
AbstractQueuedSynchronizer java.util.concurrent.locks

Java 5.0 serializable

This abstract class is a low-level utility. A concrete subclass can be used as a helper class for implementing the Lock interface or for implementing synchronizer utilities like the CountDownLatch class of java.util.concurrent . Subclasses must define tryAcquire( ) , TRyRelease( ) , tryAcquireShared( ) , tryReleaseShared( ) , and isHeldExclusively .

Figure 16-104. java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer

 public abstract class  AbstractQueuedSynchronizer  implements Serializable {  // Protected Constructors  protected  AbstractQueuedSynchronizer  ( );  // Nested Types  public class  ConditionObject  implements Condition, Serializable;  // Public Instance Methods  public final void  acquire  (int  arg  );        public final void  acquireInterruptibly  (int  arg  ) throws InterruptedException;        public final void  acquireShared  (int  arg  );        public final void  acquireSharedInterruptibly  (int  arg  ) throws InterruptedException;        public final java.util.Collection<Thread>  getExclusiveQueuedThreads  ( );        public final Thread  getFirstQueuedThread  ( );        public final java.util.Collection<Thread>  getQueuedThreads  ( );        public final int  getQueueLength  ( );        public final java.util.Collection<Thread>  getSharedQueuedThreads  ( );        public final java.util.Collection<Thread>  getWaitingThreads  (AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.         ConditionObject  condition  );        public final int  getWaitQueueLength  (AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject  condition  );        public final boolean  hasContended  ( );        public final boolean  hasQueuedThreads  ( );        public final boolean  hasWaiters  (AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject  condition  );        public final boolean  isQueued  (Thread  thread  );        public final boolean  owns  (AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject  condition  );        public final boolean  release  (int  arg  );        public final boolean  releaseShared  (int  arg  );        public final boolean  tryAcquireNanos  (int  arg  , long  nanosTimeout  )          throws InterruptedException;        public final boolean  tryAcquireSharedNanos  (int  arg  , long  nanosTimeout  )          throws InterruptedException;  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public String  toString  ( );  // Protected Instance Methods  protected final boolean  compareAndSetState  (int  expect  , int  update  );        protected final int  getState  ( );        protected boolean  isHeldExclusively  ( );        protected final void  setState  (int  newState  );        protected boolean  tryAcquire  (int  arg  );        protected int  tryAcquireShared  (int  arg  );        protected boolean  tryRelease  (int  arg  );        protected boolean  tryReleaseShared  (int  arg  );   } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220

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