SaveFileDialog control, 634635

scheduling threads, 900902

Schemas property, XmlReaderSettings, 409


methods, 77

variables, 47

screen scraping, 1065

Scripting.FileSystem object, 219

scrollable forms, Windows Forms, 608–609

ScrollableControl class, 660

secondary interfaces, 164165

secret key encryption, RIPEMD-160, 483–487

Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), 481482

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 497499


declarative, 469

hash algorithms

cryptographic, 479–481

digital signatures, 492–495

MD5, 482

overview, 478–479

PKCS, 487–492

RIPEMD-160, 482–487

.NET Framework, overview, 446–448

SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm), 481–482

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 497–499

types, 446

WCF, 1120–1122

Web Services

directory-level, 996–997

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 996

X.509 certificates, 495–497

Security event log, 330

Security Identifier (SID), 452

security policies

Caspol utility commands

examining policies, 460–461

modifying policies, 463–467

definition, 446

security tools

assembly management, 474–475

certificate management, 475

permissions, 474–475

SecurityAttribute class, 450

SecurityException class, properties, 475–476

SecurityPermission class, 451

SecurityPermissionAttribute class, 451

Secutil utility, function of, 475

Select Case statement, 57

SelectCommand property, 354

self-describing assemblies, 818819

semantic tools, 65

Send method, 584

SendButton, 1049

SendResultsEnd method, 584

SendResultsRow method, 584

SendResultsStart method, 584

Sequence activity, 942

Serializable attribute, 214

Serializable objects, 10081009

serializable objects, 1002


DataSet objects, 364–365

DataTable objects, 364–365


definition, 391

examples, 392–397

Serialize() method, overriding, 394

server applications, 905906

server controls, ASP.NET

coding, 750–751

custom controls, 748

on design surface and, 749–750

events, 751–752

list controls, 748

Menu, 785–787

mobile controls, 748

rich controls, 748

SiteMapPath, 784–785, 785–787

TreeView, 787–790

user controls, 748

validation controls, 748

Server Explorer (Visual Studio), 550551

Service Repository, 957

ServiceController class, 1140

CanStop property, 1140

ExecuteCommand method, 1140, 1143

Refresh method, 1140

ServiceName property, 1140

ServiceType property, 1141

Start method, 1140

Status property, 1141

Stop method, 1140

ServiceInstaller class, 1128

DisplayName property, 1129

ServiceName property, 1129

StartType property, 1129

ServiceMetadataBehavior object, 1103

ServiceProcessInstaller class, 1128

Account property, 1128

HelpText property, 1128

Password property, 1128

Username property, 1128

Session_End event, 745

Session_Start event, 744

SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), 960

SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm), 481482

shadowing, 132138

Shadows keyword, 132

shallow copy operations, 45

shared assemblies, 816

GAC (Global Assembly Cache), 816–817

shared constructors, 103

shared events, 102103

inheritance, 160

Shared keyword, 99, 100

shared methods, 100101

inheritance and, 157–158

overloading, 158–159

shadowing, 159–160

shared properties, 101

shared variables, 9899

Short datatype, 25

Short integer type, 29

ShouldSerialize method, 653

Show method, 611

ShowColor property, 636

ShowDialog( ) method, 611

ShowDialog property, 635, 636

ShowEffects property, 636

ShowMessage( ) method, 1172

ShowXmlNode() subroutine, reaversing XML streams, 406407

SID (Security Identifier), 452

side-by-side execution, assemblies, 818

side-by-side versioning, 209

signatures, methods, 9596

Signcode utility, function of, 474

Single datatype, 25

Single decimal type, 30

SingleCall objects, 10061007

single-level inheritance, 198

SingleLinkedList class, 271

Singleton objects, 1007

SiteMapPath server control, 784785

SkipVerification permission set, 448

Sleep( ) method, 915

Sleep method, 915

Smart Tags, Windows Forms 2.0, 598

Sn utility, function of, 475

SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture), 14

boundaries, 1092

contracts, 1092

foundations of, 1092

policies, 1092

schemas, 1092

services, 1092

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 963–964

body, 986

envelope, 986

headers, 985–986

consuming Web Services, 987–989

Web Services and, 986–987

SoapFormatter, 10221023

SoapHeader class, 986

sockets, 1157


building, 1158–1160

shutting down, 1173–1177

conversation windows, 1160–1161

connections, initiating, 1163–1166

Conversation form, 1161–1163

inbound connections, receiving, 1166–1168

Message class, 1169–1173

sending messages, 1168–1169

SolidColorBrush, 696

Solution Explorer, Visual Studio, 508510

SortedDictionary, 202

SortedList object, Collections namespace, 42


culture settings and, 244–246

strings, 244–246

Source Code Style attributes, 397

transforming XML between standards, 431

Source property, 315, 326–327, 332

XmlException class, 413

SourceExists method, 332

SourceUri property, XmlException class, 413

spaghetti code, 200

specific cultures, 232

SplitContainer control, 597

Splitter control, 597

SpParamXml property, 371

SpParamXmlDoc property, 371

SQL, queries



FOR XML RAW, 435–436

SQL SELECT statement, FOR XML clause, 434

SQL Server

compared to DOM for XML, 420

stored procedures

creating, 581–588

returned multiple values, 584–588

returned single value, 583

user-defined types, creating, 565–581

Web services, exposing, 588–595

XML-related features, 427, 434–435

SQL Server 2000, XML and, 390

SQL Server 20005, XML and, 390

SQL Server .NET Data Provider, 358

SqlConnection.ClearPool method, 368

SqlConnection.ClearPools method, 368

SqlDataRecord object, 585

SqlDataSource control, ASP.NET 2.0, 775–778

SqlFunction attribute

DataAccess parameter, 572

FillRowMethodName parameter, 572

IsDeterministic parameter, 572

IsPrecise parameter, 572

SystemDataAccess parameter, 572

TableDefinition parameter, 572

SqlPipe class

ExecuteAndSend method, 584

Send method, 584

SendResultsEnd method, 584

SendResultsRow method, 584

SendResultsStart method, 584


Format parameter, 566

IsByteOrdered parameter, 566

IsFixedLength parameter, 566

MaxByteSize parameter, 567

ValidationMethodName parameter, 567

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 497499

Web Services and, 996

stack, heap and, 23

Stack object, Collections namespace, 42

StackTrace property, 315, 326327

XmlException class, 413

StartPosition property

CenterParent, 604

CenterScreen, 604

Manual, 604

WindowsDefaultBounds, 604

WindowsDefaultLocation, 604

State activity, 943

StateFinalization activity, 943

StateInitialization activity, 943

StatusBar control, 597

StatusStrip control, 597

Storeadm utility, function of, 474

stored procedures

calling, 348–350

Command objects and, 346–350

creating, 347–348

XML structure, building data access component, 372

StoredProcedureHelper class, 370

StorePermission class, 451

StorePermissionAttribute class, 451

stream-based XML document generation, 399.

See also stream-style parsers

streaming, XML documents, 400404

reading, 404–418

steps for document generation, 403

stream-style parsers (XML), architecture, 399

StreamWriter object

Close method, 334

Flush method, 334

methods, 334

trace files and, 333

Write method, 334

WriteLine method, 334

String( ) constructor, 3536

String class, 3435

Compare method, 35

CompareOrdinal method, 35

Concat method, 35

constructors, 35

Copy method, 35

Empty method, 35

Equals method, 35

immutability, 36–37

PadLeft method, 36

PadRight method, 36

String( ) constructor, 35–36

SubString method, 36

String datatype, 25

StringBuilder, Append method, 45


constants, 37

passing to service, 1145

sorting strings, 244–246

strong names, 454, 1039

structure constraints, generic, 279281

structured exception handling, 315

styles, XAML, 696697

stylesheet command, XSLT, 425

Sub keyword, 19, 22, 76

Sub Main, forms and, 602603

Sub routines, 76

subclass, creating, 118121

subclassing, 194

subnet masks, 1059

SubString method, 36

superclass, 116

Suspend( ) method, 915

Suspend activity, 943

Suspend Layout property, 526

synchronization objects

AutoResetEvent, 921

exclusive locks, 921

Interlocked, 921

ManualResetEvent, 921

Monitor, 921

Mutex, 921

ReaderWriterLock, 921

SyncLock statement, 921–922

threading and, 920–927

syntactic tools, 65

System event log, 330

System namespace, 10, 516

System.Collections namespace, 10, 292

List object, 244

System.Collections.Generic namespace, List object, 244

System.ComponentModel.BindingList, 265

System.ComponentModel.Component, IDisposable interface and, 224

System.Data namespace, 10, 292, 516

System.Data.SqlClient, 370

System.Deployment namespace, 516

System.Diagnostics namespace, 10, 292

System.DirectoryServices namespace, 287

System.Drawing namespace, 292, 516

GDI+ and, 668–669

System.Drawing.Graphics class, GDI+ and, 669

System.Drawing.Point structure, 2324

System.Drawing.Text namespace, 296

System.EnterpriseServices namespace, 293, 1029

System.GC.Collect method, 221

System.Globalization namespace, CultureInfo object, 235

SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth parameter, 676

System.IO namespace, 10, 293

System.MarshalByRefObject, remote objects and, 1002

System.Math namespace, 10

System.Net namespace, 1061

HttpListener class, 1061

WebClient class, 1061

WebRequest class, 1061

WebResponse class, 1061

System.NetHttpWebRequest class, 1153

System.Net.HttpWebResponse class, 1153

System.Net.NetworkStream, 1159

System.Net.Sockets namespace, 1157

System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient, 1159

System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener, 1159

System.Net.WebClient class, 1154

System.Net.WebProxy.WebClient class, 1154

System.Net.WebRequest class, 1153

Create method, 1155

System.Object class, ToString method, 142–143

System.Reflection namespace, 10, 181

Assembly class, 216

System.Runtime.Serialization namespace, 1115

System.Security namespace, 10

System.Security.Cryptography.Asymmetric alAlgorithm class, 488

System.Security.Namespace, permissions

code access, 451–452

identity, 454–455

namespace members, 449–451

role-based, 452–454

Windows Forms programming, 449–451

System.ServiceModel namespace, 1099

System.Text namespace, 293

System.Threading namespace, 293

System.Threading.Thread, 1159

System.Transactions namespace, 1029

CommittableTransaction class, 1054

EnlistTransaction method, 1055

resource managers, 1056

TransactionScope class, 1055

System.Uri class, 1153

System.Web namespace, 293

System.Web.Description namespace, 957

System.Web.Mail namespace, accessing, 416

System.Web.Services namespace, 294, 957

WebService class, 990–991

System.Web.Services.Description namespace, 992

System.Web.Services.Discovery namespace, 957, 992993

System.Web.Services.Protocols namespace, 957, 993994

System.Windows.Forms namespace, 294, 516, 602

Control class, 659–660

System.Xml class, 389

exceptions and, 413

standards-based XML processing, 399

System.XML namespace, 516

System.Xml namespace, DOM support, 418–420

System.Xml.Schema class, 389

System.Xml.Serialization class, 389

System.Xml.XPath class, 389

System.Xml.Xsl class, 389

Professional VB 2005 with. NET 3. 0
Professional VB 2005 with .NET 3.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470124709
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 267

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