

Reads a wide character from a file

 #include <stdio.h> #include <wchar.h> wint_t fgetwc ( FILE *fp  ); 

The fgetwc( ) function reads the wide character at the current file position in the specified file and increments the file position.

The return value of fgetwc( ) has the type wint_t. If the file position is at the end of the file, or if the end-of-file flag was already set, fgetwc( ) returns WEOF and sets the end-of-file flag. If a wide-character encoding error occurs, fgetwc( ) sets the errno variable to EILSEQ ("illegal sequence") and returns WEOF. Use feof( ) and ferror( ) to distinguish errors from end-of-file conditions.


 char file_in[ ]  = "local_in.txt",      file_out[ ] = "local_out.txt"; FILE *fp_in_wide, *fp_out_wide; wint_t wc; if ( setlocale( LC_CTYPE, "" ) == NULL)   fwprintf( stderr,             L"Sorry, couldn't change to the system's native locale.\n"),   exit(1); if (( fp_in_wide = fopen( file_in, "r" )) == NULL )   fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the file %s\n", file_in), exit(2); if (( fp_out_wide = fopen( file_out, "w" )) == NULL )   fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the file %s\n", file_out), exit(3); fwide( fp_in_wide, 1);           // Not strictly necessary, since first fwide( fp_out_wide, 1);          // file access also sets wide or byte mode. while (( wc = fgetwc( fp_in_wide )) != WEOF ) {   // ... process each wide character read ...   if ( fputwc( (wchar_t)wc, fp_out_wide) == WEOF)     break; } if ( ferror( fp_in_wide))   fprintf( stderr, "Error reading the file %s\n", file_in); if ( ferror( fp_out_wide))   fprintf( stderr, "Error writing to the file %s\n", file_out); 

See Also

getwc( ), getwchar( ), fputwc( ), putwc( ), fgetc( )

C(c) In a Nutshell
C in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596006977
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 473

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