Chapter 1: Introduction to Advantage Database Server
Figure 1-1: Use the Advantage Configuration Utility to view statistics for and to configure your ADS server.
Figure 1-2: The Installation Info page of the Advantage Configuration Utility
Figure 1-3: The Database Settings page of the Advantage Configuration Utility
Figure 1-4: The File Locations page of the Advantage Configuration Utility
Figure 1-5: The Communications page of the Advantage Configuration Utility
Figure 1-6: The Misc. Settings page of the Advantage Configuration Utility
Figure 1-7: The main screen of the Advantage Data Architect
Figure 1-8: The ANSI Collation Utility
Chapter 2: Creating Tables
Figure 2-1: The Creating Table dialog box of the Advantage Data Architect
Figure 2-2: The Creating Table dialog box with the structure of a new table defined
Figure 2-3: The newly created table in the Table Browser
Figure 2-4: Use the Open Table(s) dialog box to display an existing ADS table in the Table Browser.
Figure 2-5: If you do not supply a valid password for an encrypted free table, its data is scrambled.
Figure 2-6: The Table Browser displaying data after a valid password has been entered.
Figure 2-7: You change an existing table’s structure using the View\Modify Table Structure dialog box.
Figure 2-8: The View\Modify Table Structure dialog box after the size of the Last Name field was changed and the Last Access field was added.
Figure 2-9: The Advantage Data Import dialog box
Figure 2-10: ADO requires an ADO connection string to connect to data.
Figure 2-11: The BDE requires a BDE alias to connect to data.
Figure 2-12: Use the Select Destination page to specify the directory path where imported table(s) are stored.
Figure 2-13: Click Import to begin the data importation.
Figure 2-14: The exported data from the CUST.ADT in CSV format.
Figure 2-15: Use the Tables to Code dialog box to generate table and index creation code that you can use in your client applications.
Figure 2-16: Use the Output Code window to save the generated code.
Chapter 3: Defining Indexes
Figure 3-1: The Index Management dialog box
Figure 3-2: Use the Create New Index page to define indexes.
Figure 3-3: You can view and remove indexes using the View Index Structures page of the Index Management dialog box.
Figure 3-4: Setting the index to CUSTOMER ID sorts the customer records by the Customer ID field.
Figure 3-5: An optimized filter displays a subset of records in the table.
Figure 3-6: The Active Customers conditional index shows only active customers, sorting these records by Date Account Opened and in descending order.
Figure 3-7: The CUSTOMER.ADT table opened in the Table Browser
Figure 3-8: The Create New FTS Index page of the Index Management dialog box
Figure 3-9: A SQL query using full text search in the Native SQL Utility
Figure 3-10: The default settings used for the Notes FTS index order are visible on the View Index Structures page of the Index Management dialog box.
Chapter 4: Understanding and Using Data Dictionaries
Figure 4-1: The data dictionary properties dialog box in the Advantage Database Manager
Figure 4-2: The DemoDictionary data dictionary in the Advantage Database Manager
Figure 4-3: The CUSTOMER and EMPLOYEE tables have been bound to the DemoDictionary data dictionary.
Figure 4-4: You display the data dictionary properties dialog box by right-clicking the data dictionary node in the tree view, and selecting Properties.
Figure 4-5: A total of six tables have been bound to this data dictionary.
Figure 4-6: The Group dialog box allows you to define access rights for a group as well as to display existing properties for the group.
Figure 4-7: The User dialog box displays the properties for the user selected in the Advantage Database Manager tree view.
Figure 4-8: Use the Table Rights dialog box to customize a user’s rights as well as to view effective permissions.
Figure 4-9: The table properties dialog box for the EMPLOYEE table
Figure 4-10: Use the Dictionary Differentiator to compare two data dictionaries.
Figure 4-11: Use the Object Differences dialog box to compare your data dictionaries.
Chapter 5: Defining Constraints and Referential Integrity
Figure 5-1: The Fields dialog box for the CUSTOMER table in the DemoDictionary data dictionary
Figure 5-2: The Fields dialog box for the PRODUCTS table
Figure 5-3: The properties dialog box for the CUSTOMER table
Figure 5-4: The CUSTOMER ID index has been selected as the primary index using the table properties dialog box.
Figure 5-5: The newly defined RI object is displayed in an ER diagram.
Figure 5-6: The EMPLOYEE table now appears in the ER diagram, although it is not yet part of an RI definition.
Figure 5-7: The RI Object Name page of the Referential Integrity Creation dialog box
Figure 5-8: The Update/Delete rules page of the Referential Integrity Creation dialog box
Chapter 6: Working with Views
Figure 6-1: Creating a new view
Figure 6-2: After a view has been created, you can select and open it.
Figure 6-3: A result set returned by a view in the Table Browser
Figure 6-4: The Native SQL Utility
Figure 6-5: A SQL SELECT statement that selects all fields from a view.
Figure 6-6: The Sales by Employee view in the Table Browser