Section I: Readiness--Rotations, Recognition and Risks


Chapter 1: Rotations: What is Spinning?
Chapter 2: Risks: How Does Spinning Affect the Bottom Line?


I hear stories. When I tell people I'm an Emotional Continuity Management consultant they say something like, "I could have used your help last month when we had an emotional meltdown at work. No one knew what to do. It was horrible but we figured it out eventually."

Eventually isn't cost effective. Eventually isn't compassionate for people who are either uncomfortable or at risk. Eventually is a luxury that competitive markets do not have. While every emotional incident is not necessarily a crisis, being prepared for managing workplace emotions is part of business continuity and appropriate risk assessment. Eventually people have emotional issues at the workplace.

How do you pay attention to emotions at work? How do you manage them? What emotions are appropriate and what emotions are counterproductive? When is enough venting at work enough? How are emotions useful when changes need to be made in the organization? How do you tell if someone is having normal emotions without getting an advanced degree in psychology? Why aren't emotional issues just a Human Resources (HR) thing? What if your HR person is emotionally unstable? What if your boss, supervisor, or manager is an emotional tornado ? What if you are?

Most healthy people are influenced emotionally by the consequences of unexpected deaths, natural disasters, disgruntled employees, rumors, gossip, and threats of layoffs. Does your company have a policy and plan in place to manage the emotions of healthy employees ? What about staff who are less than emotionally healthy to begin with?

Is it reasonable to worry about money, costs, and bottom-line issues when someone is hurting? Of course it is. It is quite simple to attend to the bottom-line issues with grace and compassion. Business and emotions are not mutually exclusive.

Emotional Terrors in the Workplace. Protecting Your Business' Bottom Line. Emotional Continuity Management in the Workplace
Emotional Terrors in the Workplace: Protecting Your Business Bottom Line - Emotional Continuity Management in the Workplace
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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