Appendix F: Microsoft s UDDI .NET SDK



Apache Web server and Tomcat, restricting access, 236–237

ASP.NET and anonymous users, 328

encryption vs. access control, 293

IIS and, 237

parsers and data access, 301

PERL scripting language and Web Services, 365–367

security and access control, 220–222

Web Service access, 194, 365–367

see also Middle tiers


licensing information, 357–358

software descriptions and download information, 354–356

see also Apache SOAP 2.3; Axis ™ (Apache)

Apache SOAP 2.3

vs. Apache Axis, 168, 171, 173–174, 176–177

classpath setup, 132, 135

confirming installations, 139

creating a Web Service, 136–137

deploying a Web Service, 137–142

downloads, 355

installing, 131–132

messages, viewing, 142–144

parsers for, 131

prerequisites for use, 130–136

proxies, 211

security and deployment, 140–142

simultaneous operation with Axis, 202–203

testing installation of, 133–136

Tomcat installation, 131

Web Service creation, 198–200

Arrays, 44–45

hashes and, 310

.asmx extensions, 72


consumers, 280–285

Default.aspx files, 331–335

Login.aspx files, 328–331

middle tiers and ASP.NET pages, 327–335

tags, 100–101

Visual Studio.NET and, 111–117

Web.config files, 328

Attributes, XML, 19–21, 102–103


Axis and Tomcat and, 225–227

cookies and, 327–335

cross-platform Web servers and, 246

Authentication (cont.)

IIS Basic Authentication, 232–236

Windows-integrated authentication, 227–232

Authorizations, security, IDs and GUIDs, 224–225

Axis™ (Apache)

vs. Apache SOAP, 168, 171, 173–174, 176–177

C++ client for, 341

classpath, 167–171

command line code, 180–181

configuring with Tomcat, 239–241

consumer creation with, 179–190

deployment descriptor for, 173

diagnostic tools in, 168–171

download information, 355

encryption, 356

HTML requests, 343–345

installation, 166–167

Java Web Service for, 259–261

prerequisites for use, 166–171

proxies and, 211

relaxing deployment rules, 176–177

remote administration, 176–177

removing or undeploying Web Services, 176

security and, 225–227

simultaneous operation with SOAP, 202–203

SSL and, 239, 356

TCP Monitor™, 177–179

testing installation of, 168–171

Tomcat and, 166, 202–203, 236, 239–241

Web Service creation, 171–173, 200–202

WSDL and, 166, 173, 174–176, 181–190

Xerces parser and, 166–167

Cross-Platform Web Services Using C# and Java
Cross-Platform Web Services Using C# & JAVA (Charles River Media Internet & Web Design)
ISBN: 1584502622
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 128 © 2008-2017.
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