9.7 Creating InnoDB Tables

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9.7 Creating InnoDB Tables

Suppose that you have started the MySQL client with the command mysql test . To create an InnoDB table, you must specify an ENGINE = InnoDB or TYPE = InnoDB option in the table creation SQL statement:


 CREATE TABLE customers (a INT, b CHAR (20), INDEX (a)) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE customers (a INT, b CHAR (20), INDEX (a)) TYPE=InnoDB; 

The SQL statement creates a table and an index on column a in the InnoDB tablespace that consists of the data files you specified in my.cnf . In addition, MySQL creates a file customers.frm in the test directory under the MySQL database directory. Internally, InnoDB adds to its own data dictionary an entry for table 'test/customers' . This means you can create a table of the same name customers in some other database, and the table names will not collide inside InnoDB .

You can query the amount of free space in the InnoDB tablespace by issuing a SHOW TABLE STATUS statement for any InnoDB table. The amount of free space in the tablespace appears in the Comment section in the output of SHOW TABLE STATUS . An example:


 SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM test LIKE 'customers' 

Note that the statistics SHOW gives about InnoDB tables are only approximate. They are used in SQL optimization. Table and index reserved sizes in bytes are accurate, though.

9.7.1 How to Use Transactions in InnoDB with Different APIs

By default, each client that connects to the MySQL server begins with autocommit mode enabled, which automatically commits every SQL statement you run. To use multiple- statement transactions, you can switch autocommit off with the SQL statement SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0 and use COMMIT and ROLLBACK to commit or roll back your transaction. If you want to leave autocommit on, you can enclose your transactions between START TRANSACTION and COMMIT or ROLLBACK . Before MySQL 4.0.11, you have to use the keyword BEGIN instead of START TRANSACTION . The following example shows two transactions. The first is committed and the second is rolled back.


 shell>  mysql test  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 5 to server version: 3.23.50-log Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql>  CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER (A INT, B CHAR (20), INDEX (A))  ->  TYPE=InnoDB;  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql>  BEGIN;  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql>  INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES (10, 'Heikki');  Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) mysql>  COMMIT;  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql>  SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql>  INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES (15, 'John');  Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) mysql>  ROLLBACK;  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql>  SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER;  +------+--------+  A     B       +------+--------+    10  Heikki  +------+--------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> 

In APIs like PHP, Perl DBI/DBD, JDBC, ODBC, or the standard C call interface of MySQL, you can send transaction control statements such as COMMIT to the MySQL server as strings just like any other SQL statements such as SELECT or INSERT . Some APIs also offer separate special transaction commit and rollback functions or methods .

9.7.2 Converting MyISAM Tables to InnoDB

Important: You should not convert MySQL system tables in the mysql database (such as user or host ) to the InnoDB type. The system tables must always be of the MyISAM type.

If you want all your ( non-system ) tables to be created as InnoDB tables, you can, starting from the MySQL 3.23.43, add the line default-table-type=innodb to the [mysqld] section of your my.cnf or my.ini file.

InnoDB does not have a special optimization for separate index creation the way the MyISAM storage engine does. Therefore, it does not pay to export and import the table and create indexes afterward. The fastest way to alter a table to InnoDB is to do the inserts directly to an InnoDB table. That is, use ALTER TABLE ... TYPE=INNODB , or create an empty InnoDB table with identical definitions and insert the rows with INSERT INTO ... SELECT * FROM ... .

If you have UNIQUE constraints on secondary keys, starting from MySQL 3.23.52, you can speed up a table import by turning off the uniqueness checks temporarily during the import session: SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=0; For big tables, this saves a lot of disk I/O because InnoDB can then use its insert buffer to write secondary index records in a batch.

To get better control over the insertion process, it might be good to insert big tables in pieces:


 INSERT INTO newtable SELECT * FROM oldtable    WHERE yourkey > something AND yourkey <= somethingelse; 

After all records have been inserted, you can rename the tables.

During the conversion of big tables, you should increase the size of the InnoDB buffer pool to reduce disk I/O. Do not use more than 80% of the physical memory, though. You can also increase the sizes of the InnoDB log files.

Make sure that you do not fill up the tablespace: InnoDB tables require a lot more disk space than MyISAM tables. If an ALTER TABLE runs out of space, it will start a rollback, and that can take hours if it is disk-bound. For inserts, InnoDB uses the insert buffer to merge secondary index records to indexes in batches. That saves a lot of disk I/O. In rollback, no such mechanism is used, and the rollback can take 30 times longer than the insertion.

In the case of a runaway rollback, if you do not have valuable data in your database, it may be advisable to kill the database process rather than wait for millions of disk I/O operations to complete. For the complete procedure, see Section 9.9.1, "Forcing Recovery."

9.7.3 How an AUTO_INCREMENT Column Works in InnoDB

If you specify an AUTO_INCREMENT column for a table, the InnoDB table handle in the data dictionary will contain a special counter called the auto-increment counter that is used in assigning new values for the column. The auto-increment counter is stored only in main memory, not on disk.

InnoDB uses the following algorithm to initialize the auto-increment counter for a table T that contains an AUTO_INCREMENT column named ai_col : After a server startup, when a user first does an insert to a table T , InnoDB executes the equivalent of this statement:



The value retrieved by the statement is incremented by one and assigned to the column and the auto-increment counter of the table. If the table is empty, the value 1 is assigned. If the auto-increment counter is not initialized and the user invokes a SHOW TABLE STATUS statement that displays output for the table T , the counter is initialized (but not incremented) and stored for use by later inserts. Note that in this initialization we do a normal exclusive-locking read on the table and the lock lasts to the end of the transaction.

InnoDB follows the same procedure for initializing the auto-increment counter for a freshly created table.

Note that if the user specifies NULL or for the AUTO_INCREMENT column in an INSERT , InnoDB treats the row as if the value had not been specified and generates a new value for it.

After the auto-increment counter has been initialized, if a user inserts a row that explicitly specifies the column value, and the value is bigger than the current counter value, the counter is set to the specified column value. If the user does not explicitly specify a value, InnoDB increments the counter by one and assigns the new value to the column.

When accessing the auto-increment counter, InnoDB uses a special table level AUTO-INC lock that it keeps to the end of the current SQL statement, not to the end of the transaction. The special lock release strategy was introduced to improve concurrency for inserts into a table containing an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Two transactions cannot have the AUTO-INC lock on the same table simultaneously .

Note that you may see gaps in the sequence of values assigned to the AUTO_INCREMENT column if you roll back transactions that have gotten numbers from the counter.

The behavior of the auto-increment mechanism is not defined if a user assigns a negative value to the column or if the value becomes bigger than the maximum integer that can be stored in the specified integer type.

9.7.4 FOREIGN KEY Constraints

Starting from MySQL 3.23.44b, InnoDB features foreign key constraints.

The syntax of a foreign key constraint definition in InnoDB looks like this:


 [CONSTRAINT  symbol  ] FOREIGN KEY [  id  ] (  index_col_name  , ...)     REFERENCES  tbl_name  (  index_col_name  , ...)     [ON DELETE {CASCADE  SET NULL  NO ACTION  RESTRICT  SET DEFAULT}]     [ON UPDATE {CASCADE  SET NULL  NO ACTION  RESTRICT  SET DEFAULT}] 

Both tables must be InnoDB type. In the referencing table, there must be an index where the foreign key columns are listed as the first columns in the same order. In the referenced table, there must be an index where the referenced columns are listed as the first columns in the same order. Index-prefixed columns on foreign keys are not supported.

InnoDB does not automatically create indexes on foreign keys or referenced keys: You must create them explicitly. The indexes are needed so that foreign key checks can be fast and not require a table scan.

Corresponding columns in the foreign key and the referenced key must have similar internal data types inside InnoDB so that they can be compared without a type conversion. The size and the signedness of integer types has to be the same . The length of string types need not be the same. If you specify a SET NULL action, make sure you have not declared the columns in the child table as NOT NULL .

If MySQL reports an error number 1005 from a CREATE TABLE statement, and the error message string refers to errno 150, this means that the table creation failed because a foreign key constraint was not correctly formed . Similarly, if an ALTER TABLE fails and it refers to errno 150, that means a foreign key definition would be incorrectly formed for the altered table. Starting from MySQL 4.0.13, you can use SHOW INNODB STATUS to display a detailed explanation of the latest InnoDB foreign key error in the server.

Starting from MySQL 3.23.50, InnoDB does not check foreign key constraints on those foreign key or referenced key values that contain a NULL column.

A deviation from SQL standards: If in the parent table there are several rows that have the same referenced key value, then InnoDB acts in foreign key checks as if the other parent rows with the same key value do not exist. For example, if you have defined a RESTRICT type constraint, and there is a child row with several parent rows, InnoDB does not allow the deletion of any of those parent rows.

Starting from MySQL 3.23.50, you can also associate the ON DELETE CASCADE or ON DELETE SET NULL clause with the foreign key constraint. Corresponding ON UPDATE options are available starting from 4.0.8. If ON DELETE CASCADE is specified, and a row in the parent table is deleted, InnoDB automatically deletes also all those rows in the child table whose foreign key values are equal to the referenced key value in the parent row. If ON DELETE SET NULL is specified, the child rows are automatically updated so that the columns in the foreign key are set to the SQL NULL value. SET DEFAULT is parsed but ignored.

InnoDB performs cascading operations through a depth-first algorithm, based on records in the indexes corresponding to the foreign key constraints.

A deviation from SQL standards: If ON UPDATE CASCADE or ON UPDATE SET NULL recurses to update the same table it has already updated during the cascade, it acts like RESTRICT . This means that you cannot use self-referential ON UPDATE CASCADE or ON UPDATE SET NULL operations. This is to prevent infinite loops resulting from cascaded updates. A self-referential ON DELETE SET NULL , on the other hand, is possible from 4.0.13. A self-referential ON DELETE CASCADE has been possible since ON DELETE was implemented.

A simple example that relates parent and child tables through a single-column foreign key:


 CREATE TABLE parent(id INT NOT NULL,                     PRIMARY KEY (id) ) TYPE=INNODB; CREATE TABLE child(id INT, parent_id INT,                    INDEX par_ind (parent_id),                    FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES parent(id)                      ON DELETE CASCADE ) TYPE=INNODB; 

A more complex example in which a product_order table has foreign keys for two other tables. One foreign key references a two-column index in the product table. The other references a single-column index in the customer table:


 CREATE TABLE product (category INT NOT NULL, id INT NOT NULL,                       price DECIMAL,                       PRIMARY KEY(category, id)) TYPE=INNODB; CREATE TABLE customer (id INT NOT NULL,                       PRIMARY KEY (id)) TYPE=INNODB; CREATE TABLE product_order (no INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,                       product_category INT NOT NULL,                       product_id INT NOT NULL,                       customer_id INT NOT NULL,                       PRIMARY KEY(no),                       INDEX (product_category, product_id),                       FOREIGN KEY (product_category, product_id)                         REFERENCES product(category, id)                         ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT,                       INDEX (customer_id),                       FOREIGN KEY (customer_id)                         REFERENCES customer(id)) TYPE=INNODB; 

Starting from MySQL 3.23.50, InnoDB allows you to add a new foreign key constraint to a table by using ALTER TABLE :


 ALTER TABLE  yourtablename  ADD [CONSTRAINT  symbol  ] FOREIGN KEY [  id  ] (  index_col_name  , ...)     REFERENCES  tbl_name  (  index_col_name  , ...)     [ON DELETE {CASCADE  SET NULL  NO ACTION  RESTRICT  SET DEFAULT}]     [ON UPDATE {CASCADE  SET NULL  NO ACTION  RESTRICT  SET DEFAULT}] 

Remember to create the required indexes first. You can also add a self-referential foreign key constraint to a table using ALTER TABLE .

Starting from MySQL 4.0.13, InnoDB supports the use of ALTER TABLE to drop foreign keys:


 ALTER TABLE  yourtablename  DROP FOREIGN KEY  fk_symbol;  

If the FOREIGN KEY clause included a CONSTRAINT name when you created the foreign key, you can refer to that name to drop the foreign key. (A constraint name can be given as of MySQL 4.0.18.) Otherwise, the fk_symbol value is internally generated by InnoDB when the foreign key is created. To find out the symbol when you want to drop a foreign key, use the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement. An example:


 mysql>  SHOW CREATE TABLE ibtest11c\G  *************************** 1. row ***************************        Table: ibtest11c Create Table: CREATE TABLE `ibtest11c` (   `A` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,   `D` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',   `B` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',   `C` varchar(175) default NULL,   PRIMARY KEY  (`A`,`D`,`B`),   KEY `B` (`B`,`C`),   KEY `C` (`C`),   CONSTRAINT `0_38775` FOREIGN KEY (`A`, `D`) REFERENCES `ibtest11a` (`A`, `D`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,   CONSTRAINT `0_38776` FOREIGN KEY (`B`, `C`) REFERENCES `ibtest11a` (`B`, `C`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) TYPE=InnoDB CHARSET=latin1 1 row in set (0.01 sec) mysql>  ALTER TABLE ibtest11c DROP FOREIGN KEY 0_38775;  

Starting from MySQL 3.23.50, the InnoDB parser allows you to use backticks around table and column names in a FOREIGN KEY ... REFERENCES ... clause. Starting from MySQL 4.0.5, the InnoDB parser also takes into account the lower_case_table_names system variable setting.

Before MySQL 3.23.50, ALTER TABLE or CREATE INDEX should not be used in connection with tables that have foreign key constraints or that are referenced in foreign key constraints: Any ALTER TABLE removes all foreign key constraints defined for the table. You should not use ALTER TABLE with the referenced table, either. Instead, use DROP TABLE and CREATE TABLE to modify the schema. When MySQL does an ALTER TABLE it may internally use RENAME TABLE , and that will confuse the foreign key constraints that refer to the table. In MySQL, a CREATE INDEX statement is processed as an ALTER TABLE , so the same considerations apply.

Starting from MySQL 3.23.50, InnoDB returns the foreign key definitions of a table as part of the output of the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement:


 SHOW CREATE TABLE  tbl_name  ; 

From this version, mysqldump also produces correct definitions of tables to the dump file, and does not forget about the foreign keys.

You can display the foreign key constraints for a table like this:


 SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM  db_name  LIKE '  tbl_name  ' 

The foreign key constraints are listed in the Comment column of the output.

When performing foreign key checks, InnoDB sets shared row level locks on child or parent records it has to look at. InnoDB checks foreign key constraints immediately; the check is not deferred to transaction commit.

To make it easier to reload dump files for tables that have foreign key relationships, mysqldump automatically includes a statement in the dump output to set FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS to 0 as of MySQL 4.1.1. This avoids problems with tables having to be reloaded in a particular order when the dump is reloaded. For earlier versions, you can disable the variable manually within mysql when loading the dump file like this:


 mysql>  SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;  mysql>  SOURCE   dump_file_name   ;  mysql>  SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;  

This allows you to import the tables in any order if the dump file contains tables that are not correctly ordered for foreign keys. It also speeds up the import operation. FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS is available starting from MySQL 3.23.52 and 4.0.3.

Setting FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS to 0 also can be useful for ignoring foreign key constraints during LOAD DATA operations.

InnoDB allows you to drop any table, even though that would break the foreign key constraints that reference the table. When you drop a table, the constraints that were defined in its create statement are also dropped.

If you re-create a table that was dropped, it must have a definition that conforms to the foreign key constraints referencing it. It must have the right column names and types, and it must have indexes on the referenced keys, as stated earlier. If these are not satisfied, MySQL returns error number 1005 and refers to errno 150 in the error message string.

9.7.5 InnoDB and MySQL Replication

MySQL replication works for InnoDB tables as it does for MyISAM tables. It is also possible to use replication in a way where the table type on the slave is not the same as the original table type on the master. For example, you can replicate modifications to an InnoDB table on the master to a MyISAM table on the slave.

To set up a new slave for a master, you have to make a copy of the InnoDB tablespace and the log files, as well as the .frm files of the InnoDB tables, and move the copies to the slave. For the proper procedure to do this, see Section 9.10, "Moving an InnoDB Database to Another Machine."

If you can shut down the master or an existing slave, you can take a cold backup of the InnoDB tablespace and log files and use that to set up a slave. To make a new slave without taking down any server you can also use the non-free (commercial) InnoDB Hot Backup tool ( order.html ).

There are minor limitations in InnoDB replication:

  • LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER does not work for InnoDB type tables. There are workarounds: 1) dump the table on the master and import the dump file into the slave, or 2) use ALTER TABLE tbl_name TYPE=MyISAM on the master before setting up replication with LOAD TABLE tbl_name FROM MASTER , and then use ALTER TABLE to alter the master table back to the InnoDB type afterward.

  • Before MySQL 4.0.6, SLAVE STOP did not respect the boundary of a multiple-statement transaction. An incomplete transaction would be rolled back, and the next SLAVE START would only execute the remaining part of the half transaction. That would cause replication to fail.

  • Before MySQL 4.0.6, a slave crash in the middle of a multiple-statement transaction would cause the same problem as SLAVE STOP .

  • Before MySQL 4.0.11, replication of the SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 statement does not work properly.

Most of these limitations can be eliminated by using more recent server versions for which the limitations do not apply.

Transactions that fail on the master do not affect replication at all. MySQL replication is based on the binary log where MySQL writes SQL statements that modify data. A slave reads the binary log of the master and executes the same SQL statements. However, statements that occur within a transaction are not written to the binary log until the transaction commits, at which point all statements in the transaction are written at once. If a statement fails, for example, because of a foreign key violation, or if a transaction is rolled back, no SQL statements are written to the binary log, and the transaction is not executed on the slave at all.

9.7.6 Using Per-Table Tablespaces

Starting from MySQL 4.1.1, you can store each InnoDB table and its indexes into its own file. This feature is called "multiple tablespaces" because in effect each table has its own tablespace.

Important note: If you upgrade to MySQL 4.1.1 or higher, it is difficult to downgrade back to 4.0 or 4.1.0! That is because, for earlier versions, InnoDB is not aware of multiple tablespaces.

If you need to downgrade to 4.0, you have to take table dumps and re-create the whole InnoDB tablespace. If you have not created new InnoDB tables under MySQL 4.1.1 or above, and need to downgrade quickly, you can also do a direct downgrade to MySQL 4.0.18 or later in the 4.0 series. Before doing the direct downgrade to 4.0.x, you have to end all client connections to the mysqld server that is to be downgraded, and let it run the purge and insert buffer merge operations to completion, so that SHOW INNODB STATUS shows the main thread in the state waiting for server activity . Then you can shut down mysqld and start 4.0.18 or later in the 4.0 series. A direct downgrade is not recommended, however, because it has not been extensively tested .

You can enable multiple tablespaces by adding a line to the [mysqld] section of my.cnf :


 [mysqld] innodb_file_per_table 

After restarting the server, InnoDB will store each newly created table into its own file tbl_name .ibd in the database directory where the table belongs. This is similar to what the MyISAM storage engine does, but MyISAM divides the table into a data file tbl_name .MYD and the index file tbl_name .MYI . For InnoDB , the data and the indexes are stored together in the .ibd file. The tbl_name .frm file is still created as usual.

If you remove the innodb_file_per_table line from my.cnf and restart the server, InnoDB creates tables inside the shared tablespace files again.

innodb_file_per_table affects only table creation. If you start the server with this option, new tables are created using .idb files, but you can still access tables that exist in the shared tablespace. If you remove the option, new tables are created in the shared tablespace, but you can still access any tables that were created using multiple tablespaces.

InnoDB always needs the shared tablespace. The .ibd files are not sufficient for InnoDB to operate . The shared tablespace consists of the familiar ibdata files where InnoDB puts its internal data dictionary and undo logs.

You cannot freely move .ibd files around between database directories the way you can with MyISAM table files. This is because the table definition is stored in the InnoDB shared tablespace, and also because InnoDB must preserve the consistency of transaction IDs and log sequence numbers.

Within a given MySQL installation, you can move an .ibd file and the associated table from one database to another with the familiar RENAME TABLE statement:


 RENAME TABLE  old_db_name.tbl_name  TO  new_db_name.tbl_name  ; 

If you have a "clean" backup of an .ibd file, you can restore it to the MySQL installation from which it originated as follows:

  1. Issue this ALTER TABLE statement:



    Caution: This deletes the current .ibd file.

  2. Put the backup .ibd file back in the proper database directory.

  3. Issue this ALTER TABLE statement:



In this context, a "clean" .ibd file backup means:

  • There are no uncommitted modifications by transactions in the .ibd file.

  • There are no unmerged insert buffer entries in the .ibd file.

  • Purge has removed all delete- marked index records from the .ibd file.

  • mysqld has flushed all modified pages of the .ibd file from the buffer pool to the file.

You can make such a clean backup .ibd file with the following method:

  1. Stop all activity from the mysqld server and commit all transactions.

  2. Wait until SHOW INNODB STATUS shows that there are no active transactions in the database, and the main thread status of InnoDB is Waiting for server activity . Then you can make a copy of the .ibd file.

Another method for making a clean copy of an .ibd file is to use the commercial InnoDB Hot Backup tool:

  1. Use InnoDB Hot Backup to back up the InnoDB installation.

  2. Start a second mysqld server on the backup and let it clean up the .ibd files in the backup.

It is in the TODO to also allow moving clean .ibd files to another MySQL installation. This requires resetting of transaction IDs and log sequence numbers in the .ibd file.

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MySQL AB MySQL Administrator[ap]s Guide
MySQL AB MySQL Administrator[ap]s Guide
ISBN: 782142591
Year: 2004
Pages: 138

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