Section 5.3. Generic Library with Legacy Client

5.3. Generic Library with Legacy Client

Now let's consider the case where the library is updated to generics while the client remains in its legacy version. This may occur because there is not enough time to convert everything all at once, or because the library and client are controlled by different organizations. This corresponds to the most important case of backward compatibility, where the generic Collections Framework of Java 5 must still work with legacy clients written against the Collections Framework in Java 1.4.

In order to support evolution, whenever a parameterized type is defined, Java also recognizes the corresponding unparameterized version of the type, called a raw type. For instance, the parameterized type Stack<E> corresponds to the raw type Stack, and the parameterized type ArrayStack<E> corresponds to the raw type ArrayStack.

Every parameterized type is a subtype of the corresponding raw type, so a value of the parameterized type can be passed where a raw type is expected. Usually, it is an error to pass a value of a supertype where a value of its subtype is expected, but Java does permit a value of a raw type to be passed where a parameterized type is expectedhowever, it flags this circumstance by generating an unchecked conversion warning. For instance, you can assign a value of type Stack<E> to a variable of type Stack, since the former is a subtype of the latter. You can also assign a value of type Stack to a variable of type Stack<E>, but this will generate an unchecked conversion warning.

To be specific, consider compiling the generic source for Stack<E>, ArrayStack<E>, and Stacks from Example 5.2 (say, in directory g) with the legacy source for Client from Example 5.1 (say, in directory l). Sun's Java 5 compiler yields the following message:

 % javac g/ g/ g/ l/ Note: uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. 

The unchecked warning indicates that the compiler cannot offer the same safety guarantees that are possible when generics are used uniformly throughout. However, when the generic code is generated by updating legacy code, we know that equivalent class files are produced from both, and hence (despite the unchecked warning) running a legacy client with the generic library will yield the same result as running the legacy client with the legacy library. Here we assume that the only change in updating the library was to introduce generics, and that no change to the behavior was introduced, either on purpose or by mistake.

If we follow the suggestion above and rerun the compiler with the appropriate switch enabled, we get more details:

 % javac -Xlint:unchecked g/ g/ \ %    g/ l/ l/ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to push(E) as a member of the raw type       Stack       for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) stack.push(new Integer(i));                                           ^ l/ warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion found   : Stack required: Stack<E>      Stack reverse = Stacks.reverse(stack);                                      ^ l/ warning: [unchecked] unchecked method invocation: <E>reverse(Stack<E>) in Stacks is applied to (Stack)       Stack reverse = Stacks.reverse(stack);                                     ^ 3 warnings 

Not every use of a raw type gives rise to a warning. Because every parameterized type is a subtype of the corresponding raw type, but not conversely, passing a parameterized type where a raw type is expected is safe (hence, no warning for getting the result from reverse), but passing a raw type where a parameterized type is expected issues a warning (hence, the warning when passing an argument to reverse); this is an instance of the Substitution Principle. When we invoke a method on a receiver of a raw type, the method is treated as if the type parameter is a wildcard, so getting a value from a raw type is safe (hence, no warning for the invocation of pop), but putting a value into a raw type issues a warning (hence, the warning for the invocation of push); this is an instance of the Get and Put Principle.

Even if you have not written any generic code, you may still have an evolution problem because others have generified their code. This will affect everyone with legacy code that uses the Collections Framework, which has been generified by Sun. So the most important case of using generic libraries with legacy clients is that of using the Java 5 Collections Framework with legacy code written for the Java 1.4 Collections Framework.

In particular, applying the Java 5 compiler to the legacy code in Example 5.1 also issues unchecked warnings, because of the uses of the generified class ArrayList from the legacy class ArrayStack. Here is what happens when we compile legacy versions of all the files with the Java 5 compiler and libraries:

 % javac -Xlint:unchecked l/ l/ \ %    l/ l/ l/ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type java.util.List     public void push(Object elt)  list.add(elt);                                            ^ 1 warning 

Here the warning for the use of the generic method add in the legacy method push is issued for reasons similar to those for issuing the previous warning for use of the generic method push from the legacy client.

It is poor practice to configure the compiler to repeatedly issue warnings that you intend to ignore. It is distracting and, worse, it may lead you to ignore warnings that require attentionjust as in the fable of the little boy who cried wolf. In the case of pure legacy code, such warnings can be turned off by using the -source 1.4 switch:

 % javac -source 1.4 l/ l/ \ %    l/ l/ 

This compiles the legacy code and issues no warnings or errors. This method of turning off warnings is only applicable to true legacy code, with none of the features introduced in Java 5, generic or otherwise. One can also turn off unchecked warnings by using annotations, as described in the next section, and this works even with features introduced in Java 5.

Java Generics and Collections
Java Generics and Collections
ISBN: 0596527756
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 136 © 2008-2017.
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