Applying, Customizing, and Editing Groups


This section shows you how to apply a group to a view, how to customize the currently applied group for making quick formatting changes to the displayed view, as well as how to edit an existing group .

Applying a Group to a View

graphics/one_icon.jpg Click the Project, Group By menu item.

graphics/two_icon.jpg If the group you want to apply is shown in the menu, click on it.

graphics/three_icon.jpg If it is not shown, click More Groups.

graphics/four_icon.jpg Select the desired group from the list.

graphics/five_icon.jpg Click the Apply button.


Customizing the Currently Applied Group

graphics/one_icon.jpg Click Project, Group By, Customize Group By.

graphics/two_icon.jpg In the Customize Group By dialog that comes up, make your edits to the group properties.

graphics/three_icon.jpg If you want to permanently save the changes you have made, click the Save button.

graphics/four_icon.jpg If you want to clear the entries in the table, click the Reset button.

graphics/five_icon.jpg If you want to apply the changes you have made to the current group to the view without saving the changes, click OK.


Editing Groups

graphics/one_icon.jpg Click the Project, Group By, More Groups menu item.

graphics/two_icon.jpg Select the group you want to edit from the list.

graphics/three_icon.jpg Click the Edit button.

graphics/four_icon.jpg In the Group Definition dialog, make your changes to the group.

graphics/five_icon.jpg Click OK to save your changes.


Creating a New Group As a Copy of an Existing Group

graphics/one_icon.jpg Click the Project, Group By, More Groups menu item.

graphics/two_icon.jpg Select the group you want to copy.

graphics/three_icon.jpg Click the Copy button.

graphics/four_icon.jpg Rename your new group.

graphics/five_icon.jpg Edit the group as needed.

graphics/six_icon.jpg Click OK to save your changes.


Show Me. Microsoft Office Project 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Project 2003
ISBN: 0789730693
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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