"Service-oriented architecture" vs. "Service-oriented environment"

Service oriented architecture vs Service oriented environment

As we established in Chapter 4, a service-oriented architecture represents a technical view of a business automation solution based on service-orientation principles. Because much of the discussion in this chapter is focused on business analysis in preparation for the service modeling process, we frequently use the broader term service-oriented environment to refer to the logical enterprise domain in which service-oriented principles are being applied. For the purposes of this chapter, therefore, a service-oriented environment can encompass business processes as well as the technology that automates them.


Another term commonly used instead of service-oriented environment is the SOA ecosystem.


How case studies are used: Most of the examples in this chapter center around the RailCo environment as it prepares to proceed with a service-oriented analysis. (It is recommended that you read through these examples prior to commencing with the service modeling process in Chapter 12.)

The TLS SOA also is reviewed to highlight examples of existing entity-centric services. The last example states TLS's intention also to undergo a service-oriented analysis as the first step of a project required to deliver a new Timesheet Submission solution. This analysis phase is explored in detail at the end of Chapter 12.


Case Studies

Part I: SOA and Web Services Fundamentals

Introducing SOA

The Evolution of SOA

Web Services and Primitive SOA

Part II: SOA and WS-* Extensions

Web Services and Contemporary SOA (Part I: Activity Management and Composition)

Web Services and Contemporary SOA (Part II: Advanced Messaging, Metadata, and Security)

Part III: SOA and Service-Orientation

Principles of Service-Orientation

Service Layers

Part IV: Building SOA (Planning and Analysis)

SOA Delivery Strategies

Service-Oriented Analysis (Part I: Introduction)

Service-Oriented Analysis (Part II: Service Modeling)

Part V: Building SOA (Technology and Design)

Service-Oriented Design (Part I: Introduction)

Service-Oriented Design (Part II: SOA Composition Guidelines)

Service-Oriented Design (Part III: Service Design)

Service-Oriented Design (Part IV: Business Process Design)

Fundamental WS-* Extensions

SOA Platforms

Appendix A. Case Studies: Conclusion

Service-Oriented Architecture. Concepts, Technology, and Design
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Concepts, Technology, and Design
ISBN: 0131858580
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 150
Authors: Thomas Erl

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