Linking Data

A link can be as simple as a reference to a cell on another worksheet, or it can be part of a formula. You can link cells between sheets within one workbook or between different workbooks. Cell data to be linked is called the source data. The cell or range linked to the source data is called the destination cell or destination range. If you no longer want linked data to be updated, you can break a link easily. Create links instead of making multiple identical entries; it saves time and ensures your entries are correct.

Create a Link Between Worksheets or Workbooks


Select the cell or range that contains the source data.


Click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar.


Click the sheet tab where you want to link the data.


Select the destination cell or destination range.


Click the Paste button on the Standard toolbar.


Click the Paste Options button, and then click Link Cells.


Break a Link


Click the cell containing the linked formula you want to break.


Click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar.


Click the Edit menu, and then click Paste Special.


Click the Values option.


Click OK.


Did You Know?

You can include a link in a formula and treat the linked cell as one argument in a larger calculation . Enter the formula on the formula bar, and then select a cell in the worksheet or workbook you want to link. A cell address reference to a worksheet is =tab name!cell address (=Orders!A6). A cell reference to a workbook is ='[workbook name.xls]tab name '!cell address (='[Product Orders.xls]Orders'!A6).

You can arrange worksheet windows to make linking easier . To arrange open windows, click the Window menu, click Arrange, and then click the option for the window arrangement you want.

Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003
ISBN: 0789730057
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 291 © 2008-2017.
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