

Tab key, 20 “21
Table AutoFormat command, 75 “76
table data, 75
Access data tables, saving, 241
adding data to database, 235 “39
adding to document, 74 “77
adding to Web page, 283 “85
creating for database, 232 “34
linking, 251 “53
searching for data in, 244 “47
TabletPC, 37
Tablet PC
to annotate charts , 135
entering data on, 105
Excel s support of, 99
full support for, 5
Tablet PC Quick Reference (Van West), 310
Table Wizard, 233 “34
Tabs dialog box, 72 “73
tabs, setting, 72 “73
stackable documents and, 25
working with, 19 “20
Task Details dialog box, 273 “74
task panes, 31
Tasks, Outlook, 205 “7
Tasks tool, 42
Tasks view, FrontPage, 268, 273 “74
Tasks window, 206
accessing, 65
applying, 78 “80
of bCentral, 279
for Excel spreadsheets, 102, 115
saving file as, 79 “80
for Web site, 269 “72
in Word 2003, working with, 34 “35
Templates And Add-Ins dialog box, 80
Templates Home page, Office Online, 12
adding to PowerPoint presentation, 146
adding to Web page, 275
data in Excel, 103
entering in Word 2003, 35 “38
formatting in PowerPoint presentation, 149, 150
selecting text blocks, 52
text blocks, 52
themes, applying, 67 “68
Thesaurus, 46, 56 “57
Tile Horizontally option, 23
Tile Vertically option, 23
time data, 103
timings, rehearsing, 164
titles, 133, 145
common tools available on, 25
moving, 33
Trace Error button, 109
Track Changes dialog box, 59 “60
Track Changes feature, 57 “61
accepting/rejecting changes, 60
replying with changes, 60 “61
Reviewing toolbar, 58 “59
setting tracking options, 59 “60
turning on, 57
Training Home page, Office Online, 11, 12
Transform button, 237
transitions, 158, 162 “63
Transition tool, 162 “63
troubleshooting, 300
Trusted Recipients List, 197
typing text, 36
typos, correcting, 48 “50

Faster Smarter Microsoft Office System
Faster Smarter Microsoft Office System -- 2003 Edition
ISBN: 0735619212
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 238 © 2008-2017.
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