MIDP Vendors


Several large players have thrown their weight behind the MIDP. A quick browse of the JSR page for MIDP exposes the most important companies.

Two Asian companies led the charge to provide network services for Java-enabled mobile phones. In Korea, LG TeleCom deployed a service called ez-i™ in mid-2000. Later that same year, NTT DoCoMo deployed their wildy popular i-mode™. The APIs developed for LG TeleCom and NTT DoCoMo were similar to MIDP but were completed before the MIDP specification.

In the United States, Motorola was the first manufacturer to produce a MIDP telephone. The i50sx and i85s were released on April 2, 2001, with service provided by Nextel.

The expert group that created the MIDP specification includes an impressive list of manufacturers-Ericsson, Hitachi, Nokia, Sony, Symbian. Over the next twelve months, you'll probably see more MIDP devices arriving on the market.


Wireless Java. Developing with J2ME
ColdFusion MX Professional Projects
ISBN: 1590590775
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 129

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