TabControl control, 642

TableLayoutPanel control, Windows Forms, 600, 620621

tables, XML, displaying, 426427

tags, XML, 391

TargetSite property, 315, 324326

GetBaseException method, 327–328

HelpLink property, 328–329

Source property, 326–327

StackTrace property, 326–327

XmlException class, 413

Task List (Visual Studio), 549550

TCP channels, 1003

TDS (Tabular Data Stream), 358

template command, XSLT, 425

Terminate activity, 943

TestQueuedTransactions, 10511053

TestTrue( ) method, 28

text boxes, AutoCompletion, 598

TextBox control, 642

abstraction, 170

local resources, 247

TextStream object, 219

TextWriterTraceListener, 333

Thread object

Abort method, 915

ApartmentState method, 915

Join method, 915

Priority method, 915

Resume method, 915

Sleep method, 915

Suspend method, 915

thread pool, 909910

BackgroundWorker control, 910

BeginXYZ( ) methods, 910

delegates, 910–912

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString( ) call, 235


Abort( ) method, 915

ApartmentState( ) method, 915

data copies, transferring, 916–917

data ownership, transferring, 917–919

implementing, 906–909

manually creating, 914–915

manually queuing work, 912–914

thread pool, 909–912

interactive applications, 905

Join( ) method, 915


manually queuing work, 912–914

thread pool, 909–912

preemptive multithreading, 898, 901

Priority( ) method, 915

Resume( ) method, 915

shared data and, 915–916

avoiding shared data, 916–919

synchronization and, 919–920

Sleep( ) method, 915

Suspend( ) method, 915

synchronization and, 919–920

synchronization objects, 920–927

threads, 897898

cultures, 233–236

manually creating, 914–915

primary thread, 898

quantums, 901

scheduling, 900–902

suspending, 902

thread affinity, 903

thread safety, 903

when to use, 903–904

Throw activity, 943

Throw keyword, 317, 319320

throwing new exceptions, 320321

time sharing, 900

time slicing, 900

Timer control, 642

TlbExp, 896

TlbImp, 880881

default interop assembly, 880

toolbar, elements

adding, 631–632

creating, 632

moving, 632

Toolbar control, 597

Toolbars control, 629632

toolbox, icons, controls, 674675

ToolStrip control, 597, 629632

ToolStripButton control, 630

ToolStripComboBox control, 630

ToolStripControlHost control, 630

ToolStripDropDownButton control, 630

ToolStripDropDownItem control, 630

ToolStripDropMenuItem control, 630

ToolStripDropSplitButton control, 630

ToolStripItem base class

ToolStripButton control, 630

ToolStripComboBox control, 630

ToolStripControlHost control, 630

ToolStripDropDownButton control, 630

ToolStripDropDownItem control, 630

ToolStripLabel control, 630

ToolStripMenuItem control, 630

ToolStripSeparator control, 630

ToolStripSplitButton control, 630

ToolStripTextBox control, 630

ToolStripLabel control, 630

ToolStripSeparator control, 630

ToolStripTextBox control, 630

ToolTip control, 622623

TopMost property, 605

ToString method, 316, 452

permission objects, 458

System.Object class, 142–143

ToXml method, 452

Trace class, 335339

trace files, writing to, 333335

TraceSwitch, 335339

levels, 336

TraceError property, 336

TraceInfo property, 336

TraceVerbose property, 336

TraceWarning property, 336

TrackBar control, 642

TransactionAttribute, 10431044

TransactionOption, 10431044


ACID test, 1030

business logic, 1035–1039

components, registering, 1039–1040


creating, 1033–1034

populating, 1035

invalid data, 1045

JIT (Just-In-Time) activation, 1045–1046

object pooling, 1046

test application, 1042–1043

tiers, 1031–1032

Transact-SQL, OPENXML extension, 435

Transform method, XslTransform class, 428–429

Transform() method, 427

TransparencyKey property, 607

Transport Security Layer (TSL), 497

TransportWithMessageCredential option, 1102

TreeView control, 642, 787790

Try keyword, 317319

Try structures, nested, 322324

TryCast function, 72

TryCast method, 54

Try...Catch block, 329

TryParse method, 53

TSL (Transport Security Layer), 497

T-SQL (Transact-SQL), 563

data sets and, 582

Visual Basic comparison, 564–565

type constraints, generic, 279281

Type object, 216

types, 208209

fields, 208

methods, 208

properties, 208

Professional VB 2005 with. NET 3. 0
Professional VB 2005 with .NET 3.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470124709
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 267

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