9. The nature of multiple alleles

1.9 The nature of multiple alleles

Key terms defined in this section
Gain-of-function mutation represents acquisition of a new activity. It is dominant.
Leaky mutants have some residual function, either because the mutant protein is partially active (in the case of a missense mutation), or because a small amount of wild-type protein is made (in the case of a nonsense mutation).
Loss-of-function mutation inactivates a gene. It is recessive.
Null mutation completely eliminates the function of a gene, usually because it has been physically deleted.
Polymorphism refers to the simultaneous occurrence in the population of genomes showing allelic variations (as seen either in alleles producing different phenotypes or-for example-in changes in DNA affecting the restriction pattern).

When a gene has been identified, insight into its function in principle can be gained by generating a mutant organism that entirely lacks the gene. A mutation that completely eliminates gene function, usually because the gene has been deleted, is called a null mutation. If a gene is essential, a null mutation is lethal.

To determine what effect a gene has upon the phenotype, it is essential to characterize a null mutant. When a mutation fails to affect the phenotype, it is always possible that this is because it is leaky Xenough active product is made to fulfill its function, even though the activity is quantitatively reduced or qualitatively different from the wild type. But if a null mutant fails to affect a phenotype, we may safely conclude that the gene function is not necessary.

Figure 1.19 Genes code for proteins; dominance is explained by the properties of mutant proteins. A recessive allele does not contribute to the phenotype because it produces no protein (or protein that is nonfunctional).

Null mutations, or other mutations that impede gene function (but do not necessarily abolish it entirely) are called loss-of-function mutations. A loss-of-function mutation is recessive (as in the example of Figure 1.19). Sometimes a mutation has the opposite effect and causes a protein to acquire a new function; such a change is called a gain-of-function mutation. A gain-of-function mutation is dominant.

If a recessive mutation is produced by every change in a gene that prevents the production of an active protein, there should be a large number of such mutations in any one gene. Many amino acid replacements may change the structure of the protein sufficiently to impede its function.

Different variants of the same gene are called multiple alleles, and their existence makes it possible to create a heterozygote between mutant alleles. The relationship between these multiple alleles takes various forms.

In the simplest case, a wild-type gene codes for a protein product that is functional. Mutant allele(s) code for proteins that are nonfunctional.

But there are often cases in which a series of mutant alleles have different phenotypes. For example, wild-type function of the white locus of D. melanogaster is required for development of the normal red color of the eye. The locus is named for the effect of extreme (null) mutations, which cause the fly to have a white eye in mutant homozygotes.

To describe wild-type and mutant alleles, wild genotype is indicated by a plus superscript after the name of the locus (w+ is the wild-type allele for [red] eye color in D. melanogaster). Sometimes + is used by itself to describe the wild-type allele, and only the mutant alleles are indicated by the name of the locus.

An entirely defective form of the gene (or absence of phenotype) may be indicated by a minus superscript. To distinguish among a variety of mutant alleles with different effects, other superscripts may be introduced, such as wi or wa.

Figure 1.21 The w locus has an extensive series of alleles, whose phenotypes extend from wild-type (red) color to complete lack of pigment.

The w+ allele is dominant over any other allele in heterozygotes. There are many different mutant alleles. Figure 1.21 shows a (small) sample. Although some alleles have no eye color, many alleles produce some color. Each of these mutant alleles must therefore represent a different mutation of the gene, which does not eliminate its function entirely, but leaves a residual activity that produces a characteristic phenotype. These alleles are named for the color of the eye in a homozygote. (Most w alleles affect the quantity of pigment in the eye, and the examples in the Figure are arranged in [roughly] declining amount of color, but others, such as wsp, affect the pattern in which it is deposited.)

When multiple alleles exist, an animal may be a heterozygote that carries two different mutant alleles. The phenotype of such a heterozygote depends on the nature of the residual activity of each allele. The relationship between two mutant alleles is in principle no different from that between wild-type and mutant alleles: one allele may be dominant, there may be partial dominance, or there may be codominance.

Figure 1.22 The ABO blood group locus codes for a galactosyltransferase whose specificity determines the blood group.

There is not necessarily a unique wild-type allele at any particular locus. Control of the human blood group system provides an example. Lack of function is represented by the null type, O group. But the functional alleles A and B provide activities that are codominant with one another and dominant over O group. The basis for this relationship is illustrated in Figure 1.22.

The O (or H) antigen is generated in all individuals, and consists of a particular carbohydrate group that is added to proteins. The ABO locus codes for a galactosyltransferase enzyme that adds a further sugar group to the O antigen. The specificity of this enzyme determines the blood group. The A allele produces an enzyme that uses the cofactor UDP-N-acetylgalactose, creating the A antigen. The B allele produces an enzyme that uses the cofactor UDP-galactose, creating the B antigen. The A and B versions of the transferase protein differ in 4 amino acids that presumably affect its recognition of the type of cofactor. The O allele has a mutation (a small deletion) that eliminates activity, so no modification of the O antigen occurs.

This explains why A and B alleles are dominant in the AO and BO heterozygotes: the corresponding transferase activity creates the A or B antigen. The A and B alleles are codominant in AB heterozygotes, because both transferase activities are expressed. The OO homozygote is a null that has neither activity, and therefore lacks both antigens.

Neither A nor B can be regarded as uniquely wild type, since they represent alternative activities rather than loss or gain of function. A situation such as this, in which there are multiple functional alleles in a population, is described as a polymorphism (see 3 How many genes are there?).

Genes VII
Genes VII
Year: 2005
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