Programming Microsoft Visual C++
Programming Microsoft Visual C++
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 173
David Kruglinski
George Shepherd
Scot Wingo
Main Page
Table of content
The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series
The Component Software Series
Why We Wrote This Book
What You Will Learn from This Book
Who Should Read This Book?
Structure and Contents of This Book
How to Read This Book
Part I: Introducing the Rational Unified Process
Chapter 1. Introducing the Rational Unified Process
What Is the Rational Unified Process?
The RUPThe Approach
The RUPA Well-Defined Software Engineering Process
The RUPA Customizable Process Product
Chapter 2. The Spirit of the RUP: Guidelines for Success
Attack Major Risks Early and Continuously. , or They Will Attack You
Ensure That You Deliver Value to Your Customer
Stay Focused on Executable Software
Accommodate Change Early in the Project
Baseline an Executable Architecture Early On
Build Your System with Components
Work Together as One Team
Make Quality a Way of Life, Not an Afterthought
Chapter 3. Comparing Processes: The RUP, Agile Methods, and Heavyweight Government Standards
How Can We Compare Processes?
Agile Development: Low-Ceremony, Iterative Approaches
SEI CMM, SEI CMMI, ISOIEC, DOD-STD, MIL-STD: High Ceremony Striving for Higher Predictability
The RUP: An Iterative Approach with an Adaptable Level of Ceremony
How Iterative Do You Want to Be?
How Much Ceremony Do You Want?
What Kind of RUP Configuration Meets Your Process Needs?
Chapter 4. The RUP for a Team of One: Project Deimos
A Solo Software Project: Project Deimos
The Commitment (Monday Lunch)
Digging In (Later Monday)
Pressing On (Tuesday)
More Progress, More Changes (Wednesday)
Nearing Completion (Thursday)
Beta and Ship (Friday)
Part II: The Lifecycle of a Rational Unified Process Project
Chapter 5. Going Through the Four Phases
A Major Misconception
Major Milestones
No Fixed Workflows
No Frozen Artifacts
Three Types of Projects
Chapter 6. The Inception Phase
Objectives of the Inception Phase
Inception and Iterations
Objective 1: Understand What to Build
Objective 2: Identify Key System Functionality
Objective 3: Determine at Least One Possible Solution
Objective 4: Understand the Costs, Schedule, and Risks Associated with the Project
Objective 5: Decide What Process to Follow and What Tools to Use
Project Review: Lifecycle Objective Milestone
Chapter 7. The Elaboration Phase
Objectives of the Elaboration Phase
Elaboration and Iterations
Objective 1: Get a More Detailed Understanding of the Requirements
Objective 2: Design, Implement, Validate, and Baseline the Architecture
Objective 3: Mitigate Essential Risks, and Produce Accurate Schedule and Cost Estimates
Objective 4: Refine the Development Case, and Put the Development Environment in Place
Project Review: Lifecycle Architecture Milestone
Chapter 8. The Construction Phase
Objectives of the Construction Phase
Construction and Its Iterations
Objective 1: Minimize Development Costs and Achieve Some Degree of Parallelism
Objective 2: Iteratively Develop a Complete Product That Is Ready to Transition to Its User Community
Project Review: Initial Operational Capability Milestone
Chapter 9. The Transition Phase
Objectives of the Transition Phase
Transition Iterations and Development Cycles
Objective 1: Beta Test to Validate That User Expectations Are Met
Objective 2: Train Users and Maintainers to Achieve User Self-Reliability
Objective 3: Prepare Deployment Site and Convert Operational Databases
Objective 4: Prepare for Launch: Packaging, Production, and Marketing Rollout
Objective 5: Achieve Stakeholder Concurrence That Deployment Is Complete
Objective 6: Improve Future Project Performance Through Lessons Learned
Project Review: Product Release Milestone
Part III: Adopting the Rational Unified Process
Chapter 10. Configuring, Instantiating, and Customizing the Rational Unified Process
Configuring the RUP
Instantiating the RUP in a Project
Customizing the RUP
Chapter 11. Adopting the Rational Unified Process
Adopting the RUP in a Project
Adopting the RUP in a Large Organization
A Typical Program for Moderate Change
A Typical Program for Major Change
An Aggressive Program for Major Change
Chapter 12. Planning an Iterative Project
Key Concepts
Coarse-Grain and Fine-Grain Plans: Project Plans and Iteration Plans
Building a Project Plan
Iteration Planning
An Iterative Estimation Technique: Wideband Modified Delphi
Optimizing the Project Plan
Chapter 13. Common Mistakes When Adopting and Using the RUP and How to Avoid Them
Mistakes When Adopting the RUP
Mistakes When Managing Iterative Development
Mistakes in Analysis, Architecture, Design., Implementation, and Testing
Part IV: A Role-Based Guide to the Rational Unified Process
Chapter 14. A Project Manager s Guide to the RUP
The Mission of a Project Manager
Project Management
Activities of a Project Manager
Finding Your Way in the RUP
Resources for the Project Manager
Chapter 15. An Analyst s Guide to the RUP
Your Mission as an Analyst
Where Do You Start?
Understand How Your Business Should Operate
Understand Stakeholder Needs
Develop a Vision
Develop a Use-Case Model and Glossary
Example: Use-Case Specification for Register for Courses
Fine-Tune Your Models
Update and Refine Requirements
Ensure That the Requirements Are Delivered and Tested
The Analyst s Role in the Rational Unified Process
Resources for Analysts
Chapter 16. An Architect s Guide to the RUP
The Mission of an Architect
An Evolving Role
What Do Architects Do?
The Architect s Activities in the RUP
The Architect s Roles in the RUP
Finding Your Way in the RUP Product
Resources for the Architect
Chapter 17. A Developer s Guide to the RUP
Your Mission as a Developer
Overview of the Developer s Tasks
Understand the Requirements and Design Constraints
Design, Implement, and Test Use Cases and Components
Design, Implement, and Test Any Necessary Databases
Frequently Integrate Your Application with the Work of Other Developers
Developer Best Practices
Available Resources for Developers
Chapter 18. A Tester s Guide to the RUP
The Mission of the Tester
What Is Testing?
The RUP Testing Philosophy
The Test Discipline in the RUP Product
Activities of the Tester
Resources for Testers
Programming Microsoft Visual C++
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 173
David Kruglinski
George Shepherd
Scot Wingo
Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering (2nd Edition)
The Defect Prevention Process
Applying the Seven Basic Quality Tools in Software Development
In-Process Metrics and Quality Management
Reliability, Availability, and Defect Rate
Measuring Levels Is Not Enough
Professional Java Native Interfaces with SWT/JFace (Programmer to Programmer)
Jump Start with SWT/JFace
Menus, Toolbars, Cool, Bars, and Actions
Drag and Drop and the Clipboard
Lotus Notes Developers Toolbox: Tips for Rapid and Successful Deployment
Building Blocks of a Notes Database
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
Check for an Element in an Array
Create a Last Modified On Date Stamp
Access Control List Fundamentals
Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX (Pro - Developer)
The AJAX Revolution
The Microsoft Client Library for AJAX
The Pulsing Heart of ASP.NET AJAX
Built-in Application Services
Building AJAX Applications with ASP.NET
Ruby Cookbook (Cookbooks (OReilly))
Checking XML Well-Formedness
Guessing a Documents Encoding
Storing Hashed User Passwords in the Database
Writing a SOAP Client
Sharing a Hash Between Any Number of Computers
DNS & BIND Cookbook
Checking Whether a Domain Name Is Registered
Starting named at Boot Time
Setting Up a Slave Name Server for a Zone in Multiple Views
Limiting the Size of the IXFR Log File
Configuring a Name Server to Listen for Queries on an IPv6 Interface © 2008-2017.
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