Working with Grouping


Like filters, groups help you find information faster in views that contain lots of data. Like the name implies, groups allow you to group data in a view. For example, you might want to see your Gantt Chart view grouped by a custom field called Location. This new view of the Gantt Chart view would show you all the same tasks, but now they would be clumped together to show you all the tasks that occur in certain areas in a single grouping.

Creating New Group

graphics/one_icon.jpg Click Project, Group By, More Groups.

graphics/two_icon.jpg Select whether you will be creating a Task group or a Resource group.

graphics/three_icon.jpg Click the New button.


graphics/four_icon.jpg Enter a name for your new group.

graphics/five_icon.jpg Decide whether you want the group to appear in the Project, Group By menu.

graphics/six_icon.jpg Decide whether this group will be grouping Task/Resource fields or Assignment fields.

graphics/seven_icon.jpg From the drop-down menu in the first row, select the field you want to be at the top level of your group structure.

graphics/eight_icon.jpg If you checked the box in step 6, select whether you will group by Task/Resource fields or Assignment fields.

graphics/nine_icon.jpg The Order field determines whether the group display of data is sorted in ascending or descending order.

graphics/ten_icon.jpg Define the font for the test in the group level that is selected in the grid.

graphics/eleven_icon.jpg Select the color of the group level in the view.

graphics/tweleve_icon.jpg Define a display pattern for the color. This is the level of shading that will be applied to the color bar for the group.

graphics/thirteen_icon.jpg For all fields EXCEPT the first field, you can define an interval for the group that can allow you to limit the groups levels.

graphics/fourteen_icon.jpg The Show Summary Tasks check box determines whether the tasks that appear in a grouping should be shown with their summary tasks.

graphics/fifteen_icon.jpg Click OK when you are finished defining the group.


Show Me. Microsoft Office Project 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Project 2003
ISBN: 0789730693
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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