Watch window, 76
window elements in worksheets, removing, 18–19
windows, rearranging, 15
With structures, 17
objects, consolidating with. see objects
replacing Select groups with, 116
Workbook object, 320
WorkbookConnection object, 157
active, referencing, 82
architecture of, 67
closing, macro for, 78
closing without saving changes, 83
counting, macro for, 77–78
creating, 143, 144
creating, macro for, 73–75
digital signatures, adding, 32
event handlers for, 276–277
events available for, 276
file extensions, 12
macro-free vs. macro-enabled, 12
macros, enabling, 13
master list. see master lists
moving worksheets between, 140
referring to, 69, 81–82
saving, 21
specifying, in macros, 79–81
trusting macro-enabled, 28–35
viruses in. see viruses
windows for, 76
Workbooks object
Add method, 73
Close method, 78
Count property, 77–78
Saved property, 83
Worksheet object, 97
activating from selection, 88
adding, macro for, 84
Auto List Members, activating, 89–90
blank cells, selecting, 48–49
code name, identifying, 183
colors in. see colors
columns. see columns, worksheet
constants, displaying only, 318
copying, macro for, 87
creating new files from, 138–140
current region. see current region
deleting, 61–62
deleting, macro for, 85
events available for, 275
formatting, clearing, 134
formulas, inserting in all selected cells, 49
moving to different workbooks, 140
name, displaying, 84
naming, macro for, 85
naming of identical copies, 41
protecting, 297, 299–300
referencing cells in, different in Excel 2007, 100
relative references vs. absolute
references, 58–60
rows, deleting, 41
selecting all cells on, 98, 101
selecting, macro for, 88
selecting multiple, 62
views. see views
window elements, removing with macro, 18–19
Zoom level, changing, 262–263
Worksheets object
Add method, 84
Name property, 85
vs. Worksheet object, 97