

Caller property, 279

Cancel button, 236-38

canceling events, 207

Caption property. See also Name property

CheckBox object, 231

CommandBar object, 251

CommandButton object, 194

OptionButton object, 230

UserForm object, 227-28


calculating monthly loan payments, 210-16

listing for consideration, 216-20

cell references

A1-style vs. R1C1 style, 110-11

building formulas using addresses, 114-16

relative vs. absolute, 115

cells, worksheet. See also worksheet

absolute references, 115

comparing ranges via CompareCells macro, 150-52

filling, 33-37

merging vertically via menu command, 9-10

merging vertically via recorded macro, 10-12

MoveRight macro, 142-44

multiple, 92

overview, 51

relative references, 115

in worksheets, 52

Cells collection, 94

Cells property, 92-94

certificates. See self-signed certificates

ChangeChart macro, 84-85

ChartArea object, 87

ChartFillFormat object, 87

Chart object

vs. ChartObject object, 84

exploring attributes, 78-87

overview, 77-78

ChartObject object

Activate method, 83

vs. Chart object, 84

as container, 83-84

ChartObjects collection, 85

Chart property, 86


changing type, 79

creating by recording macros, 78-79

embedded, 78-84

formatting, 87

modifying attributes, 84-85

naming, 86

possible locations, 80

as separate sheets, 80

synchronizing, 85-87

value axis, 87

Charts collection, 80

chart tips, 270

ChartType property, 79

Chart Wizard, 268-70

check boxes, implementing, 248. See also CheckBox object

CheckBox object

Accelerator property, 231

adding to user forms, 231-33

Caption property, 231

Name property, 231

CheckFiles macro, 178-81

CheckRun macro, 147-48

child windows, 57

classes, 90-91

clearing borders, 105

Click event, 198

Close method, 58-59


databases, 45-46

workbooks, 58-59


adding items, 71

Add method, 251

creating subcollections, 65-66

Item property, 59

methods overview, 54

multiple worksheets, 65-66

overview, 52

properties overview, 60

referencing, 60

worksheets as, 52

colon (:)

in arguments, 17

for macro labels, 179

for separating statements in Immediate window, 150

color constants, 75

ColorFormat object, 73

ColorIndex property

vs. Color property, 105

Interior object, 105-7

vs. SchemeColor property, 106

color palettes, 107

Color property

vs. ColorIndex property, 105

Interior object, 106

vs. RGB property, 106

colors, changing available palette, 107

Colors collection, 107

Colors dialog box, 74

ColumnCount property, 219

column fields, 134

ColumnFields collection, 130

ColumnRange property, 135

columns, worksheet. See also PivotTable

changing width, 94-95

hiding dynamically, 243-46

overview, 51

Columns collection, 94-95

Columns property, 94-95

Column Width property, 220

ComboBox object

adding to worksheets, 217-18

BoundColumn property, 219

ColumnCount property, 219

Column Width property, 220

event handler for, 221

Font property, 218

LinkedCell property, 222

ListFillRange property, 219

Style property, 217-18

CommandBar object

adding to worksheets, 251

BeginGroup property, 251

Caption property, 251

OnAction property, 251

Style property, 251

command bars. See CommandBar object; menu bars

CommandBars collection, 251

CommandButton object. See also command buttons

Accelerator property, 236

Caption property, 236

Default property, 236

Name property, 236

TakeFocusOnClick property, 195

command buttons. See also CommandButton object

adding to user forms, 236-38

adding to worksheets, 192-95

Cancel button, 236-37

creating, 192-95

default, 236

linking to macros, 196-98

making responsive to mouse movements, 198-200

naming, 193-94

overview, 192

vs. WordArt text, 275-78

comments, VBA, 8

CompareCells macro, 150-52

compiler errors, 170

Complete Word command, 96

conditionals. See also loops

in CheckRun macro, 147-48

Do Until statement, 155

If structure, 146

in MoveRight macro, 142-44

and MsgBox function, 146-48

overview, 141

in TestInput macro, 144-46

in UnprotectSheets macro, 150

confirmation prompts, hiding, 47

containers, 84

Controls collection, 251

Control Toolbox

Check Box button, 231

Combo Box button, 217

Command Button button, 192

illustrated, 192

overview, 192

Properties button, 193

Scroll Bar button, 215

Spin Button button, 212

Text Box button, 231

View Code button, 196

ConvertToValues macro, 16-18

copying worksheets, 65

Copy method

Selection object, 17

Worksheets object, 65

counting workbooks, 57-58

Count property, 61-62

CreatePivotTable method, 125

Ctrl key, 7

currency format, creating macro for, 5-6

Currency Style button, 4-5

CurrentPage property, 130

CurrentRegion property, 116

custom forms. See user forms

custom functions

adding arguments, 165-67

creating, 164-65

making arguments optional, 168

making volatile, 168

overview, 164

running from macros, 169-70

StartOfMonth function, 234-35

vs. Sub procedures, 170

testing, 235

vs. variables, 164

worksheet cell limitations, 170

custom properties, 206-7

CutCopyMode property, 17

Microsoft Excel 2002 Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step
FrameMaker 6: Beyond the Basics
ISBN: 735613591
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 122
Authors: Lisa Jahred

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