A.2 Sybase Adaptive Server SQL Statements


As we saw in the previous section, there is significant overlap in the type support offered by Sybase and SQL Server. This section compares the SQL dialects of Sybase to SQL Server. In most cases, the SQL Server statements described in Chapter 3 apply to Sybase as well. This section outlines those statements that are different between the two platforms.

In Table A-2, the SQL commands are listed along with notes containing the differences between SQL Server and Sybase. While most of the statements have identical syntax and meaning, for those statements that contain large differences, the syntax for Sybase is listed with notes on how the statements differ .

Table A-2. Sybase Adaptive Server SQL statements




Sybase does not support the ENCRYPTION keyword or replication through the FOR REPLICATION keywords.


Sybase does not support the ROWGUIDCOL keyword or the CHECK and NOCHECK keywords for enabling constraints.

 ALTER TABLE   table_name   [ADD {   column_name datatype attributes   }[,...]]  [DROP   column_name   [,...]]  [ADD CONSTRAINT {   constraint_name constraint_clause   }[,...]]  [DROP CONSTRAINT   constraint_name   [,...]]  [MODIFY {   column_name data_type   [[NOT] NULL]}[,...]]  [{ENABLEDISABLE}   trigger_name   ] 


Sybase has no equivalent to the ALTER TRIGGER statement in SQL Server. For equivalent functionality, drop the existing trigger with a DROP TRIGGER statement and recreate it with the CREATE TRIGGER statement.


Sybase has no equivalent to the ALTER VIEW statement in SQL Server. For equivalent functionality, drop the existing view with a DROP VIEW statement and recreate it with the CREATE VIEW statement.


Not supported by SQL Server or Sybase. Look to the EXECUTE command for this functionality.


Supported with variations.

 CONNECT TO   server_name   


Creating a new database in Sybase has the following syntax:

 CREATE DATABASE   database_name   [ON { DEFAULT   database_device   } [=   size   ]    [, {   database_device   [=   size   ]}[,...]] [LOG ON {   log_device   [=   size   ]}[,...] [WITH {OVERRIDE  DEFAULT_LOCATION =   "pathname"   }] [FOR {LOAD  PROXY_UPDATE}] 

  • DEFAULT specifies the default device, equivalent to the PRIMARY keyword on SQL Server.

  • size is the size of the database or transaction log in megabytes.

  • log_device has the same meaning as SQL Server.

  • PROXY_UPDATE automatically gets the metadata from the DEFAULT_LOCATION when creating the database.


Support is identical to that offered by SQL Server, except that the following options are unsupported: VARYING , ENCRYPTION , and FOR REPLICATION .


Differences exist within the options provided in the WITH clause, as follows :

 [WITH [{FILLFACTOR =   fillfactor   MAX_ROWS_PER_PAGE =   num_rows   }] [[,]RESERVEPAGEGAP =   num_pages   ] [[,]CONSUMERS = X] [[,]IGNORE_DUP_KEY] [[,]IGNORE_DUP_ROW  ALLOW_DUP_ROW] [[,]SORTED_DATA] [[,]STATISTICS USING   num_steps   VALUES] 

  • FILLFACTOR has the same meaning as SQL Server.

  • MAX_ROWS_PER_PAGE is another way of controlling the fill factor of the index, but uses the row count instead of a percentage of the page space.

  • RESERVEPAGEGAP provides a method of controlling the ratio of empty index pages to filled ones. This can provide a performance advantage for indexes that grow in size frequently. Valid values for num_pages are 0-255, with the default being 0.

  • IGNORE_DUP_KEY has the same meaning as SQL Server.

  • IGNORE_DUP_ROW allows the creation of a clustered index on tables that contain duplicate rows. While the index can be created when the table contains duplicate rows, any insert or update statement that can result in the creation of a duplicate row will be canceled once the index is created.


  • ALLOW_DUP_ROW is similar to IGNORE_DUP_ROW , except that it permits insert and update statements that will result in duplicate rows.

  • SORTED_DATA speeds up the creation of indexes for tables that are already sorted on disk.

  • WITH STATISTICS USING num_steps VALUES controls the amount of statistics maintained and provided to the query optimizer.


Support is identical to that offered by SQL Server, except that the following options are unsupported: VARYING , ENCRYPTION , and FOR REPLICATION .


Supported with variations.

 CREATE ROLE   role_name   [WITH PASSWD   "password"   [, {"PASSWD EXPIRATION"  "MIN PASSWD LENGTH"  "MAX FAILED LOGINS" }   option_value   ][,...] ] 

This statement will create a role by role_name with an optional password. Unique to Sybase is the ability to specify simple security options for the new role.


While casual users of SQL Server and Sybase will notice no differences in the CREATE TABLE syntax, others will note the following differences:

  • The NOT FOR REPLICATION option is not supported on Sybase.

  • The ROWGUIDCOL column attribute is not supported on Sybase.

  • The TEXTIMAGE_ON option is not supported on Sybase.

  • The IDENTITY attribute cannot have a seed or increment value specified on Sybase.

Other than those small changes, the features unique to Sybase are listed below.

 CREATE TABLE [   database_name   .[   owner   ].]   table_name   ({   column_name     datatype   {[DEFAULT   default_value   ]     [IDENTITY  NULL  NOT NULL]     [OFF ROW  IN ROW [ (   size_in_bytes   ) ] ]     REFERENCES [[   database_name   .]   owner   .]   ref_table   [(   ref_column   )]    {UNIQUE  PRIMARY KEY} [CLUSTERED  NONCLUSTERED] [asc         desc]    [WITH { FILLFACTOR =   pct   ,    MAX_ROWS_PER_PAGE =   num_rows   , }    RESERVEPAGEGAP =   num_pages   }]    [ON   segment_name   ]     CHECK (   search_condition   )     }    [CONSTRAINT   constraint_name   ]    FOREIGN KEY ({   column_name   }[,...]) REFERENCES        [[   database_name   .]   owner   .]   ref_table   [({   ref_column   }[,...])]     CHECK (   search_condition   )     {UNIQUE  PRIMARY KEY} [CLUSTERED  NONCLUSTERED]       ({   column_name   [ASC  DESC]}[,...])        [WITH { FILLFACTOR =   pct   ,        MAX_ROWS_PER_PAGE =   num_rows   ,       RESERVEPAGEGAP =   num_pages   } ]        [ON   segment_name   ]}[,...]) [LOCK {DATAROWS  DATAPAGES  ALLPAGES }] [WITH { MAX_ROWS_PER_PAGE =   num_rows   ,    EXP_ROW_SIZE =   num_bytes   ,    RESERVEPAGEGAP =   num_pages   ,    IDENTITY_GAP =   value   }] [ON   segment_name   ] [ [ EXTERNAL TABLE ] AT   pathname   ] 


  • OFF/IN ROW specifies if a Java-SQL column is physically stored inside a row or outside. The SIZE_IN_BYTES option is the maximum space required to store an IN ROW type.

  • ASC/DESC determines the ordering for an index created for a constraint. Ascending order, ASC , is the default.

  • MAX_ROWS_PER_PAGE limits the number of rows per page.

  • LOCK specifies the locking strategy used for the table.

  • EXP_ROW_SIZE specifies the expected row size in bytes. The default is zero, which means the server's default will be used.

  • RESERVEPAGEGAP specifies the desired ratio of filled to empty pages. Valid values are 0-255, with a default of zero.

  • IDENTITY_GAP controls the gap between consecutive values in identity columns .

  • EXTERNAL TABLE specifies that the table is stored externally. This is the default, so its usage is optional.


Sybase offers support similar to SQL Server, with the following exceptions:

  • WITH ENCRYPTION is not permitted.

  • AFTER and INSTEAD OF are not permitted.

  • WITH APPEND is not permited.

  • NOT FOR REPLICATION is not permitted.

  • COLUMNS_UPDATED( ) f unction is not supported.


Support is identical to that offered by SQL Server except that Sybase has no ENCRYPTION , SCHEMABINDING , or VIEW_METADATA options.


Support is identical to that offered by SQL Server, except that Sybase has no INSENSITIVE or SCROLL options.


The DELETE statement is nearly identical between Sybase and SQL Server. SQL Server supports a WITH and OPTION clause that Sybase does not. The features unique to Sybase are listed below.

 DELETE [[   owner   .]{   table_name     view_name   }] [FROM {[   owner   .]    {   view_name   [READPAST]   table_name   [READPAST]    [(INDEX {   index_name     table_name   }    [PREFETCH   size   ][LRU  MRU])] }}[,...] [WHERE {   search_conditions   CURRENT OF   cursor_name   }] ] [PLAN   "     abstract_plan     "   ] 

READPAST instructs the server to skip over all pages or rows currently locked by other transactions, deleting rows only from pages not currently in use.

PREFETCH specifies the I/O size, in kilobytes, for tables that are bound to caches.

LRU/MRU specifies either a least or most recently used buffer replacement strategy.

PLAN sends abstract_plan as an alternative execution plan to the query optimizer.


Supported with the following command:



Supported with the following syntax:

 DROP ROLE   role_name   [WITH OVERRIDE] 

Using WITH OVERRIDE will ignore all restrictions on dropping the role from the databases.


The FETCH command differs significantly from SQL Server. Sybase has sequential server-side cursors , so the NEXT , PRIOR , FIRST , and LAST options are not permitted.

Additionally, parameters can be used in a target list as long as there is a one-to-one mapping between these items and the ones returned by the SELECT statement when the cursor was created.

 FETCH cursor_name [INTO fetch_target_list] 

For example:

 DECLARE authors_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors OPEN authors_cursor FETCH authors_cursor INTO @lname, @fname GO 


Support is identical to that offered by SQL Server, except that Sybase has no AS clause.


Sybase offers the SQL99 syntax for INSERT statements; therefore, Sybase permits none of the extended features of SQL Server.


Sybase's return statement RETURN , unlike SQL Server, cannot return NULL values.


Sybase offers support similar to SQL Server with the following exceptions:

  • The TO clause cannot be used in place of FROM .

  • The AS clause is not permitted.


Support identical to SQL Server's SAVE TRANSACTION statement.


Sybase offers support for SELECT statements identical to SQL Server, with the following exceptions:

  • Sybase has a PLAN clause instead of an OPTION clause used for passing hints to the server's statement optimizer.

  • Sybase has no TOP clause.

  • Sybase does not support WITH CUBE or WITH ROLLUP in the GROUP BY clause.

  • Sybase offers a FOR { UPDATE READ ONLY } clause that can only be used with a stored procedure when the query defines the result for a cursor.

  • Sybase has AT ISOLATION { 0, 1, 2, 3 } for choosing a non-default isolation level for query execution.

  • Sybase also offers a SELECT INTO statement, but with an additional, optional clause for controlling the locking: LOCK { DATAROWS DATAPAGES ALLPAGES }


Sybase supports the SET ROLE statement with the following syntax:

 SET ROLE {"SA_ROLE"  "SSO_ROLE"  "OPER_ROLE"   role_name   [WITH PASSWD "   password   "]} { ON  OFF } 


The SET TIMEZONE statement is not supported in Sybase or SQL Server.


Support is offered through BEGIN TRANSACTION , which is identical to SQL Server, except that parameterized transaction names are not supported.


The UPDATE statement is nearly identical between Sybase and SQL Server. SQL Server supports WITH and OPTION clauses that Sybase does not. The features unique to Sybase are listed below.

 UPDATE {   table_name     view_name   }    SET {[{   table_name   .   view_name   .}]   column_name1   = {   expression1   NULL(   select_statement   )}   variable_name1   = {   expression1   NULL(   select_statement   )}}       [,...] [FROM {   view_name   [READPAST]   table_name   [READPAST]    [(INDEX {   index_name     table_name   } [ PREFETCH   size   ][LRUMRU])]}[,...] [WHERE {   search_conditions   CURRENT OF   cursor_name   }] [PLAN "   abstract_plan   "] 


  • READPAST instructs the server to skip over all pages or rows currently locked by other transactions, updating rows only from pages not currently in use.

  • PREFETCH specifies the I/O size, in kilobytes, for tables that are bound to caches.

  • LRU/MRU specifies either the least or most recently used buffer replacement strategy.

  • PLAN sends abstract_plan as an alternative execution plan to the query optimizer.

SQL in a Nutshell
SQL in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596518846
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 78

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