Adding and Removing Fields from Views


There are actually two ways to add fields to views with tables (the Network Diagram views do not have tables). The first way is to insert them into view directly in the view itself. This is done by right-clicking in the table portion of the view and inserting the field there. The second and less commonly used method is to edit the table that the view is using. Either way results in getting the fields you need to see into the views in which you need to see them.

Inserting a Field

graphics/one_icon.jpg Right-click on the field to the right of where you want the new field to appear. Select Insert Column from the menu.

graphics/two_icon.jpg From the Field Name drop-down menu, select the field you want to insert into your view.

graphics/three_icon.jpg If you want the field's name to appear differently from what shows in the Field Name drop-down menu, enter it in the Title field.

graphics/four_icon.jpg Select the alignment for the field title. You can select left, right, or center alignment.

graphics/five_icon.jpg Select the alignment for the data in the field.

graphics/six_icon.jpg Define how wide the field should be.

graphics/seven_icon.jpg Clicking Best Fit will automatically insert the field with a width that depends on the longest data entry in the field.

graphics/eight_icon.jpg Header Text Wrapping controls whether the column title will be wrapped if it exceeds the width of the field you have chosen .

graphics/nine_icon.jpg Click OK to insert the field into the view.


Hiding a Field

graphics/one_icon.jpg Right-click on the field you want to remove from the view and select Hide Column from the contextual menu.


Did You Know?

One of the most common questions about Project is "How do I unhide a column?" The answer is to insert it again. Hiding a column does NOT delete it ”it just hides it from view.

Moving a Field Within a View

graphics/one_icon.jpg Click on the Field Header of the field you want to move. Notice the mouse pointer changes to a four-pointed arrow.

graphics/two_icon.jpg Hold down the left mouse button and drag the field to the new position.

graphics/three_icon.jpg You will see a vertical line where the new position will be before you let go of the mouse button. When the line is where you want the new field to go, release the mouse button.


Show Me. Microsoft Office Project 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Project 2003
ISBN: 0789730693
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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