Task 1 How to Create a Straight-Edge Path

You can use paths to define an image area that you then can select, fill, or outline. Paths are especially valuable for graphic shapes you might want to select repeatedly. You create a path using the Pen tool, clicking points that are connected automatically with line segments. This task begins by creating a simple path with straight-line segments; later tasks show you how to create more complex path shapes.

1. Open the File

Select File, Open to launch the desired file.

2. Select the Pen Tool

Select the Pen tool from the toolbox (you might have to select it from the pop-out menu of tools that appears after you click this button in the toolbox). Click the Paths icon located on the left end of the Options bar.

3. Place the First Point

Position the pen over the image area at the spot where you want to start the path. Click once to place an anchor point.

4. Place Additional Points

Click additional points as necessary to complete the path. Notice that a straight line is drawn between the points you click with the Pen tool.

5. Close the Path

Place the last point over the starting point to close the path. A circle appears next to the Pen tool when the tool is positioned properly.

6. Edit the Path

To edit the path, select the Direct Selection tool from the toolbox (click and hold the tool in the toolbox to activate the pop-out menu and select the desired tool). Click and drag the anchor points on the image to modify the path. The Direct Selection tool (which looks like a hollow arrow) allows you to edit and reposition individual anchor points or specific path segments between anchor points. The Path Selection tool (the solid arrow) enables you to select the entire path.

7. Save the Path

Select Window, Paths to launch the Paths palette. Double-click the tile for the path you just created (the tile has the name Work Path). The Save Path dialog box opens. Type a name for the path and click OK to save the path.

How-To Hints

Deleting and Duplicating Paths

Press the Delete key twice to delete the path you are currently drawing. Alternatively, select Delete Path from the Paths palette menu to delete a selected path or segment.

After you have saved a path, you can duplicate it: From the Paths palette, select the desired path and select Duplicate Paths from the Paths palette menu.

How To Use Adobe Photoshop CS2
How To Use Adobe Photoshop CS2
ISBN: 0672327511
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 184

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