Performing Complex Tasks with System Stored Procedures

In our list of top 25 documented system procedures, we had mentioned about sp_cycle_error_log. Now we will see an example that makes use of this stored procedure.

In our office, we use a process that every night cycles our SQL Server Error log and makes an ISO labeled file with the day's error log. We have a SQL Agent job that runs this stored procedure at 23:59 every night. Making it a startup procedure, by using the sp_procoption system stored procedure, ensures that an error log after a reboot is added to the error log copy. It uses both documented and undocumented (sp_instance_regread) system stored procedures. We've given the production quality script below:

     SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON     GO     SET ANSI_NULLS ON     GO     CREATE PROCEDURE sp__errorlog$archivelog     -- -----------------------------------------     -- sp__errorlog$archivelog     -- -----------------------------------------     -- WARNING: This procedure uses UNDOCUMENTED functionality compatible     -- with SQL Server 2000 GA, Service Pack 1, and Service Pack 2.     -- ----------------------------------------     -- Description:     -- Create an ISO log from the "errorlog.1" file each time errorlog is     -- cycled or server restarts. An ISO log is a 'date-named' file named     -- like: errorlog.yyyymmdd     -- This proc is run at each sql server startup (which creates a new     -- errorlog.1 file).     -- It is also run by a SqlAgent task that runs at midnight, and right     -- before it calls this proc, it issues "dbcc errorlog" to cause a new     -- "errorlog.1" to be built.     -- If this proc is run accidently before a new "errorlog.1" is     -- created, it will just append the current errorlog.1 to the ISO     -- log file again. No harm is done as it's just duplicate data.     -- Run this job from SQL Agent at 23:59 every night.     -- Implementation     -- IMPORTANT: Each time you re-create this procedure, it needs to be     -- made a startup procedure. Run the command:     -- exec sp_procoption N'sp__errorlog$archivelog', N'startup', N'true'     -- ------------------------------------------- 

In the documentation for the procedure, we can see the capitalized word UNDOCUMENTED. This is a key word for searching SYSCOMMENTS table later, during version and stored procedure upgrades for regression testing.

     AS     DECLARE @PathNoExt NVARCHAR(1000), -- path to error log from the                                        --registry     @PathISO VARCHAR(255),    -- the ISO format log, errorlog.YYYYMMDD     @DosCmd VARCHAR(255),     -- Dos command to append errorlog.1 to make                               -- date-name errorlog     @RC INT                   -- The return code     -- ----------------------------------------     -- Only cycle the errorlog between 23:59 and 24:00, otherwise just     -- append current errorlog.1 to an existing file     -- ----------------------------------------     WAITFOR DELAY '000:00:02'   -- wait for two seconds to ensure we are                                 -- well into the 23:59 minute.     IF GETDATE() BETWEEN DATEADD(N,-1, DATEADD(D,1,CONVERT(DATETIME,       CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),GETDATE(),101)))) AND       DATEADD(D,1,CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),GETDATE(),101)))     BEGIN       EXEC @RC = master.dbo.sp_cycle_errorlog       IF @RC <> 0       BEGIN         RAISERROR 50000 'Errorlog did not cycle'         RETURN -1       END     END 

Next, we test to see if the time is between 23:59 and 24:00. If so, we will cycle the error log. The other time the procedure runs is on SQL Server startup and you can already assume that the error log has been cycled.

     -- ----------------------------------------     -- Get the Path to the Sql ErrorLog from the registry     -- ----------------------------------------     Exec @Rc = master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',                N'Software \Microsoft\MSSQLServer\ MSSQLServer\Parameters',                N'SQLArg1', @PathNoExt OUTPUT, N'no_output'     IF (@PathNoExt is null) or @RC <> 0     BEGIN       RAISERROR 50000 'sp_errorlog$archiveLog cannot obtain Sql ErrorLog         Path'       RETURN -2     END 

Then, we get the path to the error log from the registry and generate the path string to our ISO ErrorLog.YYYYMMDD file:

     -- -----------------------------------------     -- Create Output FileName based on date (ISO name)     -- ----------------------------------------     -- Trim off the first two characters and append a backslash and the --     - file name     SELECT @PathISO = SUBSTRING(@PathNoExt,3,998)+ N'\errorlog.' +       CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE(), 112)     SELECT @PathNoExt = SUBSTRING(@PathNoExt,3,998) + N'\errorlog.1'     -- ---------------------------------------     -- Build commands to append new errorlog.1 to the Date-Name (ISO)     -- file. @DosCmd will look like:     -- TYPE "C:\MSSQL\LOG\errorlog.1" >>"C:\MSSQL\LOG\errorlog.20010605"     -- The >> will create the output file if it does not exist. if it     -- exists it will append it to the output file     -- Use double-quotes around file names in case they have embedded     -- spaces.     -- ----------------------------------------     SELECT @DosCmd = 'TYPE "' + @PathNoExt + '" >>"' + @PathISO + '"'     -- ----------------------------------------     -- Run TYPE command to append new errorlog.1 to the Date-Name (ISO)     -- file.     -- ----------------------------------------     EXEC('xp_cmdshell "' + @DosCmd + "',no_output')     GO     -- Make the procedure a startup procedure     EXEC sp_procoption N'sp__errorlog$archivelog', N'startup', N'true'     GO 

Finally, we append the contents of the new ErrorLog.1 file to the ErrorLog.YYYYMMDD file, creating the ErrorLog.YYYYMMDD if it is not already created.


Don't forget to wrap this procedure in the sp_MS_upd_sysobj_category procedure to toggle on and off the 0x80000000 status bit.

SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedures Handbook
SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedures Handbook (Experts Voice)
ISBN: 1590592875
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 100 © 2008-2017.
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