
table of contents

Maya 4.5 Fundamentals is designed to help new animators quickly grasp the main tools and techniques that production Maya animators use. This book is not a collection of dabblings in Maya, and none of the tutorials start with loading a prebaked scene. As gently as possible, we shove you into the water and teach you to swim like a pro.

Maya has historically been targeted to larger effects studios and animation houses . To some extent, that targeting continues in the current version, in that no complex sample scenes are included, and material libraries, marking menus , and hotkeys are minimal. In this book, we supply you with all these aids to help you absorb the working methods of a Maya animator.

Maya 4. 5 Fundamentals
Maya 4.5 Fundamentals
ISBN: 0735713278
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 201 © 2008-2017.
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