButton(parts, partname, openpart)     def onOnePart(self, partname):         """         locate selected part for button and save and open         okay if multiple mails open: resaves each time selected         we could probably just use web browser directly here         caveat: tempPartDir is relative to cwd - poss anywhere         caveat: tempPartDir is never cleaned up: might be large,         could use tempfile module like HTML main text part code;         """         try:             savedir  = self.tempPartDir             message  = self.origMessage             (contype, savepath) = self.saveOnePart(savedir, partname, message)         except:             showerror(appname, 'Error while writing part file')             printStack(sys.exc_info( ))         else:             self.openParts([(contype, os.path.abspath(savepath))])     def onParts(self):         """         show message part/attachments in pop-up window;         uses same file naming scheme as save on Split;         if non-multipart, single part = full body text         """         partnames = self.partsList(self.origMessage)         msg = '\n'.join(['Message parts:\n'] + partnames)         showinfo(appname, msg)     def onSplit(self):         """         pop up save dir dialog and save all parts/attachments there;         if desired, pop up HTML and multimedia parts in web browser,         text in TextEditor, and well-known doc types on windows;         could show parts in View windows where embedded text editor         would provide a save button, but most are not readable text;         """         savedir = )          # class attr: at prior dir         if savedir:                                  # tk dir chooser, not file             try:                 partfiles = self.saveParts(savedir, self.origMessage)             except:                 showerror(appname, 'Error while writing part files')                 printStack(sys.exc_info( ))             else:                 if self.okayToOpenParts: self.openParts(partfiles)     def askOpen(self, appname, prompt):         if not self.verifyPartOpens:             return True         else:             return askyesno(appname, prompt)   # pop-up dialog     def openParts(self, partfiles):         """         auto-open well known and safe file types, but         only if verified by the user in a pop up; other         types must be opened manually from save dir;         caveat: punts for type application/octet-stream         even if safe filename extension such as .html;         caveat: image/audio/video could use;         """         for (contype, fullfilename) in partfiles:             maintype  = contype.split('/')[0]                      # left side             extension = os.path.splitext(fullfilename)[1]          # or [-4:]             basename  = os.path.basename(fullfilename)             # strip dir             # HTML and XML text, web pages, some media             if contype  in ['text/html', 'text/xml']:                 if self.askOpen(appname, 'Open "%s" in browser?' % basename):                     try:                         webbrowser.open_new('file://' + fullfilename)                     except:                         showerror(appname, 'Browser failed: using editor')                         textEditor.TextEditorMainPopup(self, fullfilename)             # text/plain, text/x-python, etc.             elif maintype == 'text':                 if self.askOpen(appname, 'Open text part "%s"?' % basename):                     textEditor.TextEditorMainPopup(self, fullfilename)             # multimedia types: Windows opens mediaplayer, imageviewer, etc.             elif maintype in ['image', 'audio', 'video']:                 if self.askOpen(appname, 'Open media part "%s"?' % basename):                     try:                         webbrowser.open_new('file://' + fullfilename)                     except:                         showerror(appname, 'Error opening browser')             # common Windows documents: Word, Adobe, Excel, archives, etc.             elif (sys.platform[:3] == 'win' and                   maintype == 'application' and                   extension in ['.doc', '.pdf', '.xls', '.zip','.tar', '.wmv']):                     if self.askOpen(appname, 'Open part "%s"?' % basename):                         os.startfile(fullfilename)             else:  # punt!                 msg = 'Cannot open part: "%s"\nOpen manually in: "%s"'                 msg = msg % (basename, os.path.dirname(fullfilename))                 showinfo(appname, msg) ############################################################################### # message edit windows - write, reply, forward ############################################################################### if mailconfig.smtpuser:                              # user set in mailconfig?     MailSenderClass = mailtools.MailSenderAuth       # login/password required else:     MailSenderClass = mailtools.MailSender class WriteWindow(ViewWindow, MailSenderClass):     """     customize view display for composing new mail     inherits sendMessage from mailtools.MailSender     """     modelabel = 'Write'     def _ _init_ _(self, headermap, starttext):         ViewWindow._ _init_ _(self, headermap, starttext)         MailSenderClass._ _init_ _(self)         self.attaches   = []                     # each win has own open dialog         self.openDialog = None                   # dialog remembers last dir     def actionButtons(self):         return [('Cancel', self.quit),           # need method to use self                 ('Parts',  self.onParts),        # PopupWindow verifies cancel                 ('Attach', self.onAttach),                 ('Send  ', self.onSend)]     def onParts(self):         # caveat: deletes not currently supported         if not self.attaches:             showinfo(appname, 'Nothing attached')         else:             msg = '\n'.join(['Already attached:\n'] + self.attaches)             showinfo(appname, msg)     def onAttach(self):         """         attach a file to the mail: name added         here will be added as a part on Send;         """         if not self.openDialog:             self.openDialog = Open(title=appname + ': Select Attachment File')         filename = )        # remember prior dir         if filename:             self.attaches.append(filename)        # to be opened in send method     def onSend(self):         """         threaded: mail edit window send button press         may overlap with any other thread, disables none but quit         Exit,Fail run by threadChecker via queue in after callback         caveat: no progress here, because send mail call is atomic         assumes multiple recipient addrs are separated with ';'         caveat: should parse To,Cc,Bcc instead of splitting on ';',         or use a multiline input widgets instead of simple entry;         as is, reply logic and GUI user must avoid embedded ';'         characters in addresses - very unlikely but not impossible;         mailtools module saves sent message text in a local file         """         fieldvalues = [entry.get( ) for entry in self.hdrFields]         From, To, Cc, Subj = fieldvalues[:4]         extraHdrs  = [('Cc', Cc), ('X-Mailer', appname + ' (Python)')]         extraHdrs += zip(self.userHdrs, fieldvalues[4:])         bodytext = self.editor.getAllText( )         # split multiple recipient lists, fix empty fields         Tos = To.split(';')                                       # split to list         Tos = [addr.strip( ) for addr in Tos]                    # spaces around         for (ix, (name, value)) in enumerate(extraHdrs):             if value:                                           # ignored if ''                 if value == '?':                                # ? not replaced                     extraHdrs[ix] = (name, '')                 elif name.lower( ) in ['cc', 'bcc']:                     values = value.split(';')                     extraHdrs[ix] = (name, [addr.strip( ) for addr in values])         # withdraw to disallow send during send         # caveat: withdraw not foolproof- user may deiconify         self.withdraw( )         self.getPassword( )      # if needed; don't run pop up in send thread!         popup = popuputil.BusyBoxNowait(appname, 'Sending message')         sendingBusy.incr( )         threadtools.startThread(             action  = self.sendMessage,             args    = (From, Tos, Subj, extraHdrs, bodytext, self.attaches,                                                      saveMailSeparator),             context = (popup,),             onExit  = self.onSendExit,             onFail  = self.onSendFail)     def onSendExit(self, popup):         # erase wait window, erase view window, decr send count         # sendMessage call auto saves sent message in local file         # can't use window.addSavedMails: mail text unavailable         popup.quit( )         self.destroy( )         sendingBusy.decr( )         # poss \ when opened, / in mailconfig         sentname = os.path.abspath(mailconfig.sentmailfile)    # also expands '.'         if sentname in openSaveFiles.keys( ):                 # sent file open?             window = openSaveFiles[sentname]                   # update list,raise             window.loadMailFileThread( )     def onSendFail(self, exc_info, popup):         # pop-up error, keep msg window to save or retry, redraw actions frame         popup.quit( )         self.deiconify( )         self.lift( )         showerror(appname, 'Send failed: \n%s\n%s' % exc_info[:2])         printStack(exc_info)         self.smtpPassword = None        # try again         sendingBusy.decr( )     def askSmtpPassword(self):         """         get password if needed from GUI here, in main thread         caveat: may try this again in thread if no input first         time, so goes into a loop until input is provided; see         pop paswd input logic for a nonlooping alternative         """         password = ''         while not password:             prompt = ('Password for %s on %s?' %                      (self.smtpUser, self.smtpServerName))             password = popuputil.askPasswordWindow(appname, prompt)         return password class ReplyWindow(WriteWindow):     """     customize write display for replying     text and headers set up by list window     """     modelabel = 'Reply' class ForwardWindow(WriteWindow):     """     customize reply display for forwarding     text and headers set up by list window     """     modelabel = 'Forward' 

15.3.7. messagecache: Message Cache Manager

The class in Example 15-5 implements a cache for already loaded messages. Its logic is split off into this file in order to avoid complicating list window implementations. The server list window creates and embeds an instance of this class to interface with the mail server, and to keep track of already loaded mail headers and full text.

Example 15-5. PP3E\Internet\Email\PyMailGui\

 ############################################################################# # manage message and header loads and context, but not GUI # a MailFetcher, with a list of already loaded headers and messages # the caller must handle any required threading or GUI interfaces ############################################################################# from PP3E.Internet.Email import mailtools from popuputil import askPasswordWindow class MessageInfo:     """     an item in the mail cache list     """     def _ _init_ _(self, hdrtext, size):         self.hdrtext  = hdrtext            # fulltext is cached msg         self.fullsize = size               # hdrtext is just the hdrs         self.fulltext = None               # fulltext=hdrtext if no TOP class MessageCache(mailtools.MailFetcher):     """     keep track of already loaded headers and messages     inherits server transfer methods from MailFetcher     useful in other apps: no GUI or thread assumptions     """     def _ _init_ _(self):         mailtools.MailFetcher._ _init_ _(self)         self.msglist = []     def loadHeaders(self, forceReloads, progress=None):         """         three cases to handle here: the initial full load,         load newly arrived, and forced reload after delete;         don't refetch viewed msgs if hdrs list same or extended;         retains cached msgs after a delete unless delete fails;         2.1: does quick check to see if msgnums still in sync         """         if forceReloads:             loadfrom = 1             self.msglist = []                         # msg nums have changed         else:             loadfrom = len(self.msglist)+1            # continue from last load         # only if loading newly arrived         if loadfrom != 1:             self.checkSynchError(self.allHdrs( ))      # raises except if bad         # get all or newly arrived msgs         reply = self.downloadAllHeaders(progress, loadfrom)         headersList, msgSizes, loadedFull = reply         for (hdrs, size) in zip(headersList, msgSizes):             newmsg = MessageInfo(hdrs, size)             if loadedFull:                            # zip result may be empty                 newmsg.fulltext = hdrs                  # got full msg if no 'top'             self.msglist.append(newmsg)     def getMessage(self, msgnum):                     # get raw msg text         if not self.msglist[msgnum-1].fulltext:       # add to cache if fetched             fulltext = self.downloadMessage(msgnum)   # harmless if threaded             self.msglist[msgnum-1].fulltext = fulltext         return self.msglist[msgnum-1].fulltext     def getMessages(self, msgnums, progress=None):         """         prefetch full raw text of multiple messages, in thread;         2.1: does quick check to see if msgnums still in sync;         we can't get here unless the index list already loaded;         """         self.checkSynchError(self.allHdrs( ))          # raises except if bad         nummsgs = len(msgnums)                        # adds messages to cache         for (ix, msgnum) in enumerate(msgnums):       # some poss already there              if progress: progress(ix+1, nummsgs)     # only connects if needed              self.getMessage(msgnum)                  # but may connect > once     def getSize(self, msgnum):                        # encapsulate cache struct         return self.msglist[msgnum-1].fullsize        # it changed once already!     def isLoaded(self, msgnum):         return self.msglist[msgnum-1].fulltext     def allHdrs(self):         return [msg.hdrtext for msg in self.msglist]     def deleteMessages(self, msgnums, progress=None):         """         if delete of all msgnums works, remove deleted entries         from mail cache, but don't reload either the headers list         or already viewed mails text: cache list will reflect the         changed msg nums on server;  if delete fails for any reason,         caller should forceably reload all hdrs next, because _some_         server msg nums may have changed, in unpredictable ways;         2.1: this now checks msg hdrs to detect out of synch msg         numbers, if TOP supported by mail server; runs in thread         """         try:             self.deleteMessagesSafely(msgnums, self.allHdrs( ), progress)         except mailtools.TopNotSupported:             mailtools.MailFetcher.deleteMessages(self, msgnums, progress)         # no errors: update index list         indexed = enumerate(self.msglist)         self.msglist = [msg for (ix, msg) in indexed if ix+1 not in msgnums] class GuiMessageCache(MessageCache):     """     add any GUI-specific calls here so cache usable in non-GUI apps     """     def setPopPassword(self, appname):         """         get password from GUI here, in main thread         forceably called from GUI to avoid pop ups in threads         """         if not self.popPassword:             prompt = 'Password for %s on %s?' % (self.popUser, self.popServer)             self.popPassword = askPasswordWindow(appname, prompt)     def askPopPassword(self):         """         but don't use GUI pop up here: I am run in a thread!         when tried pop up in thread, caused GUI to hang;         may be called by MailFetcher superclass, but only         if passwd is still empty string due to dialog close         """         return self.popPassword 

15.3.8. popuputil: General-Purpose GUI Pop Ups

Example 15-6 implements a handful of utility pop-up windows in a module, in case they ever prove useful in other programs. Note that the same windows utility module is imported here, to give a common look-and-feel to the popups (icons, titles, and so on).

Example 15-6. PP3E\Internet\Email\PyMailGui\

 ############################################################################# # utility windows - may be useful in other programs ############################################################################# from Tkinter import * from import PopupWindow class HelpPopup(PopupWindow):     """     custom Toplevel that shows help text as scrolled text     source button runs a passed-in callback handler     alternative: use HTML file and webbrowser module     """     myfont = 'system'  # customizable     def _ _init_ _(self, appname, helptext, iconfile=None, showsource=lambda:0):         PopupWindow._ _init_ _(self, appname, 'Help', iconfile)         from ScrolledText import ScrolledText       # a nonmodal dialog         bar  = Frame(self)                          # pack first=clip last         bar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)         code = Button(bar, bg='beige', text="Source", command=showsource)         quit = Button(bar, bg='beige', text="Cancel", command=self.destroy)         code.pack(pady=1, side=LEFT)         quit.pack(pady=1, side=LEFT)         text = ScrolledText(self)                   # add Text + scrollbar         text.config(font=self.myfont,  width=70)    # too big for showinfo         text.config(bg='steelblue', fg='white')     # erase on btn or return         text.insert('0.0', helptext)         text.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)         self.bind("<Return>", (lambda event: self.destroy( ))) def askPasswordWindow(appname, prompt):     """     modal dialog to input password string     getpass.getpass uses stdin, not GUI     tkSimpleDialog.askstring echos input     """     win = PopupWindow(appname, 'Prompt')               # a configured Toplevel     Label(win, text=prompt).pack(side=LEFT)     entvar = StringVar(win)     ent = Entry(win, textvariable=entvar, show='*')    # display * for input     ent.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=YES, fill=X)     ent.bind('<Return>', lambda event: win.destroy( ))     ent.focus_set(); win.grab_set(); win.wait_window( )     win.update( )                                       # update forces redraw     return entvar.get( )                                # ent widget is now gone class BusyBoxWait(PopupWindow):     """     pop up blocking wait message box: thread waits     main GUI event thread stays alive during wait     but GUI is inoperable during this wait state;     uses quit redef here because lower, not leftmost;     """     def _ _init_ _(self, appname, message):         PopupWindow._ _init_ _(self, appname, 'Busy')         self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda:0)        # ignore deletes         label = Label(self, text=message + '...')          # win.quit( ) to erase         label.config(height=10, width=40, cursor='watch')  # busy cursor         label.pack( )         self.makeModal( )         self.message, self.label = message, label     def makeModal(self):         self.focus_set( )                                   # grab application         self.grab_set( )                                    # wait for threadexit     def changeText(self, newtext):         self.label.config(text=self.message + ': ' + newtext)     def quit(self):         self.destroy( )                                     # don't verify quit class BusyBoxNowait(BusyBoxWait):     """     pop up nonblocking wait window     call changeText to show progress, quit to close     """     def makeModal(self):         pass if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':     HelpPopup('spam', 'See figure 1...\n')     print askPasswordWindow('spam', 'enter password')     raw_input('Enter to exit') 

15.3.9. wraplines: Line Split Tools

The module in Example 15-7 implements general tools for wrapping long lines, at either a fixed column or the first delimiter at or before a fixed column. PyMailGUI uses this file's wrapText1 function for text in view, reply, and forward windows, but this code is potentially useful in other programs. Run the file as a script to watch its self-test code at work, and study its functions to see its text-processing logic.

Example 15-7. PP3E\Internet\Email\PyMailGui\

 ############################################################################### # split lines on fixed columns or at delimiters before a column # see also: related but different textwrap standard library module (2.3+) ############################################################################### defaultsize = 80 def wrapLinesSimple(lineslist, size=defaultsize):     "split at fixed position size"     wraplines = []     for line in lineslist:         while True:             wraplines.append(line[:size])         # OK if len < size             line = line[size:]                    # split without analysis             if not line: break     return wraplines def wrapLinesSmart(lineslist, size=defaultsize, delimiters='.,:\t '):     "wrap at first delimiter left of size"     wraplines = []     for line in lineslist:         while True:             if len(line) <= size:                 wraplines += [line]                 break             else:                 for look in range(size-1, size/2, -1):                     if line[look] in delimiters:                         front, line = line[:look+1], line[look+1:]                         break                 else:                     front, line = line[:size], line[size:]                 wraplines += [front]     return wraplines ############################################################################### # common use case utilities ############################################################################### def wrapText1(text, size=defaultsize):         # better for line-based txt: mail     "when text read all at once"               # keeps original line brks struct     lines = text.split('\n')                   # split on newlines     lines = wrapLinesSmart(lines, size)        # wrap lines on delimiters     return '\n'.join(lines)                    # put back together def wrapText2(text, size=defaultsize):         # more uniform across lines     "same, but treat as one long line"         # but loses original line struct     text  = text.replace('\n', ' ')            # drop newlines if any     lines = wrapLinesSmart([text], size)       # wrap single line on delimiters     return lines                               # caller puts back together def wrapText3(text, size=defaultsize):     "same, but put back together"     lines = wrapText2(text, size)              # wrap as single long line     return '\n'.join(lines) + '\n'             # make one string with newlines def wrapLines1(lines, size=defaultsize):     "when newline included at end"     lines = [line[:-1] for line in lines]      # strip off newlines (or .rstrip)     lines = wrapLinesSmart(lines, size)        # wrap on delimiters     return [(line + '\n') for line in lines]   # put them back def wrapLines2(lines, size=defaultsize):       # more uniform across lines     "same, but concat as one long line"        # but loses original structure     text  = ''.join(lines)                     # put together as 1 line     lines = wrapText2(text)                    # wrap on delimiters     return [(line + '\n') for line in lines]   # put newlines on ends ############################################################################### # self-test ############################################################################### if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':     lines = ['spam ham ' * 20 + 'spam,ni' * 20,              'spam ham ' * 20,              'spam,ni'   * 20,              'spam' * 20,              '',              'spam'*80,              ' ',              'spam ham eggs']     print 'all', '-'*30     for line in lines: print repr(line)     print 'simple', '-'*30     for line in wrapLinesSimple(lines): print repr(line)     print 'smart', '-'*30     for line in wrapLinesSmart(lines): print repr(line)     print 'single1', '-'*30     for line in wrapLinesSimple([lines[0]], 60): print repr(line)     print 'single2', '-'*30     for line in wrapLinesSmart([lines[0]], 60): print repr(line)     print 'combined text', '-'*30     for line in wrapLines2(lines): print repr(line)     print 'combined lines', '-'*30     print wrapText1('\n'.join(lines))     assert ''.join(lines) == ''.join(wrapLinesSimple(lines, 60))     assert ''.join(lines) == ''.join(wrapLinesSmart(lines, 60))     print len(''.join(lines)),     print len(''.join(wrapLinesSimple(lines))),     print len(''.join(wrapLinesSmart(lines))),     print len(''.join(wrapLinesSmart(lines, 60))),     raw_input('Press enter') 

15.3.10. mailconfig: User Configurations

In Example 15-8, PyMailGUI's mailconfig user settings module is listed. This program has its own version of this module because many of its settings are unique for PyMailGUI. To use the program for reading your own email, set its initial variables to reflect your POP and SMTP server names and login parameters. The variables in this module also allow the user to tailor the appearance and operation of the program without finding and editing actual program logic.

Example 15-8. PP3E\Internet\Email\PyMailGui\

 ############################################################################### # PyMailGUI user configuration settings. # Email scripts get their server names and other email config options from # this module: change me to reflect your machine names, sig, and preferences. # Warning: PyMailGUI won't run without most variables here: make a backup copy! # Notes: could get some settings from the command line too, and a configure # dialog would be better, but this common module file suffices for now. ############################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (required for load, delete) POP3 email server machine, user #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # popservername = '?Please set your attributes?' #popservername  = ''            # or, 'localhost' #popusername    = 'lutz'                   # password fetched or asked when run #popservername  = ''     # yes, I have a few email accounts #popusername    = 'lutz4' #popservername  = '' #popusername    = 'for_personal_mail' popservername  = ''       # popusername    = 'pp3e' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (required for send) SMTP email server machine name # see Python smtpd module for a SMTP server class to run locally; # note: your ISP may require that you be directly connected to their system: # I can email through Earthlink on dial up, but cannot via Comcast cable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ smtpservername = ''     # or '', 'localhost' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (may be required for send) SMTP user/password if authenticated # set user to None or '' if no login/authentication is required # set pswd to name of a file holding your SMTP password, or an # empty string to force programs to ask (in a console, or GUI) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ smtpuser  = None                           # per your ISP smtppasswdfile  = ''                       # set to '' to be asked #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (optional) PyMailGUI: name of local one-line text file with your POP # password; if empty or file cannot be read, pswd is requested when first # connecting; pswd not encrypted: leave this empty on shared machines; # PyMailCGI always asks for pswd (runs on a possibly remote server); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ poppasswdfile  = r'c:\temp\pymailgui.txt'      # set to '' to be asked #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (optional) personal information used by PyMailGUI to fill in edit forms; # if not set, does not fill in initial form values; # sig  -- can be a triple-quoted block, ignored if empty string; # addr -- used for initial value of "From" field if not empty, # no longer tries to guess From for replies--varying success; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ myaddress   = ''                          # mysignature = '--Mark Lutz  (' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (optional) local file where sent messages are saved; # PyMailGUI 'Open' button allows this file to be opened and viewed # don't use '.' form if may be run from another dir: e.g., pp3e demos #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #sentmailfile   = r'.\sentmail.txt'             # . means in current working dir #sourcedir    = r'C:\Mark\PP3E-cd\Examples\PP3E\Internet\Email\PyMailGui\' #sentmailfile = sourcedir + 'sentmail.txt' # determine auto from one of my source files import wraplines, os mysourcedir   = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(wraplines._ _file_ _)) sentmailfile  = os.path.join(mysourcedir, 'sentmail.txt') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (optional) local file where pymail saves POP mail; # PyMailGUI instead asks for a name with a pop-up dialog #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ savemailfile   = r'c:\temp\savemail.txt'       # not used in PyMailGUI: dialog #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (optional) customize headers displayed in PyMailGUI list and view windows; # listheaders replaces default, viewheaders extends it; both must be tuple of # strings, or None to use default hdrs; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ listheaders = ('Subject', 'From', 'Date', 'To', 'X-Mailer') viewheaders = ('Bcc',) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (optional) PyMailGUI fonts and colors for text server/file message list # windows, message content view windows, and view window attachment buttons; # use ('family', size, 'style') for font; 'colorname' or hexstr '#RRGGBB' for # color (background, foreground);  None means use defaults;  font/color of # view windows can also be set interactively with texteditor's Tools menu; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ listbg   = 'indianred'         # None, 'white', '#RRGGBB' (see setcolor example) listfg   = 'black' listfont = ('courier', 9, 'bold')       # None, ('courier', 12, 'bold italic')                                         # use fixed-width font for list columns viewbg     = '#dbbedc' viewfg     = 'black' viewfont   = ('courier', 10, 'bold') viewheight = 24                         # max lines for height when opened partfg   = None partbg   = None # see Tk color names: aquamarine paleturqoise powderblue goldenrod burgundy .... #listbg = listfg = listfont = None #viewbg = viewfg = viewfont = viewheight = None      # to use defaults #partbg = partfg = None #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (optional) column at which mail's original text should be wrapped for view, # reply, and forward;  wraps at first delimiter to left of this position; # composed text is not auto-wrapped: user or recipient's mail tool must wrap # new text if desired; to disable wrapping, set this to a high value (1024?); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wrapsz = 100 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (optional) control how PyMailGUI opens mail parts in the GUI; # for view window Split actions and attachment quick-access buttons; # if not okayToOpenParts, quick-access part buttons will not appear in # the GUI, and Split saves parts in a directory but does not open them; # verifyPartOpens used by both Split action and quick-access buttons: # all known-type parts open automatically on Split if this set to False; # verifyHTMLTextOpen used by web browser open of HTML main text part: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ okayToOpenParts    = True      # open any parts/attachments at all? verifyPartOpens    = False     # ask permission before opening each part? verifyHTMLTextOpen = False     # if main text part is HTML, ask before open? #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (optional) the maximum number of quick-access mail part buttons to show # in the middle of view windows; after this many, a "..." button will be # displayed, which runs the "Split" action to extract additional parts; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ maxPartButtons = 8             # how many part buttons in view windows #end 

15.3.11. PyMailGuiHelp: User Help Text

Finally, Example 15-9 lists the module that defines the text displayed in PyMailGUI's help popup as one triple-quoted string. Read this here or live within the program to learn more about how PyMailGUI's interface operates (click the help bar at the top of the server list window to open the help display). It is included because it explains some properties of PyMailGUI not introduced by the demo earlier in this chapter.

This text may be more usefully formatted as HTML with section links and popped up in a web browser, but we take a lowest-common-denominator approach here to minimize external dependencieswe don't want help to fail if no browser can be located, and we don't want to maintain both text and HTML versions. Other schemes are possible (e.g., converting HTML to text as a fallback by parsing), but they are left as suggested improvements.

Example 15-9. PP3E\Internet\PyMailGui2\

 ###################################################################### # PyMailGUI help text string, in this separate module only to avoid # distracting from executable code.  As coded, we throw up this text # in a simple scrollable text box; in the future, we might instead # use an HTML file opened with a browser (use webbrowser module, or # run a "netscape help.html" or DOS "start help.html" with os.system); # that would add an external dependency, unless text on browser fail; ###################################################################### # used to have to be narrow for Linux info box pop ups; # now uses scrolledtext with buttons instead; helptext = """PyMailGUI, version 2.1 January, 2006 Programming Python, 3rd Edition O'Reilly Media, Inc. PyMailGUI is a multiwindow interface for processing email, both online and offline.  Its main interfaces include one list window for the mail server, zero or more list windows for mail save files, and multiple view windows for composing or viewing emails selected in a list window.  On startup, the main (server) list window appears first, but no mail server connection is attempted until a Load or message send request.  All PyMailGUI windows may be resized, which is especially useful in list windows to see additional columns. Major enhancements in this version: * MIME multipart mails with attachments may be both viewed and composed. * Mail transfers are no longer blocking, and may overlap in time. * Mail may be saved and processed offline from a local file. * Message parts may now be opened automatically within the GUI. * Multiple messages may be selected for processing in list windows. * Initial downloads fetch mail headers only; full mails are fetched on request. * View window headers and list window columns are configurable. * Deletions are performed immediately, not delayed until program exit. * Most server transfers report their progress in the GUI. * Long lines are intelligently wrapped in viewed and quoted text. * Fonts and colors in list and view windows may be configured by the user. * Authenticating SMTP mail-send servers that require login are supported. * Sent messages are saved in a local file, which may be opened in the GUI. * View windows intelligently pick a main text part to be displayed. * Already fetched mail headers and full mails are cached for speed. * Date strings and addresses in composed mails are formatted properly. * (2.1) View windows now have quick-access buttons for attachments/parts. * (2.1) Inbox out-of-synch errors detected on deletes, and index and mail loads. * (2.1) Save-file loads and deletes threaded, to avoid pauses for large files. Note: To use PyMailGUI to read and write email of your own, you must change the POP and SMTP server names and login details in the file, located in PyMailGUI's source-code directory.  See section 10 for details. Contents: 1)  LIST WINDOW ACTIONS 2)  VIEW WINDOW ACTIONS 3)  OFFLINE PROCESSING 4)  VIEWING TEXT AND ATTACHMENTS 5)  SENDING TEXT AND ATTACHMENTS 6)  MAIL TRANSFER OVERLAP 7)  MAIL DELETION 8)  INBOX MESSAGE NUMBER SYNCHRONIZATION 9)  LOADING EMAIL 10) THE mailconfig CONFIGURATION MODULE 11) DEPENDENCIES 12) MISCELLANEOUS HINTS 1) LIST WINDOW ACTIONS Click list window buttons to process email: - Load:\t fetch all (or new) mail headers from POP server inbox - View:\t display selected emails nicely formatted - Delete:\t delete selected emails from server or save file - Write:\t compose a new email message, send by SMTP - Reply:\t compose replies to selected emails, send by SMTP - Fwd:\t compose forwards of selected emails, send by SMTP - Save:\t write all selected emails to a chosen save file - Open:\t load emails from an offline save file into new list window - Quit:\t exit program (server list), close window (file list) Double-click on an email in a list window's listbox to view the mail's raw text, including any mail headers not shown by the View button.  List windows opened for mail save files support all of the above except Load.  After the initial Load, Load only fetches newly arrived message headers.  To forceably reload all mails from the server, restart PyMailGUI.  There is reload button, because full reloads are only required on rare deletion and inbox synchronization errors (described ahead), and reloads are initiated automatically in these cases. Click on emails in the main window's listbox to select them.  Click the "All" checkbox to select all or no emails at once.  More than one email may be selected at the same time: View, Delete, Reply, Fwd, and Save buttons are applied to all currently selected emails, in both server and save-file list windows.  Use Ctrl+click to select multiple mails, Shift+click to select all from prior selecion, or click+move to drag the selection out. In 2.1, most of the actions in the server List window automatically run a quick-check to detect inbox out-of-synch errors with the server.  If a synch error pop up appears, a full index reload will be automatically run; there is no need to stop and restart PyMailGUI (see ahead in this help). 2) VIEW WINDOW ACTIONS Action buttons in message view windows (View): - Cancel:\t closes the message view window - Parts:\t lists all message parts, including attachments - Split:\t extracts, saves, and possibly opens message parts Actions in message compose windows (Write, Reply, Fwd): - Cancel:\t closes the message window, discarding its content - Parts:\t lists files already attached to mail being edited - Attach:\t adds a file as an attachment to a mail being edited - Send:\t sends the message to all its recipients Parts and Split buttons appear in all View windows; for simple messages, the sole part is the message body.  Message reply, forward, and delete requests are made in the list windows, not message view windows.  Deletions do not erase open view windows. New in 2.1: View windows also have up to a fixed maximum number of quick access buttons for attached message parts.  They are alternatives to Split. After the maximum number, a '...' button is added, which simply runs Split. The maximum number of part buttons to display per view window can be set in the user settings module (described ahead). 3) OFFLINE PROCESSING To process email offline: Load from the server, Save to a local file, and later select Open to open a save file's list window in either the server List window or another save file's List window.  Open creates a new List window for the file, or raises its window if the file is already open. A save file's list window allows all main window actions listed above, except for Load.  For example, saved messages can be viewed, deleted, replied to, or forwarded, from the file's list window.  Operations are mapped to the local mail save file, instead of the server's inbox.   Saved messages may also be saved: to move mails from one save file to another, Save and then Delete from the source file's window. You do not need to connect to a server to process save files offline: click the Open button in the main list window.  In a save-file list window, a Quit erases that window only; a Delete removes the message from the local save file, not from a server. Save-file list windows are automatically updated when new mails are saved to the corresponding file anywhere in the GUI.  The sent-mail file may also be opened and processed as a normal save-mail file, with Open. Save buttons in list windows save the full message text (including its headers, and a message separator).  To save just the main text part of a message, either use the Save button in the TextEditor at the bottom of a view or edit window, or select the "Split" action button.  To save attachments, see the next section. New in 2.1: local save-file Open and Delete requests are threaded to avoid blocking the GUI during loads and deletes of large files.  Because of this, a loaded file's index may not appear in its List window immediately.  Similarly, when new mails are saved or messages are sent, there may be a delay before the corresponding local file's List window is updated, if it is currently open. As a status indication, the window's title changes to "Loading..." on loads and "Deleting..." during deletes, and is reset to the file's name after the thread exits (the server window uses pop ups for status indication, because the delay is longer, and there is progress to display).  Eventually, either the index will appear and its window raised, or an error message will pop up.  Save-file loads and deletes are not allowed to overlap with each other for a given file, but may overlap with server transfers and operations on other open files. Note: save-file Save operations are still not threaded, and may pause the GUI momentarily when saving very many large mails.  This is normaly not noticeable, because unlike Open and Delete, saves simply append to the save-file, and do not reload its content.  To avoid pauses completely, though, don't save very many large mails in a single operation. Also note: the current implementation loads the entire save-mail file into memory when opened.  Because of this, save-mail files are limited in size, depending upon your computer.  To avoid consuming too much memory, you should try to keep your save files relatively small (at the least, smaller than your computer's available memory).  As a rule of thumb, organize your saved mails by categories into many small files, instead of a few large files. 4) VIEWING TEXT AND ATTACHMENTS PyMailGUI's view windows use a text-oriented display.  When a mail is viewed, its main text is displayed in the View window.  This text is taken from the entire body of a simple message, or the first text part of a multipart MIME message.  To extract the main message text, PyMailGUI looks for plain text, then HTML, and then text of any other kind.  If no such text content is found, nothing is displayed in the view window, but parts may be opened manually with the "Split" button (and quick-access part buttons in 2.1, described below). If the body of a simple message is HTML type, or a HTML part is used as the main message text, a web browser is popped up as an alternative display for the main message text, if verified by the user (the mailconfig module can be used to bypass the verification; see ahead).  This is equivalent to opening the HTML part with the "Split" button, but is initiated automatically for the main message text's HTML.  If a simple message is something other than text or HTML, its content must be openened manually with Split. When viewing mails, messages with multipart attachments are prefixed with a "*" in list windows.  "Parts" and "Split" buttons appear in all View windows. Message parts are defined as follows: - For simple messages, the message body is considered to be the sole   part of the message. - For multipart messages, the message parts list includes the main   message text, as well as all attachments. In both cases, message parts may be saved and opened with the "Split" button. For simple messages, the message body may be saved with Split, as well as the Save button in the view window's text editor.  To process multipart messages: - Use "Parts" to display the names of all message parts, including any   attachments, in a pop-up dialog. - Use "Split" to view message parts: all mail parts are first saved to a   selected directory, and any well-known and generally safe part files are   opened automatically, but only if verified by the user. - See also the note below about 2.1 quick access buttons, for an alternative   to the Parts/Split interface on View windows. For "Split", select a local directory to save parts to.  After the save, text parts open in the TextEditor GUI, HTML and multimedia types open in a web browser, and common Windows document types (e.g., .doc and .xls files) open via the Windows registry entry for the filename extension.  For safety, unknown types and executable program parts are never run automatically; even Python programs are displayed as source text only (save the code to run manually). Web browsers on some platforms may open multimedia types (image, audio, video) in specific content handler programs (e.g., MediaPlayer, image viewers).  No other types of attachments are ever opened, and attachments are never opened without user verification (or authorization in 2.1, described below).  Browse the parts save directory to open other parts manually. To avoid scrolling for very long lines (sometimes sent by HTML-based mailers), the main text part of a message is automatically wrapped for easy viewing. Long lines are split up at the first delimiter found before a fixed column, when viewed, replied, or forwarded.  The wrapping column may be configured or disabled in the mailconfig module (see ahead).  Text lines are never automatically wrapped when sent; users or recipients should manage line length in composed mails. New in 2.1: View windows also have up to a fixed maximum number of quick-access buttons for attached message parts.  They are alternatives to Split: selecting an attachment's button automatically extracts, saves, and opens that single attachment directly, without Split directory and pop-up dialogs (a temporary directory is used).  The maximum number of part buttons to display per view window can be set in the user settings module (described ahead). For mails with more than the maximum number of attachments, a '...' button is added which simply runs Split to save and open any additional attachments. Also in 2.1, two settings in the module (see section 10) can be used to control how PyMailGUI opens parts in the GUI: - okayToOpenParts: controls whether part opens are allowed at all - verifyPartOpens: controls whether to ask before each part is opened. Both are used for View window Split actions and part quick-access buttons.  If okayToOpenParts is False, quick-access part buttons will not appear in the GUI, and Split saves parts in a directory but does not open them.  verifyPartOpens is used by both Split and quick-access part buttons: if False, part buttons open parts immediately, and Split opens all known-type parts automatically after they are saved (unknown types and executables are never opened). An additional setting in this module, verifyHTMLTextOpen, controls verification of opening a web browser on a HTML main text part of a message; if False, the web browser is opened without prompts.  This is a separate setting from verifyPartOpens, because this is more automatic than part opens, and some HTML main text parts may have dubious content (e.g., images, ads). 5) SENDING TEXT AND ATTACHMENTS When composing new mails, the view window's "Attach" button adds selected files as attachments, to be sent with the email's main text when the View window's "Send" is clicked.  Attachment files may be of any type; they are selected in a pop-up dialog, but are not loaded until Send.  The view window's "Parts" button displays attachments already added. The main text of the message (in the view window editor) is sent as a simple message if there are no attachments, or as the first part of a multipart MIME message if there are.  In both cases, the main message text is always sent as plain text.  HTML files may be attached to the message, but there is no support for text-or-HTML multipart alternative format for the main text, nor for sending the main text as HTML only.  Not all clients can handle HTML, and PyMailGUI's text-based view windows have no HTML editing tools. Multipart nesting is never applied: composed mails are always either a simple body, or a linear list of parts containing the main message text and attachment files. For mail replies and forwards, headers are given intial values, the main message text (described in the prior section) is wrapped and quoted with '>' prefixes, and any attachments in the original message are stripped.  Only new attachments added are sent with the message. To send to multiple addresses, separate each recipient's address in To and Cc fields with semicolons.  For instance:; "Smith, Bob" <>; Note that because these fields are split on semicolons without full parsing, a recipient's address should not embed a ';'.  For replies, this is handled automatically: the To field is prefilled with the original message's From, using either the original name and address, or just the address if the name contains a ';' (a rare case).  Cc and Bcc headers fields are ignored if they contain just the initial "?" when sent. Successfully sent messages are saved in a local file whose name you list in the module.  Sent mails are saved if the variable "sentmailfile" is set to a valid filename; set to an empty string to disable saves.  This file may be opened using the Open button of the GUI's list windows, and its content may be viewed, processed, deleted, saved, and so on within the GUI, just like a manually saved mail file.  Also like manually saved mail files, the sent-file list window is automatically updated whenever a new message is sent, if it is open (there is no need to close and reopen to see new sends).  If this file grows too large to open, you can delete its content with Delete, after possibly saving sent mails you wish to keep to another file with Save. Note that some ISPs may require that you be connected to their systems in order to use their SMTP servers (sending through your dial-up ISP's server while connected to a broadband provider may not work--try the SMTP server at your broadband provider instead), and some SMTP servers may require authentication (set the "smtpuser" variable in the module to force authentication logins on sends).  See also the Python library module smptd for SMTP server tools; in principle, you could run your own SMTP server locally on 'localhost'. 6) MAIL TRANSFER OVERLAP PyMailGUI runs mail server transfers (loads, sends, and deletes) in threads, to avoid blocking the GUI.  Transfers never block the GUI's windows, and windows do not generally block other windows.  Users can view, create, and process mails while server transfers are in progress.  The transfers run in the background, while the GUI remains active. PyMailGUI also allows mail transfer threads to overlap in time.  In particular, new emails may be written and sent while a load or send is in progress, and mail loads may overlap with sends and other mail loads already in progress.  For example, while waiting for a download of mail headers or a large message, you can open a new Write window, compose a message, and send it; the send will overlap with the load currently in progress.  You may also load another mail, while the load of a large mail is in progress. While mail transfers are in progress, pop-up windows display their current progress as a message counter.  When sending a message, the original edit View window is popped back up automatically on Send failures, to save or retry. Because delete operations may change POP message numbers on the server, this operation disables other deletions and loads while in progress. Offline mail save-file loads and deletes are also threaded: these threads may overlap in time with server transfers, and with operations on other open save files.  Saves are disabled if the source or target file is busy with a load or save operation.  Quit is never allowed while any thread is busy. 7) MAIL DELETION Mail is not removed from POP servers on Load requests, but only on explicit "Delete" button deletion requests, if verified by the user.  Delete requests are run immediately, upon user verification. To delete your mail from a server and process offline: in the server list window select the All checkbutton, Save to a local file, and then Delete to delete all mails from the server; use Open to open the save file later to view and process saved mail. When deleting from the server window, the mail list (and any already viewed message text) is not reloaded from server, if the delete was successful.  If the delete fails, all email must be reloaded, because some POP message numbers may have changed; the reload occurs automatically.  Delete in a file list window deletes from the loal file only. As of version 2.1, PyMailGUI automatically matches messages selected for deletion with their headers on the mail server, to ensure that the correct mail is deleted.  If the mail index is out of synch with the server, mails that do not match the server are not deleted, since their POP message numbers are no longer accurate.  In this event, an error is displayed, and a full reload of the mail index list is automatically performed; you do not need to stop and restart PyMailGUI to reload the index list.  This can slow deletions (it adds roughly one second per deleted mail on the test machine used), but prevents the wrong mail from being deleted.  See the POP message number synchronization errors description in the next section. 8) INBOX MESSAGE NUMBER SYNCHRONIZATION PyMailGUI does header matching in order to ensure that deletions only delete the correct messages, and periodically detect synchronization errors with the server.  If a synchronization error message appears, the operation is cancelled, and a full index reload from the server is automatically performed.  You need not stop and restart PyMailGUI and reload the index, but must reattempt the operation after the reload. The POP email protocol assigns emails a relative message number, reflecting their position in your inbox.  In the server List window, PyMailGUI loads its mail index list on demand from the server, and assumes it reflects the content of your inbox from that point on.  A message's position in the index list is used as its POP relative message number for later loads and deletes. This normally works well, since newly arrived emails are added to the end of the inbox.  However, the message numbers of the index list can become out of synch with the server in two ways: A) Because delete operations change POP relative message numbers in the inbox, deleting messages in another email client (even another PyMailGUI instance) while the PyMailGUI server list window is open can invalidate PyMailGUI's message index numbers.  In this case, the index list window may be arbitrarily out of synch with the inbox on the server. B) It is also possible that your ISP may automatically delete emails from your inbox at any time, making PyMailGUI's email list out of synch with message numbers on the mail server.  For example, some ISPs may automatically move an email from the inbox to the undeliverable box, in response to a fetch failure. If this happens, PyMailGUI's message numbers will be off by one, according to the server's inbox. To accommodate such cases, PyMailGUI 2.1 always matches messages to be deleted against the server's inbox, by comparing already fetched headers text with the headers text returned for the same message number; the delete only occurs if the two match.  In addition, PyMailGUI runs a quick check for out-of-synch errors by comparing headers for just the last message in the index, whenever the index list is updated, and whenever full messages are fetched. This header matching adds a slight overhead to deletes, index loads, and mail fetches, but guarantees that deletes will not remove the wrong message, and ensures that the message you receive corresponds to the item selected in the server index List window.  The synch test overhead is one second or less on test machines used - it requires 1 POP server connect and an inbox size and (possibly) header text fetch. In general, you still shouldn't delete messages in PyMailGUI while running a different email client, or that client's message numbers may become confused unless it has simlar synchronization tests.  If you receive a synch error pop up on deletes or loads, PyMailGUI automatically begins a full reload of the mail index list displayed in the server List window. 9) LOADING EMAIL To save time, Load requests only fetch mail headers, not entire messages. View operations fetch the entire message, unless it has been previously viewed (already loaded messages are cached).  Multiple message downloads may overlap in time, and may overlap with message editing and sends. In addition, after the initial load, new Load requests only fetch headers of newly arrived messages.  All headers must be refetched after a delete failure, however, due to possibly changed POP message numbers. PyMailGUI only is connected to a mail server while a load, send, or delete operation is in progress.  It does not connect at all unless one of these operations is attempted, and disconnects as soon as the operation finishes. You do not need any Internet connectivity to run PyMailGUI unless you attempt one of these operations.  In addition, you may disconnect from the Internet when they are not in progress, without having to stop the GUI--the program will reconnect on the next transfer operation. Note: if your POP mail server does support the TOP command for fetching mail headers (most do), see variable "srvrHasTop" in the module to force full message downloads. Also note that, although PyMailGUI only fetches message headers initially if your email server supports TOP, this can still take some time for very large inboxes; as a rule of thumb, use save-mail files and deletions to keep your inbox small. 10) THE mailconfig CONFIGURATION MODULE Change the module file in PyMailGUI's home directory on your own machine to reflect your email server names, username, email address, and optional mail signature line added to all composed mails. Most settings in this module are optional, or have reasonable preset defaults. However, you must minimally set this module's "smtpservername" variable to send mail, and its "popservername" and "popusername" to load mail from a server. These are simple Python variables assigned to strings in this file.  See the module file and its embedded comments for details. The mailconfig module's "listheaders" attribute can also be set to a tuple of string header field name, to customize the set of headers displayed in list windows; mail size is always displayed last.  Similarly mailconfig's "viewheaders" attribute can extend the set of headers shown in a View window (though From, To, Cc, and Subject fields are always shown).  List windows display message headers in fixed-width columns. Variables in the mailconfig module also can be used to tailor the font used in list windows ("fontsz"), the column at which viewed and quoted text is automatically wrapped ("wrapsz"), colors and fonts in various windows, the local file where sent messages are saved, the opening of mail parts, and more; see the file's source code for more details. Note: use caution when changing this file, as PyMailGUI may not run at all if some of its variables are missing.  You may wish to make a backup copy before editing it in case you need to restore its defaults.  A future version of this system may have a configuration dialog which generates this module's code. 11) DEPENDENCIES This client-side program currently requires Python and Tkinter.  It uses Python threads, if installed, to avoid blocking the GUI.  Sending and loading email from a server requires an Internet connection.  Requires Python 2.3 or later, and uses the Python "email" standard library module to parse and compose mail text.  Reuses a number of modules located in the PP3E examples tree. 12) MISCELLANEOUS HINTS - Use ';' between multiple addresses in "To" and "Cc" headers. - Passwords are requested if needed, and not stored by PyMailGUI. - You may list your password in a file named in - Reply and Fwd automatically quote the original mail text. - Save pops up a dialog for selecting a file to hold saved mails. - Save always appends to the save file, rather than erasing it. - Delete does not reload message headers, unless it fails. - Delete checks your inbox to make sure the correct mail is deleted. - Fetches detect inbox changes and automatically reload index list. - Open and save dialogs always remember the prior directory. - To print emails, "Save" to a text file and print with other tools. - Click this window's Source button to view its source-code files. - Watch for updates and patches - This is an Open Source system: change its code as you like. - See the SpamBayes system for a spam filter for incoming email. """ if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':     print helptext                    # to stdout if run alone     raw_input('Press Enter key')      # pause in DOS console pop ups 

15.3.12. Ideas for Improvement

Although I use PyMailGUI on a regular basis as is, there is always room for improvement to software, and this system is no exception. If you wish to experiment with its code, here are a few suggested projects:

  • Mail list windows could be sorted by columns on demand. This may require a more sophisticated list window structure.

  • The implementation of save-mail files limits their size by loading them into memory all at once; a DBM keyed-access implementation may work around this constraint. See the list windows module comments for ideas.

  • Hyperlink URLs within messages could be highlighted visually and made to spawn a web browser automatically when clicked by using the launcher tools we met in the GUI and system parts of this book (Tkinter's text widget supports links directly).

  • Because Internet newsgroup posts are similar in structure to emails (header lines plus body text; see the nntplib example in Chapter 14), this script could in principle be extended to display both email messages and news articles. Classifying such a mutation as clever generalization or diabolical hack is left as an exercise in itself.

  • The help text has grown large in this version: this might be better implemented as HTML, and displayed in a web browser, with simple text as a fallback option. In fact, we might extract the simple text from the HTML, to avoid redundant copies.

  • Saves and Split writes could also be threaded for worst-case scenarios. For pointers on making Saves parallel, see the comments in the file class of; there may be some subtle issues that require both thread locks and general file locking for potentially concurrent updates.

  • There is currently no way to delete an attachment once it has been added in compose windows. This might be supported by adding quick-access part buttons to compose windows, too, which could verify and delete the part when clicked.

  • We could add an automatic spam filter for mails fetched, in addition to any provided at the email server or ISP.

  • Mail text is editable in message view windows, even though a new mail is not being composed. This is deliberateusers can annotate the message's text and save it in a text file with the Save button at the bottom of the window. This might be confusing, though, and is redundant (we can also edit and save by clicking on the main text's quick-access part button). Removing edit tools would require extending PyEdit.

  • We could also add support for mail lists, allowing users to associate multiple email addresses with a saved list name. On sends to a list name, the mail would be sent to all on the list (the "To:" addresses passed to smtplib), but the email list could be used for the email's "To:" header line).

And so onbecause this software is open source, it is also necessarily open-ended. Suggested exercises in this category are delegated to your imagination.

This concludes our tour of Python client-side programming. In the next chapter, we'll hop the fence to the other side of the Internet world and explore scripts that run on server machines. Such programs give rise to the grander notion of applications that live entirely on the Web and are launched by web browsers. As we take this leap in structure, keep in mind that the tools we met in this and the previous chapter are often sufficient to implement all the distributed processing that many applications require, and they can work in harmony with scripts that run on a server. To completely understand the Web world view, though, we need to explore the server realm, too.

Programming Python
Programming Python
ISBN: 0596009259
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 270
Authors: Mark Lutz © 2008-2017.
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