sendmail, 4th Edition


RFC2554 AUTH credentials V8.10 and above

A server offers authentication by presenting the AUTH keyword to the connecting site, following that with the types of mechanisms supported:

 250-host.domain Hello some.domain, pleased to meet you 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 250-PIPELINING 250-8BITMIME 250-SIZE 250-DSN 250-ETRN 250-AUTH DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5   note this line  250-DELIVERBY 250 HELP 

If the connecting site wishes to authenticate itself, it replies with an AUTH command indicating the type of mechanism preferred:

 AUTH X5   client sends  504 Unrecognized authentication type.   server replies  AUTH CRAM-MD5   client sends  334  PENCeUxFREJoU0NnbmhNWitOMjNGNndAZWx3b29kLmlubm9zb2Z0LmNvbT4=   server replies  ZnJlZCA5ZTk1YWVlMDljNDBhZjJiODRhMGMyYjNiYmFlNzg2ZQ=  =   client sends  235 Authentication successful.   server replies  

Here, the client first asks for X5 authentication, which the server rejects. The client next asks for CRAM-MD5. The server says it can support that by replying with a 334 followed by a challenge string. The client replies to the challenge with an appropriate reply string, and the authentication is successful (as shown in the last line).

If authentication is successful, this ${auth_authen} macro is assigned the authentication credentials that were approved as its value. The form of the credentials depends on the encryption used. It could be a simple username (such as bob ), or a username at a realm (such as bob@some.domain ).

The client can then offer a different user , rather than the envelope sender, to authenticate on behalf of the envelope sender. This is done by adding an AUTH= parameter to the MAIL FROM: keyword:

 MAIL FROM: <user@host.domain> AUTH=  address  

The address is assigned to the {auth_author} macro, and the trust_auth rule set (Section 10.9.4) is called to make further policy decisions, with the AUTH= parameter in its workspace.

The ${auth_authen} macro is useful for adding your own rules to the Local_trust_auth rule set.

${auth_authen} is transient. If defined in the configuration file or in the command line, that definition can be ignored by sendmail . Note that a $& prefix is necessary when you reference this macro in rules (that is, use $&{auth_authen} , not ${auth_authen} ).

sendmail, 4th Edition
ISBN: 0596510292
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 1174 © 2008-2017.
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