Index[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] call method 2nd CallbackHandler interface capability levels, JAXR capture-schema tool CCI [See J2EE Connector architecture, CCI.] CDATA certificate authority Certificate Signing Request security certificates certificates: digitally-signed certificates client generating digital 2nd managing signing server generating using for authentication character encodings 2nd ISO 8859 ISO-8859-1 US-ASCII UTF-16 UTF-8 2nd character sets IANA registry Unicode US-ASCII classic tags tag handlers defining variables how invoked life cycle methods shared objects variable availability with bodies classification schemes finding with JAXR ISO 3166 NAICS 2nd postal address 2nd publishing with JAXR 2nd removing with JAXR UNSPSC user-defined classifications creating with JAXR client applications, JMS packaging 2nd running 2nd running on multiple systems client certificates generating client ID, for durable subscriptions CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode clients authenticating 2nd securing clients, JAXR examples implementing close method Coffee Break JavaBeans components JavaServer Faces server beans JSP pages resource configuration JAX-WS building, packaging, and deploying clients service 2nd removing running SAAJ clients 2nd SAAJ service 2nd 3rd building, packaging, and deploying XML messages server 2nd beans building, packaging, and deploying JSP pages server interaction setting service port numbers shared files source code web service commit method commit method (JMS) commits [See transactions; commits.] component binding 2nd 3rd 4th binding attribute 2nd 3rd component rendering model 2nd decode method 2nd 3rd 4th 5th decoding 2nd delegated implementation direct implementation encode method encodeBegin method encodeChildren method encodeEnd method 2nd encoding 2nd HTML render kit 2nd render kit renderer Renderer class 2nd Renderer implementation RenderKit class RenderKit implementation component-managed sign-on concepts in user-defined classification schemes publishing with JAXR 2nd removing with JAXR using to create classifications with JAXR concurrent access confidentiality configuring beans configuring JavaServer Faces applications Application class application configuration resource files 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Application instance 2nd configuring beans [See configuring beans.] configuring navigation rules [See configuring navigation rules.] faces-config.xml files including the classes, pages, and other resources including the required JAR files javax.faces.application.CONFIG_FILES context parameter registering custom converters [See registering custom converters.] registering custom renderers [See registering custom renderers.] registering custom UI components [See registering custom UI components.] registering custom validators [See registering custom validators.] registering messages [See registering messages.] restricting access to JavaServer Faces components specifying a path to an application configuration resource file specifying where UI component state is saved 2nd turning on validation of XML files validateXML context parameter verifying custom objects configuring navigation rules from-action element from-view-id element navigation-case element 2nd navigation-rule element to-view-id element Connection class connection factories, JAXR creating connection factories, JMS creating 2nd injecting resources 2nd introduction specifying for remote servers Connection interface Connection interface (java.sql) Connection interface (JAXR) 695 Connection interface (JMS) connection pooling connection properties, JAXR examples ConnectionFactory class (JAXR) ConnectionFactory interface (JMS) connections secure securing connections, JAXR creating setting properties connections, JMS introduction managing in Java EE applications connections, mail sessions connections, SAAJ closing point-to-point connectors [See J2EE Connector architecture, CCI.] constraint authorization security user data container-managed persistence one-to-many one-to-one primary keys compound container-managed relationships unidirectional container-managed sign-on container-managed transactions [See container-managed transactions.] containers configurable services non-configurable services securing security [See also applet containers; application client containers; EJB containers; web containers.] services trust between context roots conversion model 2nd converter attribute 2nd 3rd Converter implementations 2nd 3rd Converter interface converter tags [See converter tags, convertDateTime tag.] converterId attribute converters [See converters.] converting data between model and presentation javax.faces.convert package model view presentation view Converter implementation classes BigDecimalConverter class BigIntegerConverter class BooleanConverter class ByteConverter class CharacterConverter class DateTimeConverter DateTimeConverter class 2nd DoubleConverter class FloatConverter class IntegerConverter class LongConverter class NumberConverter class 2nd ShortConverter class converter tags convertDateTime tag convertDateTime tag attributes converter tag 2nd convertNumber tag 2nd convertNumber tag attributes parseLocale attribute converters 2nd 3rd custom converters 2nd standard converters [See standard converters.] converting data [See conversion model.] CORBA core tags convertNumber tag country codes ISO 3166 createBrowser method createClassification method 2nd createClassificationScheme method createExternalLink method createOrganization method createPostalAddress method createService method createServiceBinding method createTimer method credential cryptography public key CSR Cursor StAX example Cursor-to-Event StAX example custom converters 2nd creating getAsObject method getAsObject(FacesContext, UIComponent, String) method getAsString method getAsString(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) method registering [See registering custom converters.] using custom objects custom converters [See custom converters.] custom tags [See custom tags.] custom UI components [See custom UI components.] custom validators [See custom validators.] using using custom converters, renderers and tags together custom renderers creating the Renderer class determining necessity of performing decoding performing encoding registering [See registering custom renderers.] registering with a render kit ResponseWriter class 2nd startElement method writeAttribute method custom tags 2nd 3rd and scripting elements attributes validation cooperating createValidator method creating creating tag handler creating using JSP syntax Duke's Bank getComponentType method 2nd getRendererType method 2nd 3rd identifying the renderer type release method [See also classic tags; simple tags, expression language variables.] setProperties method tag handler class 2nd 3rd tag library descriptor 2nd tag library descriptors [See tag library descriptors.] template tag library UIComponentTag class 2nd UIComponentTag.release method ValidatorTag class writing the tag library descriptor custom UI components 2nd 3rd 4th creating component classes delegating rendering determining necessity of handling events emitted by queueEvent method registering [See registering custom UI components.] restoreState(FacesContext, Object) method 2nd saveState(FacesContext) method saving state specifying where state is saved steps for creating using custom validators 2nd createValidator method custom validator tags implementing a backing-bean method to perform validation implementing the Validator interface using validate method 2nd Validator implementation 2nd 3rd 4th Validator interface validator tag 2nd ValidatorTag class |