

Save As command (File menu), 11

saving programs, 11

scale_image() function, 431

scopes, 178

scorekeeping, 416, 418

screen boundaries, 358–360

Screen class, 342

attributes, 424

height attribute, 424

methods, list of, 343, 425

screen parameter, Games_Object class, 426

script mode, IDLE, 11–12

self-documenting code, 35

sending messages, 263

sentry variables, 68–69


defined, 92

immutable, 104–105

mutable, 104–105


accessing elements in, 141–142

creating, 140–141

defined, 139

unpacking, 142

sequential access, 99

set() method, 251

set_background() method, 343, 425

set_bottom() method, 351

set_left() method, 351, 368

set_right() method, 351

set_text() method, 428

set_top() method, 351

set_velocity() method, 351, 360

shared references, 144–147

shelving, 211–213

Shinners, Pete, 339

shortcuts, to slices, 112

Silly Strings program, 26

Simple Game program example, 281

single inheritance, 269

size attribute, Text class, 428


creating, 112

defined, 108

deleting from lists, 134

end points, 111

lists, 131, 133

Pizza Slicer program example, 109–110

shortcuts to, 112

tuples, 119

software reuse, 176

sort() function, 137–138

sound. See also music

loading, 388–389

looping, 390

methods for, 431

playing, 389–390

stopping, 390–391

Special Topics, Python Web site, 7

Sprite class, 342, 429


creating, 356

init_sprite() method, 353

loading images from, 354–355

moving, 356–358

overview, 350–351

rotating, 382–384

uses for, 352


from, 341

assignment, 34

break, 77–78

continue, 77–78

continuing on next line, 20

defined, 9

else, 62–63

if, 57–59, 61

if-elif-else, 63–66

if-else, 61–62

import, 55–56

return, 171

try, 214–215

static methods, 240

creating, 242–243

invoking, 243

staticmethod() function, 243

status() method, 242–243

stepwise refinement, 84–85

sticky parameter, grid() method, 319

stop() method, sound, 390–391, 431

stop_music() function, 431


music, 392

sound, 390–391

storing data in files, 208–213

str() function, 46, 239, 265–266, 280

string expression, 10

string methods, 38–41


concatenating, 27

converting to integers, 45–46

creating new from old, 107–108

escape sequences with, 22–23

immutable, 104–105

mutable, 104–105

quotes inside, 20

quotes with, 18–19

repeating, 28, 50

sequence operators as, 97

Silly Strings program, 26

triple-quoted, 21

writing to text files, 206–207

StringVar class, 328

strip() method, 41

subtraction (-) operator, 31

superclasses, 277

swapcase() method, 41

sync() function, 212

syntax errors, 10

SyntaxError exception type, 215

sys.exit() function, 220

system bell, 23

Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 1435455002
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 194 © 2008-2017.
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