Replacing Matched Field Values Automatically

The Find and Replace dialog's Replace page lets you replace values selectively in fields that match the entry in the Find What text box. To open the dialog with the Replace page active, choose Edit, Replace or press Ctrl+H. The shortcut key combination for the Edit menu's Replace command is Ctrl+H, which is the same for Microsoft Word and most other Office members.

graphics/first_record_navigation.gif The entries to search for Luleå and replace with Lulea appear in Figure 7.8. If you performed the search in the preceding section, select Customers:Table from the Look In drop-down list, click the Find Next button, and then click the Replace button for those records in which you want to replace the value. You can do a bulk replace in all matching records by clicking the Replace All button. Unlike Word and Excel, you can't undo search and replace operations in Jet (or SQL Server) tables. Before making replacements, a message box opens to request that you confirm the pending changes.

Figure 7.8. Click the Replace tab, type a replacement value in the Replace With text box, and then click Find Next and Replace for each match or Replace All for all occurrences of the Find What value.


Special Edition Using Microsoft Office Access 2003
Special Edition Using Microsoft Office Access 2003
ISBN: 0789729520
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 417 © 2008-2017.
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