

Save As command, 27, 28
Save As dialog box, 27
Save As Web Page, 155
database, 240 “41
files, 27 “28
PowerPoint presentation, 153 “55
spreadsheet, 112
Web site, 281
scatter (XY) chart, 131
comparing schedules, 220 “21
meeting, planning/ inviting , 217 “19
meeting workspaces, 219 “20
online meeting, 221 “22
Outlook Calendar for, 211 “15
printing Outlook Calendar, 223
reminders for, 215 “16
for contact, 203
for data, 244 “47
Help search box, 9 “10
Search feature, Access, 244 “45
search folders, 195 “96
security, 6
Select Names dialog box, 184, 186
select query, 250
Send/Receive tool, 185
publishing site to, 298 “99
troubleshooting site and, 300
Server Extensions, 296 “97
Set Up Show dialog box, 158 “59
Setup tool, 258
adding to Web page, 289
Excel spreadsheet areas, 124 “25
shared attachments, 187 “88
shared documents, 41 “43
Shared Workspace
options of, 41 “43
for PowerPoint collaboration, 175
to share worksheets in Excel, 109 “10
Shared Workspace task pane, 109 “10
SharePoint Portal Services (SPS), 219 “20
SharePoint Team Services
alerts on, 194
built into Word, Excel, PowerPoint, 5
Excel s integration with, 100
FrontPage 2003 and, 266, 271, 272
importing data into Access, 247
linking Access database to, 239
for meeting workspaces, 219 “20
for Office System installation, 304
for shared documents, 31, 41 “43
sharing worksheets with, 109 “10
for survey, 18
shortcut keys
for block selection, 52
for copying/pasting, 26
for editing and navigation, 49
for Find, 54
for Find and Replace, 53
list of, 307 “8
for navigating Excel worksheet, 105
to save files, 27
for switching among windows , 20 “21
for tracking, 57
shortcut menu, 47
Show/Hide Paragraph Marks tool, 41
Show Options area, 159
Show Slides area, 159
Show Table dialog box, 251 “52
Show Type area, 159
side-by-side calendaring feature, 220 “21
Simple Query Wizard, 248
Slide Design task pane
for animation schemes, 160
changing color scheme in, 150
to choose design, 144
Slide Layout task pane, 146 “47
Slide Master, 142, 150
adding text to, 146
adding to presentation, 146 “47
arranging, 151 “52
changing background of, 150
choosing design, 144
display, controlling, 163 “64
manual advancing, 165
rehearsing timings, 164
running presentation, 152 “53
setting preferences for, 143
Set Up Show options for, 159
transitions, adding to, 162 “63
slide show, 158 “59. See also PowerPoint 2003
Slide Show view, 142
Slide Sorter view
adding transitions to slides in, 162
animation schemes in, 160, 161
to arrange slides, 151 “52
in PowerPoint, 142
working in, 157 “58
Slide Transition task pane, 162, 163
smart documents, 51
smart tags
in Access, 227
using, 50 “51
software requirements, 303
sorting, 243 “44
sort order, 257
adding to database table, 230
adding to presentation, 171 “73
recording/playing, 171 “72
for transitions, 163, 164
Sound Object dialog box, 62
source column, 117
spacing, 69 “71
spam, 188
Speaker Notes dialog box, 152
Speaker Notes feature, 165
speech dictation
training time for, 36
in Word 2003, 38
speed, transition, 163
Spelling and Grammar Checker, 46, 54 “56
spelling check
in Excel, 116
in Outlook 2003, 185
Split view, 268, 291 “92
adding column/row labels, 102
charting data, 127 “35
creating new, 101 “5
editing, 115 “19
entering data, 102 “4
entering data on Tablet PC, 105
Excel window, 101
formatting, 119 “25
navigating/selecting cells in, 105 “6
in PowerPoint, 147 “48
printing, 125
saving, 112
sharing, 109 “10
SPS (SharePoint Portal Services), 219 “20
stackable documents, 25
Start menu, 19
Status tool, 42
Stinson, Craig, 310
stock chart, 131
Styles And Formatting task pane, 79 “80
styles, applying, 78 “80
Support Info Box, 305 “6
surface chart, 131
survey, 18
Switch Program option, 153
Synchronize option, 300
system administrator, 303

Faster Smarter Microsoft Office System
Faster Smarter Microsoft Office System -- 2003 Edition
ISBN: 0735619212
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 238 © 2008-2017.
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