Section 1.2. Basic PLSQL Syntax Elements

1.2. Basic PL/SQL Syntax Elements

This section introduces you to the fundamentals of PL/SQL program organization and syntax: its block structure ; character set; and rules for identifiers, statement delimiters, and comments.

1.2.1. PL/SQL Block Structure

In PL/SQL, as in most other procedural languages, the smallest meaningful grouping of code is known as a block. A block is a unit of code that provides execution and scoping boundaries for variable declarations and exception handling. PL/SQL allows you to create anonymous blocks (blocks of code that have no name) and named blocks , which may be procedures, functions, or triggers.

In the sections below, we review the structure of a block and focus on the anonymous block. We'll explore the different kinds of named blocks later in this chapter. Sections of the block

A PL/SQL block has up to four different sections, only one of which is mandatory. Figure 1-1 illustrates the block structure.

Figure 1-1. The PL/SQL block structure


Used only for named blocks . The header determines the way the named block or program must be called. Optional.

Declaration section

Identifies variables, cursors, and sub-blocks that are referenced in the execution and exception sections. Optional.

Execution section

Contains statements that the PL/SQL runtime engine will execute at runtime. Mandatory.

Exception section

Handles exceptions to normal processing (warnings and error conditions). Optional. Anonymous blocks

When someone wishes to remain anonymous, that person goes unnamed. The same is true of the anonymous block in PL/SQL, which is shown in Figure 1-2: it lacks a header section altogether, beginning instead with either DECLARE or BEGIN. That means that it cannot be called by any other blockit doesn't have a handle for reference. Instead, anonymous blocks serve as containers that execute PL/SQL statements, usually including calls to procedures and functions.

The general syntax of an anonymous PL/SQL block is as follows:

 [ DECLARE    ... declaration statements ...] BEGIN    ... one or more executable statements ... [ EXCEPTION    ... exception handler statements ...] END;

Figure 1-2. An anonymous block without declaration and exception sections

The square brackets indicate an optional part of the syntax. You must have BEGIN and END statements, and you must have at least one executable statement. Here are a few examples:

  • A bare minimum anonymous block:


  • A functionally similar block, adding a declaration section:

         DECLARE        l_right_now VARCHAR2(9);     BEGIN        l_right_now := SYSDATE;        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (l_right_now);     END;

  • The same block, but including an exception handler:

         DECLARE        l_right_now VARCHAR2(9);     BEGIN        l_right_now := SYSDATE;        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (l_right_now);     EXCEPTION        WHEN VALUE_ERROR        THEN           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('I bet l_right_now is too small '              || 'for the default date format!')     END;

1.2.2. The PL/SQL Character Set

A PL/SQL program consists of a sequence of statements, each made up of one or more lines of text. The precise characters available to you will depend on what database character set you're using. For example , Table 1-1 illustrates the available characters in the US7ASCII character set .

Table 1-1. Characters available to PL/SQL in the US7ASCII character set




A-Z, a-z




~ ! @ # $ % * ( ) _ - + = | : ; " ' < > , . ? / ^


Tab, space, newline, carriage return

Every keyword, operator, and token in PL/SQL is made from various combinations of characters in this character set. Now you just have to figure out how to put them all together!

Keep in mind that PL/SQL is a case-insensitive language. That is, it doesn't matter how you type keywords and identifiers; uppercase letters are treated the same way as lowercase letters unless surrounded by delimiters that make them a literal string. By convention, the authors of this book prefer uppercase for built-in language keywords and lowercase for programmer-defined identifiers.

A number of these charactersboth singly and in combination with other charactershave a special significance in PL/SQL. Table 1-2 lists these special symbols.

Table 1-2. Simple and compound symbols in PL/SQL




Semicolon: terminates declarations and statements


Percent sign: attribute indicator (cursor attributes like %ISOPEN and indirect declaration attributes like %ROWTYPE); also used as multi-byte wildcard symbol with the LIKE condition


Single underscore: single-character wildcard symbol in LIKE condition


At-sign: remote location indicator


Colon: host variable indicator, such as :block.item in Oracle Forms


Double asterisk: exponentiation operator

< > or != or ^= or ~=

Ways to denote the "not equal" relational operator


Double vertical bar: concatenation operator

<< and >>

Label delimiters

<= and >=

Less than or equal to, greater than or equal to relational operators


Assignment operator


Association operator for positional notation


Double dot: range operator


Double dash: single-line comment indicator

/* and */

Beginning and ending multi-line comment block delimiters

Characters are grouped together into lexical units, also called atomics of the language because they are the smallest individual components. A lexical unit in PL/SQL is any of the following: identifier, literal, delimiter, or comment. These are described in the following sections.

1.2.3. Identifiers

An identifier is a name for a PL/SQL object, such as a variable, program name, or reserved word. The default properties of PL/SQL identifiers are summarized below:

  • Up to 30 characters in length

  • Must start with a letter

  • Can include $ (dollar sign), _ (underscore), and # (pound sign)

  • Cannot contain any "whitespace " characters

If the only difference between two identifiers is the case of one or more letters, PL/SQL treats those two identifiers as the same. For example, the following identifiers are all considered by PL/SQL to be the same:

     lots_of_$MONEY$  LOTS_of_$MONEY$  Lots_of_$Money$ NULLs

The absence of a value is represented in Oracle by the keyword NULL. As shown in the previous section, variables of almost all PL/SQL datatypes can exist in a null state (the exception to this rule is any associative array type, instances of which are never null). Although it can be challenging for a programmer to handle NULL variables properly regardless of their datatype, strings that are null require special consideration.

In Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, a null string is usually indistinguishable from a literal of zero characters, represented literally as '' (two consecutive single quotes with no characters between them). For example, the following expression will evaluate to TRUE in both SQL and PL/SQL:

     '' IS NULL

While NULL tends to behave as if its default datatype is VARCHAR2, Oracle will try to implicitly cast NULL to whatever type is needed for the current operation. Occasionally, you may need to make the cast explicit, using syntax such as TO_NUMBER(NULL) or CAST(NULL AS NUMBER).

1.2.4. Literals

A literal is a value that is not represented by an identifier; it is simply a value. String literals

A string literal is text surrounded by single quote characters, such as:

     'What a great language!'

Unlike identifiers, string literals in PL/SQL are case-sensitive. As you should expect, the following two literals are different.

     'Steven'     'steven'

So the following condition evaluates to FALSE:

     IF 'Steven' = 'steven' Numeric literals

Numeric literals can be integers or real numbers (a number that contains a fractional component). Note that PL/SQL considers the number 154.00 to be a real number of type NUMBER, even though the fractional component is zero and the number is actually an integer. Internally, integers and reals have a different representation, and there is some small overhead involved in converting between the two.

You can also use scientific notation to specify a numeric literal. Use the letter "E" (upper- or lowercase) to multiply a number by 10 to the nth powerfor example, 3.05E19, 12e-5.

Beginning in Oracle Database 10g Release 1, a real can be either an Oracle NUMBER type or an IEEE 754 standard floating-point type . Floating-point literals are either binary (32-bit) (designated with a trailing F) or binary double (64-bit) (designated with a trailing D).

In certain expressions, you may use the named constants summarized in Table 1-3 as prescribed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard.

Table 1-3. Named constants for BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE




"Not a number" (NaN); result of divide by 0 or invalid operation



Positive infinity



Maximum finite number that is less than the overflow threshold



Smallest normal number; underflow threshold



Maximum positive number that is less than the underflow threshold



Absolute minimum number that can be represented



PL/SQL provides two literals to represent Boolean values: TRUE and FALSE. These values are not strings; you should not put quotes around them. Use Boolean literals to assign values to Boolean variables, as in:

     DECLARE        enough_money BOOLEAN; -- Declare a Boolean variable     BEGIN        enough_money := FALSE; -- Assign it a value     END;

On the other hand, you do not need to refer to the literal value when checking the value of a Boolean expression. Instead, just let that expression speak for itself, as shown in the conditional clause of the following IF statement:

     DECLARE        enough_money BOOLEAN;     BEGIN        IF enough_money        THEN           ...

A Boolean expression, variable, or constant may also evaluate to NULL, which is neither TRUE nor FALSE.

1.2.5. The Semicolon Delimiter

A PL/SQL program is made up of a series of declarations and statements. These are defined logically, as opposed to physically. In other words, they are not terminated with the physical end of a line of code; instead, they are terminated with a semicolon (;). In fact, a single statement is often spread over several lines to make it more readable. The following IF statement takes up four lines and is indented to reinforce the logic behind the statement:

     IF salary < min_salary (2003)     THEN        salary := salary + salary * .25;     END IF;

There are two semicolons in this IF statement. The first semicolon indicates the end of the single executable statement within the IF-END IF construct. The second semicolon terminates the IF statement itself.


Inline documentation, otherwise known as comments , is an important element of a good program. While there are many ways to make your PL/SQL program self-documenting through good naming practices and modularization, such techniques are seldom enough by themselves to communicate a thorough understanding of a complex program.

PL/SQL offers two different styles for comments : single and multi-line block comments. Single-line comment syntax

The single-line comment is initiated with two hyphens ( -- ), which cannot be separated by a space or any other characters. All text after the double hyphen to the end of the physical line is considered commentary and is ignored by the compiler. If the double hyphen appears at the beginning of the line, the whole line is a comment.

In the following IF statement, I use a single-line comment to clarify the logic of the Boolean expression:

     IF salary < min_salary (2003) -- Function returns min salary for year.     THEN        salary := salary + salary*.25;     END IF; Multi-line comment syntax

While single-line comments are useful for documenting brief bits of code or ignoring a line that you do not want executed at the moment, the multi-line comment is superior for including longer blocks of commentary.

Multiline comments start with a slash-asterisk (/*) and end with an asterisk-slash (*/). PL/SQL considers all characters found between these two sequences of symbols to be part of the comment, and they are ignored by the compiler.

The following example of multi-line comments shows a header section for a procedure. I use the vertical bars in the left margin so that, as the eye moves down the left edge of the program, it can easily pick out the chunks of comments:

     PROCEDURE calc_revenue (company_id IN NUMBER)     /*     | Program: calc_revenue     | Author: Steven Feuerstein     */     IS

Oracle PL(s)SQL For DBAs
Oracle PL(s)SQL For DBAs
Year: 2005
Pages: 122 © 2008-2017.
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