Data Association page, properties for, 464
data definition, components of, 12–13
data exchange formats
CVS (Comma-Separated Values), 367
examples of, 348
overview of, 366–367
XML (eXtensible markup language), 367–370
data labels, using with charts, 215, 220
Data Link Properties dialog box, displaying, 122
data providers
purpose of, 18
requirements for, 123
selecting, 122
data range, specifying in Parameterized Invoice-Batch Number Report, 152–154
data regions
in Employee Time Report, 261
explanation of, 13
and fields in Employee Evaluation Report, 331
overview of, 179–187
report objects for, 517–521
data, retrieving from databases, 82–90
data source credentials, relationship to cached reports, 437. See also credentials
data sources. See also shared data sources
changing for Paid Invoices Report, 343–344
creating for Customer List Report, 119–123
for Customer-Invoice Report, 135–139
hiding and viewing, 390–391
role in data definition, 12–13
database servers, installation requirements for, 37
database structure, overview of, 72–73
cardinality of relations in, 79–82
for Fuel Price chart, 201–202
normalization of, 76–78
primary keys in, 76
relations in, 78–79
retrieving data from, 82–90
sorting result sets in, 88–90
structuring, 73–74
tables, rows, and columns in, 73–76
data-driven subscriptions
creating, 460–466
overview of, 460
and security, 466
Data-Driven Subscriptions, availability of, 29
Dataset dialog box
displaying, 156, 189
using with Fuel Prices chart version 2, 209
adding parameters to, 152–155
applying filters to, 283
Business Type Distribution chart, 212
conference nametags, 223–227
conference place cards, 229–234
Customer List Report, 124–127
Customer-Invoice Report, 135–139, 144
Days in Maintenance chart, 215–219
Delivery Status Report, 293–294
Employee Evaluation Report, 325–330
Employee List Report, 268–269
Employee Time Report, 255–256
Fuel Price chart version 2, 208–210
Invoice Front End Report, 338
Invoice Report, 333–336
Invoice-Batch Number Report, 146–147
Lost Delivery Report, 304–306
modifying for Customer List Report revisited, 312–313
Overtime Report, 276–277
Parameterized Invoice-Batch Number Report, 155–157
Payroll Checks Report, 315–317
Rate Sheet Report, 235
Repair Count by Type Report, 180–182
role in data definition, 12–13
Transport Information Sheet, 188–189
Transport List Report, 166–170
Transport Monitor Report, 341–342
using stored procedures with, 278
Weather Report, 322–324
DATEPART( ) function, using with Employee Time Report, 256
dates, using with SQL Server, 155
datetime data type, explanation of, 155
Days in Maintenance chart
creating report for, 215–219
overview of, 215
previewing, 219
dbo (database owner), significance of, 96–97
debugger in Visual Studio, using, 507–508
default values, selecting
Employee List Report, 270–271
report parameters, 157–159
Define Query Parameters dialog box, displaying, 202
DELETE queries, explanation of, 94–95
Delivery Status Report
adding expressions to, 301–302
adding table to, 296–299
creating, 293–294
overview of, 293
previewing, 300
report layout for, 299
setting up report parameters for, 294–296
sorting, 297
DeliveryDetail Report, creating, 333
DeliveryNumber field, absence of aggregate function in, 299–300
DeliveryStatus dataset, creating, 333
denormalized data, explanation of, 83. See also normalization
DESC, using with ORDER BY clauses, 105
descending order, sorting columns in, 89
descending sort, explanation of, 392
Description field
adding to rectangle in Rate Sheet Report, 240
appending to expressions, 175
modifying in Rate Sheet Report, 238
Design the Matrix page of Report Wizard, displaying, 148
Design the Query page, displaying, 124, 126
Design the Table page, displaying in Report Wizard, 128, 140
Design window in Visual Studio .NET 2003, features of, 14–15
detail data, grouping in Payroll Checks Report, 317
detail row, reducing height of, 173
Details button, effect of, 148
Details Grouping dialog box, displaying, 260, 315
Developer Edition, features of, 30
diagram pane in Query Builder
Customer List Report, 124
Invoice-Batch Number Report, 146
diamond in Query Builder, appearance of, 137–138
disk space requirements, overview of, 36
DISTINCT queries
including with FIELD LISTS, 98–99
using with Parameterized Invoice-Batch Number Report, 156–157
distributed installation
description of, 32–33
performing, 61
DocMap URL parameters, values for and function for, 479
document map
displaying in Excel, 361–362
using with Invoice Front End Report, 340
documentation, role in Reporting Services, 29
documents, uploading with Report Manager, 396–398
domain groups, assigning security to, 511
domain user account, significance of, 43
drilldown feature
adding to Employee Time Report, 260–262
description of, 133
enabling in Report Wizard, 141, 145
using with Invoice-Batch Number Report, 148
drill-down matrix, creating for Repair Count by Type Report, 185
DrillthroughTest Report, restricting rights assigned to, 423
drop-down lists, using in Overtime Report, 283
DTS package, location of, 468
duplicate data, including in databases, 77
dynamic query, explanation of, 313–314