Solid State

They're alive ! After Effects 6 solids seem so smart. They name themselves and place themselves neatly into the Solids folder. Sometimes though, as cool as it is for a layer to know exactly what shade of green it is, you need a more descriptive name. Create a new solid: Layer>New>Solid or Cmd+Y (Ctrl+Y) and name the layer in the Solid Settings Dialog Box. You can call up this box again by choosing Layer>Solid Settings or Cmd+Shift+Y (Ctrl+Shift+Y).

click to expand
  • Solids can be reused so there is no need to keep creating them. You can copy and paste solids or adjustment layers within a comp and from comp to comp.

  • Solids can be used like instances. Changing one can change all duplicates of the solid. This is useful if you use a colored solid with a blending mode to create a color cast in several compositions and your client wants you to change the hue.

  • Not creating a ton of solids and adjustment layers also keeps your project file size down.

  • Under AE 6.5, solids can also be continuously rasterized. This will enable the edges to hold up better when you've scaled or positioned a solid.

    • This is useful when using masks

    • Be sure to click the Collapse Transformations/Continuously Rasterize switch so that it is on.

After Effects On the Spot[c] Time-Saving Tips and Shortcuts from the Pros
After Effects On the Spot[c] Time-Saving Tips and Shortcuts from the Pros
ISBN: 1578202396
Year: 2006
Pages: 447 © 2008-2017.
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