Every Memory Address is a Lie

So, why does the computer not allow you to access memory in the break area? To answer this question, we will have to delve into the depths of how your computer really handles memory.

You may have wondered, since every program gets loaded into the same place in memory, don't they step on each other, or overwrite each other? It would seem so. However, as a program writer, you only access virtual memory.

Physical memory refers to the actual RAM chips inside your computer and what they contain. It's usually between 16 and 512 Megabytes on modern computers. If we talk about a physical memory address, we are talking about where exactly on these chips a piece of memory is located. Virtual memory is the way your program thinks about memory. Before loading your program, Linux finds an empty physical memory space large enough to fit your program, and then tells the processor to pretend that this memory is actually at the address 0x0804800 to load your program into. Confused yet? Let me explain further.

Each program gets its own sandbox to play in. Every program running on your computer thinks that it was loaded at memory address 0x0804800, and that its stack starts at Oxbffffff. When Linux loads a program, it finds a section of unused memory, and then tells the processor to use that section of memory as the address 0x0804800 for this program. The address that a program believes it uses is called the virtual address, while the actual address on the chips that it refers to is called the physical address. The process of assigning virtual addresses to physical addresses is called mapping.

Earlier we talked about the inaccessible memory between the .bss and the stack, but we didn't talk about why it was there. The reason is that this region of virtual memory addresses hasn't been mapped onto physical memory addresses. The mapping process takes up considerable time and space, so if every possible virtual address of every possible program were mapped, you would not have enough physical memory to even run one program. So, the break is the beginning of the area that contains unmapped memory. With the stack, however, Linux will automatically map in memory that is accessed from stack pushes.

Of course, this is a very simplified view of virtual memory. The full concept is much more advanced. For example, Virtual memory can be mapped to more than just physical memory; it can be mapped to disk as well. Swap partitions on Linux allow Linux's virtual memory system to map memory not only to physical RAM, but also to disk blocks as well. For example, let's say you only have 16 Megabytes of physical memory. Let's also say that 8 Megabytes are being used by Linux and some basic applications, and you want to run a program that requires 20 Megabytes of memory. Can you? The answer is yes, but only if you have set up a swap partition. What happens is that after all of your remaining 8 Megabytes of physical memory have been mapped into virtual memory, Linux starts mapping parts of your application's virtual memory to disk blocks. So, if you access a "memory" location in your program, that location may not actually be in memory at all, but on disk. As the programmer you won't know the difference, though, because it is all handled behind the scenes by Linux.

Now, x86 processors cannot run instructions directly from disk, nor can they access data directly from disk. This requires the help of the operating system. When you try to access memory that is mapped to disk, the processor notices that it can't service your memory request directly. It then asks Linux to step in. Linux notices that the memory is actually on disk. Therefore, it moves some data that is currently in memory onto disk to make room, and then moves the memory being accessed from the disk back into physical memory. It then adjusts the processor's virtual-to-physical memory lookup tables so that it can find the memory in the new location. Finally, Linux returns control to the program and restarts it at the instruction which was trying to access the data in the first place. This instruction can now be completed successfully, because the memory is now in physical RAM. [4]

Here is an overview of the way memory accesses are handled under Linux:

  • The program tries to load memory from a virtual address.

  • The processor, using tables supplied by Linux, transforms the virtual memory address into a physical memory address on the fly.

  • If the processor does not have a physical address listed for the memory address, it sends a request to Linux to load it.

  • Linux looks at the address. If it is mapped to a disk location, it continues on to the next step. Otherwise, it terminates the program with a segmentation fault error.

  • If there is not enough room to load the memory from disk, Linux will move another part of the program or another program onto disk to make room.

  • Linux then moves the data into a free physical memory address.

  • Linux updates the processor's virtual-to-physical memory mapping tables to reflect the changes.

  • Linux restores control to the program, causing it to re-issue the instruction which caused this process to happen.

  • The processor can now handle the instruction using the newly-loaded memory and translation tables.

It's a lot of work for the operating system, but it gives the user and the programmer great flexibility when it comes to memory management.

Now, in order to make the process more efficient, memory is separated out into groups called pages. When running Linux on x86 processors, a page is 4096 bytes of memory. All of the memory mappings are done a page at a time. Physical memory assignment, swapping, mapping, etc. are all done to memory pages instead of individual memory addresses. What this means to you as a programmer is that whenever you are programming, you should try to keep most memory accesses within the same basic range of memory, so you will only need a page or two of memory at a time. Otherwise, Linux may have to keep moving pages on and off of disk to satisfy your memory needs. Disk access is slow, so this can really slow down your program.

Sometimes so many programs can be loaded that there is hardly enough physical memory for them. They wind up spending more time just swapping memory on and off of disk than they do actually processing it. This leads to a condition called swap death which leads to your system being unresponsive and unproductive. It's usually usually recoverable if you start terminating your memory-hungry programs, but it's a pain.

  • Resident Set Size: The amount of memory that your program currently has in physical memory is called its resident set size, and can be viewed by using the program top. The resident set size is listed under the column labelled "RSS".

[4]Note that not only can Linux have a virtual address map to a different physical address, it can also move those mappings around as needed.

Programming from the Ground Up
Programming from the Ground Up
ISBN: 0975283847
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 137

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