Section 17.6. Progress During the Iteration

17.6. Progress During the Iteration

Mitra is usually available to the developers at RentAPartySoftware to answer questions about the stories that they're implementing. She will sometimes ask Seth to join in on a conversation when he's available and she's not completely sure about what's needed.

One week after the planning game, Emily and Neo asked for Mitra's help. They had just completed the code to pass the test shown in part in Figure 17.10. This test makes a booking for some rental items for 1 day every week, starting on a given date.

Figure 17.10. Regular Booking






2004/06/01 18:00


1 day


1 week

"We've changed RentEz so that a customer can rent a mixture of single rental items and from templates," said Emily. "Do you want the same for bookings?" she asked.


The description on a story card is short. Further discussion between the Customers and the programmers is required for the programmers to get into the details of a story, supported by the Fit tests.

As an issue arises, the programmers ask the Customers questions about the story they (the programmers) are currently working on.

"Yes, it does make sense to do that," replied Mitra "Will it take much extra effort?"

"No," answered Emily, "it'll be almost no more work, because of the way in which we've combined rental items and templates into rentables in the GUI."

Together, Mitra and Emily wrote the part of the test shown in Figure 17.11, in which the booking is based on the coffee break template.

Figure 17.11. Regular Template Booking


coffee break




2004/06/01 18:00


1 day


1 week

"What if the template is changed in the meantime?" asked Emily.

"Just apply the booking to the latest template," replied Mitra.

"OK, that will mean storing the booking of the template rather than calculating the numbers of rental items and storing the booking of those."

"Yes, given that the customer may later want to alter the number of people in the booking, that's the best approach," agreed Mitra.

"So let's complete the test to make it clear that the booking stores the template," suggested Emily.

As Mitra added, "We can show the next date and the rental period with the from and to dates. Those dates will be changed to be a week later, in this case, once the next booking is due."

The completed test, without the set up, is shown in Figure 17.12.

Figure 17.12. Regular Template Booking

While Neo looked on, Mitra and Emily then wrote a separate test showing what happens when that booking becomes due. After Emily and Neo had extended RentEz to pass that test, Emily showed Mitra. The report is shown in Figure 17.13.

Figure 17.13. Fit Report for RegularTemplateAccepted

"We'll need to add a test involving a booking that has been made with a template and that has not yet been accepted," she added. "It needs to show that a change to the template affects the numbers of items when the booking is accepted. Let's do that later."

    Fit for Developing Software. Framework for Integrated Tests
    Fit for Developing Software: Framework for Integrated Tests
    ISBN: 0321269349
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 331 © 2008-2017.
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