
Example 40.1. Product-Limit Estimates and Tests of Association for the VA Lung Cancer Data

This example uses the data presented in Appendix I of Kalbfleisch and Prentice (1980). The response variable, SurvTime , is the survival time in days of a lung cancer patient. Negative values of SurvTime are censored values. The covariates are Cell (type of cancer cell), Therapy (type of therapy: standard or test), Prior (prior therapy: 0=no, 10=yes), Age (age in years ), DiagTime (time in months from diagnosis to entry into the trial), and Kps (performance status). A censoring indicator variable Censor is created from the data, with value 1 indicating a censored time and value 0 an event time. Since there are only two types of therapy, an indicator variable, Treatment , is constructed for therapy type, with value 0 for standard therapy and value 1 for test therapy.

  data VALung;   drop check m;   retain Therapy Cell;   infile cards column=column;   length Check $ 1;   label SurvTime='failure or censoring time'   Kps='karnofsky index'   DiagTime='months till randomization'   Age='age in years   Prior='prior treatment?'   Cell='cell type'   Therapy='type of treatment'   Treatment='treatment indicator';   M=Column;   input Check $ @@;   if M>Column then M=1;   if Check='s'Check='t' then input @M Therapy $ Cell $ ;   else input @M SurvTime Kps DiagTime Age Prior @@;   if SurvTime > .;   censor=(SurvTime<0);   SurvTime=abs(SurvTime);   Treatment=(Therapy=test);   cards;   standard squamous   72 60  7 69  0   411 70  5 64 10   228 60  3  38  0   126 60  9 63 10   118 70 11 65 10    10 20  5 49  0    82 40 10  69 10   110 80 29 68  0   314 50 18 43  0   100 70  6 70  0    42 60  4  81  0     8 40 58 63 10   144 30  4 63  0   25 80  9 52 10    11 70 11  48 10   standard small   30 60  3 61  0   384 60  9 42  0     4 40  2  35  0    54 80  4 63 10   13 60  4 56  0   123 40  3 55  0   -97 60  5  67  0   153 60 14 63 10   59 30  2 65  0   117 80  3 46  0    16 30  4  53 10   151 50 12 69  0   22 60  4 68  0    56 80 12 43 10    21 40  2  55 10    18 20 15 42  0   139 80  2 64  0    20 30  5 65  0    31 75  3  65  0    52 70  2 55  0   287 60 25 66 10    18 30  4 60  0    51 60  1  67  0   122 80 28 53  0   27 60  8 62  0    54 70  1 67  0     7 50  7  72  0    63 50 11 48  0   392 40  4 68  0    10 40 23 67 10   standard adeno   8 20 19 61 10    92 70 10 60  0    35 40  6  62  0   117 80  2 38  0   132 80  5 50  0    12 50  4 63 10   162 80  5  64  0     3 30  3 43  0   95 80  4 34  0   standard large   177 50 16 66 10   162 80  5 62  0   216 50 15 52   0   553 70  2 47  0   278 60 12 63  0    12 40 12 68 10   260 80  5 45   0   200 80 12 41 10   156 70  2 66  0   182 90  2 62  0   143 90  8 60   0   105 80 11 66  0   103 80  5 38  0   250 70  8 53 10   100 60 13 37  10   test squamous   999 90 12 54 10   112 80  6 60  0   87 80  3 48   0   231 50  8 52 10   242 50  1 70  0   991 70  7 50 10   111 70  3 62   0     1 20 21 65 10   587 60  3 58  0   389 90  2 62  0    33 30  6 64   0    25 20 36 63  0   357 70 13 58  0   467 90  2 64  0   201 80 28 52  10     1 50  7 35  0   30 70 11 63  0    44 60 13 70 10   283 90  2 51   0    15 50 13 40 10   test small   25 30  2 69  0   103  70 22 36 10    21 20  4 71   0    13 30  2 62  0   87 60  2 60  0    2  40 36 44 10    20 30  9 54  10     7 20 11 66  0   24 60  8 49  0   99  70  3 72  0     8 80  2 68   0    99 85  4 62  0   61 70  2 71  0   25  70  2 70  0    95 70  1 61   0    80 50 17 71  0   51 30 87 59 10   29  40  8 67  0   test adeno   24 40  2 60  0   18  40  5 69 10   83 99  3 57   0    31 80  3 39  0   51 60  5 62  0   90  60 22 50 10    52 60  3 43   0    73 60  3 70  0   8 50  5 66  0   36  70  8 61  0    48 10  4 81   0     7 40  4 58  0   140 70  3 63  0  186  90  3 60  0    84 80  4 62  10    19 50 10 42  0   45 40  3 69  0   80  40  4 63  0   test large   52 60  4 45  0  164  70 15 68 10    19 30  4 39  10    53 60 12 66  0   15 30  5 63  0   43  60 11 49 10   340 80 10 64  10   133 75  1 65  0   111 60  5 64  0  231  70 18 67 10   378 80  4 65   0    49 30  3 37  0   ;  

PROC LIFETEST is invoked to compute the product-limit estimate of the survivor function for each type of cancer cell and to analyze the effects of the variables Age , Prior , DiagTime , Kps , and Treatment on the survival of the patients . These prognostic factors are specified in the TEST statement, and the variable Cell is specified in the STRATA statement. Traditional high-resolution graphs of the product-limit estimates, the log estimates, and the negative log-log estimates are requested through the PLOTS= option in the PROC LIFETEST statement. Because of a few large survival times, a MAXTIME of 600 is used to set the scale of the time axis; that is, the time scale extends from 0 to a maximum of 600 days in the plots. The variable Therapy is specified in the ID statement to identify the type of therapy for each observation in the product-limit estimates. The OUTTEST option specifies the creation of an output data set named Test to contain the rank test matrices for the covariates.

  symbol1 c=blue; symbol2 c=orange; symbol3 c=green;   symbol4 c=red; symbol5 c=cyan; symbol6 c=black;   title 'VA Lung Cancer Data';   proc lifetest data=VALung plots=(s,ls,lls) outtest=Test maxtime=600;   time SurvTime*Censor(1);   id Therapy;   strata Cell;   test Age Prior DiagTime Kps Treatment;   run;  

Output 40.1.1 through Output 40.1.4 display the product-limit estimates of the survivor functions for the four cell types. Summary statistics of the survival times are also shown. The median survival times are 51 days, 156 days, 51 days, and 118 days for patients with adeno cells, large cells, small cells, and squamous cells , respectively.

Output 40.1.1: Estimation Results for Cell=adeno
start example
  Stratum 1: Cell = adeno   Product-Limit Survival Estimates   Survival   Standard    Number     Number   SurvTime    Survival   Failure     Error      Failed      Left     Therapy   0.000      1.0000          0          0       0         27   3.000      0.9630     0.0370     0.0363       1         26      standard   7.000      0.9259     0.0741     0.0504       2         25      test   8.000           .          .          .       3         24      standard   8.000      0.8519     0.1481     0.0684       4         23      test   12.000      0.8148     0.1852     0.0748       5         22      standard   18.000      0.7778     0.2222     0.0800       6         21      test   19.000      0.7407     0.2593     0.0843       7         20      test   24.000      0.7037     0.2963     0.0879       8         19      test   31.000      0.6667     0.3333     0.0907       9         18      test   35.000      0.6296     0.3704     0.0929      10         17      standard   36.000      0.5926     0.4074     0.0946      11         16      test   45.000      0.5556     0.4444     0.0956      12         15      test   48.000      0.5185     0.4815     0.0962      13         14      test   51.000      0.4815     0.5185     0.0962      14         13      test   52.000      0.4444     0.5556     0.0956      15         12      test   73.000      0.4074     0.5926     0.0946      16         11      test   80.000      0.3704     0.6296     0.0929      17         10      test   83.000*          .          .          .      17          9      test   84.000      0.3292     0.6708     0.0913      18          8      test   90.000      0.2881     0.7119     0.0887      19          7      test   92.000      0.2469     0.7531     0.0850      20          6      standard   95.000      0.2058     0.7942     0.0802      21          5      standard   117.000      0.1646     0.8354     0.0740      22          4      standard   132.000      0.1235     0.8765     0.0659      23          3      standard   140.000      0.0823     0.9177     0.0553      24          2      test   162.000      0.0412     0.9588     0.0401      25          1      standard   186.000           0     1.0000          0      26          0      test   NOTE: The marked survival times are censored observations.   Quartile Estimates   Point     95% Confidence Interval   Percent    Estimate      [Lower      Upper)   75      92.000      73.000     140.000   50      51.000      31.000      90.000   25      19.000       8.000      45.000   Mean    Standard Error   65.556            10.127  
end example
Output 40.1.2: Estimation Results for Cell=large
start example
  Stratum 2: Cell = large   Product-Limit Survival Estimates   Survival   Standard    Number     Number   SurvTime    Survival   Failure     Error      Failed      Left     Therapy   0.000      1.0000          0          0       0         27   12.000      0.9630     0.0370     0.0363       1         26      standard   15.000      0.9259     0.0741     0.0504       2         25      test   19.000      0.8889     0.1111     0.0605       3         24      test   43.000      0.8519     0.1481     0.0684       4         23      test   49.000      0.8148     0.1852     0.0748       5         22      test   52.000      0.7778     0.2222     0.0800       6         21      test   53.000      0.7407     0.2593     0.0843       7         20      test   100.000      0.7037     0.2963     0.0879       8         19      standard   103.000      0.6667     0.3333     0.0907       9         18      standard   105.000      0.6296     0.3704     0.0929      10         17      standard   111.000      0.5926     0.4074     0.0946      11         16      test   133.000      0.5556     0.4444     0.0956      12         15      test   143.000      0.5185     0.4815     0.0962      13         14      standard   156.000      0.4815     0.5185     0.0962      14         13      standard   162.000      0.4444     0.5556     0.0956      15         12      standard   164.000      0.4074     0.5926     0.0946      16         11      test   177.000      0.3704     0.6296     0.0929      17         10      standard   182.000*          .          .          .      17          9      standard   200.000      0.3292     0.6708     0.0913      18          8      standard   216.000      0.2881     0.7119     0.0887      19          7      standard   231.000      0.2469     0.7531     0.0850      20          6      test   250.000      0.2058     0.7942     0.0802      21          5      standard   260.000      0.1646     0.8354     0.0740      22          4      standard   278.000      0.1235     0.8765     0.0659      23          3      standard   340.000      0.0823     0.9177     0.0553      24          2      test   378.000      0.0412     0.9588     0.0401      25          1      test   553.000           0     1.0000          0      26          0      standard   NOTE: The marked survival times are censored observations.   Quartile Estimates   Point     95% Confidence Interval   Percent    Estimate      [Lower      Upper)   75     231.000     164.000     340.000   50     156.000     103.000     216.000   25      53.000      43.000     133.000   Mean    Standard Error   170.506            25.098  
end example
Output 40.1.3: Estimation Results for Cell=small
start example
  Stratum 3: Cell = small   Product-Limit Survival Estimates   Survival   Standard    Number     Number   SurvTime    Survival   Failure     Error      Failed      Left     Therapy   0.000      1.0000          0          0       0         48   2.000      0.9792     0.0208     0.0206       1         47      test   4.000      0.9583     0.0417     0.0288       2         46      standard   7.000           .          .          .       3         45      standard   7.000      0.9167     0.0833     0.0399       4         44      test   8.000      0.8958     0.1042     0.0441       5         43      test   10.000      0.8750     0.1250     0.0477       6         42      standard   13.000           .          .          .       7         41      standard   13.000      0.8333     0.1667     0.0538       8         40      test   16.000      0.8125     0.1875     0.0563       9         39      standard   18.000           .          .          .      10         38      standard   18.000      0.7708     0.2292     0.0607      11         37      standard   20.000           .          .          .      12         36      standard   20.000      0.7292     0.2708     0.0641      13         35      test   21.000           .          .          .      14         34      standard   21.000      0.6875     0.3125     0.0669      15         33      test   22.000      0.6667     0.3333     0.0680      16         32      standard   24.000      0.6458     0.3542     0.0690      17         31      test   25.000           .          .          .      18         30      test   25.000      0.6042     0.3958     0.0706      19         29      test   27.000      0.5833     0.4167     0.0712      20         28      standard   29.000      0.5625     0.4375     0.0716      21         27      test   30.000      0.5417     0.4583     0.0719      22         26      standard   31.000      0.5208     0.4792     0.0721      23         25      standard   51.000           .          .          .      24         24      standard   51.000      0.4792     0.5208     0.0721      25         23      test   52.000      0.4583     0.5417     0.0719      26         22      standard   54.000           .          .          .      27         21      standard   54.000      0.4167     0.5833     0.0712      28         20      standard   56.000      0.3958     0.6042     0.0706      29         19      standard   59.000      0.3750     0.6250     0.0699      30         18      standard   61.000      0.3542     0.6458     0.0690      31         17      test   63.000      0.3333     0.6667     0.0680      32         16      standard   80.000      0.3125     0.6875     0.0669      33         15      test   87.000      0.2917     0.7083     0.0656      34         14      test   95.000      0.2708     0.7292     0.0641      35         13      test   97.000*          .          .          .      35         12      standard   99.000           .          .          .      36         11      test   99.000      0.2257     0.7743     0.0609      37         10      test   103.000*          .          .          .      37          9      test   117.000      0.2006     0.7994     0.0591      38          8      standard   122.000      0.1755     0.8245     0.0567      39          7      standard   123.000*          .          .          .      39          6      standard   139.000      0.1463     0.8537     0.0543      40          5      standard   151.000      0.1170     0.8830     0.0507      41          4      standard   153.000      0.0878     0.9122     0.0457      42          3      standard   287.000      0.0585     0.9415     0.0387      43          2      standard   384.000      0.0293     0.9707     0.0283      44          1      standard   392.000           0     1.0000          0      45          0      standard   NOTE: The marked survival times are censored observations.   Quartile Estimates   Point     95% Confidence Interval   Percent    Estimate      [Lower      Upper)   75      99.000      59.000     151.000   50      51.000      25.000      61.000   25      20.000      13.000      25.000   Mean    Standard Error   78.981            14.837  
end example
Output 40.1.4: Estimation Results for Cell=squamous
start example
  Stratum 4: Cell = squamous   Product-Limit Survival Estimates   Survival   Standard    Number     Number   SurvTime    Survival   Failure     Error      Failed      Left     Therapy   0.000      1.0000          0          0       0         35   1.000           .          .          .       1         34      test   1.000      0.9429     0.0571     0.0392       2         33      test   8.000      0.9143     0.0857     0.0473       3         32      standard   10.000      0.8857     0.1143     0.0538       4         31      standard   11.000      0.8571     0.1429     0.0591       5         30      standard   15.000      0.8286     0.1714     0.0637       6         29      test   25.000      0.8000     0.2000     0.0676       7         28      test   25.000*          .          .          .       7         27      standard   30.000      0.7704     0.2296     0.0713       8         26      test   33.000      0.7407     0.2593     0.0745       9         25      test   42.000      0.7111     0.2889     0.0772      10         24      standard   44.000      0.6815     0.3185     0.0794      11         23      test   72.000      0.6519     0.3481     0.0813      12         22      standard   82.000      0.6222     0.3778     0.0828      13         21      standard   87.000*          .          .          .      13         20      test   100.000*          .          .          .      13         19      standard   110.000      0.5895     0.4105     0.0847      14         18      standard   111.000      0.5567     0.4433     0.0861      15         17      test   112.000      0.5240     0.4760     0.0870      16         16      test   118.000      0.4912     0.5088     0.0875      17         15      standard   126.000      0.4585     0.5415     0.0876      18         14      standard   144.000      0.4257     0.5743     0.0873      19         13      standard   201.000      0.3930     0.6070     0.0865      20         12      test   228.000      0.3602     0.6398     0.0852      21         11      standard   231.000*          .          .          .      21         10      test   242.000      0.3242     0.6758     0.0840      22          9      test   283.000      0.2882     0.7118     0.0820      23          8      test   314.000      0.2522     0.7478     0.0793      24          7      standard   357.000      0.2161     0.7839     0.0757      25          6      test   389.000      0.1801     0.8199     0.0711      26          5      test   411.000      0.1441     0.8559     0.0654      27          4      standard   467.000      0.1081     0.8919     0.0581      28          3      test   587.000      0.0720     0.9280     0.0487      29          2      test   991.000      0.0360     0.9640     0.0352      30          1      test   999.000           0     1.0000          0      31          0      test   NOTE: The marked survival times are censored observations.   Quartile Estimates   Point     95% Confidence Interval   Percent    Estimate      [Lower      Upper)   75     357.000     201.000     467.000   50     118.000      72.000     242.000   25      33.000      11.000     111.000   Mean    Standard Error   230.225            48.475  
end example

The distribution of event and censored observations among the four cell types is summarized in Output 40.1.5.

Output 40.1.5: Summary of Censored and Uncensored Values
start example
  Summary of the Number of Censored and Uncensored Values   Percent   Stratum   Cell           Total  Failed    Censored    Censored   1    adeno             27      26           1        3.70   2    large             27      26           1        3.70   3    small             48      45           3        6.25   4    squamous          35      31           4       11.43   ---------------------------------------------------------------   Total                     137     128           9        6.57  
end example

The graph of the estimated survivor functions is shown in Output 40.1.6. The adeno cell curve and the small cell curve are much closer to each other than to the large cell curve or the squamous cell curve. The survival rates of the adeno cell patients and the small cell patients decrease rapidly to approximately 29% in 90 days. Shapes of the large cell curve and the squamous cell curve are quite different, although both decrease less rapidly than those of the adeno and small cells. The squamous cell curve decreases more rapidly initially than the large cell curve, but the role is reversed in the later period.

The graph of the negative log of the estimated survivor functions is displayed in Output 40.1.7. Output 40.1.8 displays the log of the negative log of the estimated survivor functions against the log of time.

Output 40.1.7: Graph of Negative Log of the Estimated Survivor Functions
start example
  click to expand  
end example
Output 40.1.8: Graph of Log of the Negative Log of the Estimated Survivor Functions
start example
  click to expand  
end example

Results of the homogeneity tests across cell types are given in Output 40.1.9. The log-rank and Wilcoxon statistics and their corresponding covariance matrices are displayed. Also given is a table that consists of the approximate chi-square statistics, degrees of freedom, and p -values for the log-rank, Wilcoxon, and likelihood ratio tests. All three tests indicate strong evidence of a significant difference among the survival curves for the four types of cancer cells ( p < 0.001).

Output 40.1.9: Homogeneity Tests Across Strata
start example
  Rank Statistics   Cell        Log-Rank    Wilcoxon   adeno         10.306       697.0   large   8.549   1085.0   small         14.898      1278.0   squamous   16.655   890.0   Covariance Matrix for the Log-Rank Statistics   Cell             adeno         large         small      squamous   adeno          12.9662   4.0701   4.4087   4.4873   large   4.0701       24.1990   7.8117   12.3172   small   4.4087   7.8117       21.7543   9.5339   squamous   4.4873   12.3172   9.5339       26.3384   Covariance Matrix for the Wilcoxon Statistics   Cell             adeno         large         small      squamous   adeno           121188   34718   46639   39831   large   34718        151241   59948   56576   small   46639   59948        175590   69002   squamous   39831   56576   69002        165410   Test of Equality over Strata   Pr >   Test      Chi-Square      DF    Chi-Square   Log-Rank     25.4037       3      <.0001   Wilcoxon     19.4331       3      0.0002     2Log(LR)    33.9343       3      <.0001  
end example

Results of the log-rank test of the prognostic variables are shown in Output 40.1.10. The univariate test results correspond to testing each prognostic factor marginally. The joint covariance matrix of these univariate test statistics is also displayed. In computing the overall chi-square statistic, the partial chi-square statistics following a forward stepwise entry approach are tabulated.

Output 40.1.10: Log-Rank Test of the Prognostic Factors
start example
  Univariate Chi-Squares for the Log-Rank Test   Test    Standard               Pr >   Variable  Statistic Deviation Chi-Square Chi-Square Label   Age   40.7383      105.7    0.1485    0.7000   age in years   Prior   19.9435    46.9836    0.1802    0.6712   prior treatment?   DiagTime   115.9    97.8708    1.4013    0.2365   months till randomization   Kps         1123.1      170.3   43.4747    <.0001   karnofsky index   Treatment   4.2076     5.0407    0.6967    0.4039   treatment indicator   Covariance Matrix for the Log-Rank Statistics   Variable            Age         Prior      DiagTime           Kps      Treatment   Age             11175.4   301.2   892.2   2948.4          119.3   Prior            301.2        2207.5        2010.9          78.6           13.9   DiagTime   892.2        2010.9        9578.7   2295.3           21.9   Kps   2948.4          78.6   2295.3       29015.6           61.9   Treatment         119.3          13.9          21.9          61.9           25.4   Forward Stepwise Sequence of Chi-Squares for the Log-Rank Test   Pr >       Chi-Square       Pr >   Variable       DF    Chi-Square    Chi-Square     Increment    Increment   Kps             1      43.4747       <.0001        43.4747      <.0001   Treatment       2      45.2008       <.0001         1.7261      0.1889   Age             3      46.3012       <.0001         1.1004      0.2942   Prior           4      46.4134       <.0001         0.1122      0.7377   DiagTime        5      46.4200       <.0001        0.00665      0.9350   Variable     Label   Kps          karnofsky index   Treatment    treatment indicator   Age          age in years   Prior        prior treatment?   DiagTime     months till randomization  
end example

Consider the log-rank test in Output 40.1.10. Since the univariate test for Kps has the largest chi-square (43.4747) among all the covariates, Kps is entered first. At this stage, the partial chi-square and the chi-square increment for Kps are the same as the univariate chi-square. Among all the covariates not in the model ( Age , Prior , DiagTime , Treatment ), Treatment has the largest approximate chi-square increment (1.7261) and is entered next . The approximate chi-square for the model containing Kps and Treatment is 43.4747+1.7261=45.2008 with 2 degrees of freedom. The third covariate entered is Age . The fourth is Prior , and the fifth is DiagTime . The overall chi-square statistic on the last line of output is the partial chi-square for including all the covariates. It has a value of 46.4200 with 5 degrees of freedom, which is highly significant ( p < 0.0001).

You can establish this forward stepwise entry of prognostic factors by passing the matrix corresponding to the log-rank test to the RSQUARE method in the REG procedure. PROC REG finds the sets of variables that yield the largest chi-square statistics.

  data RSq;   set Test;   if _type_='LOG RANK';   _type_='cov';   proc print data=RSq;   proc reg data=RSq(type=COV);   model SurvTime=Age Prior DiagTime Kps Treatment   / selection=rsquare;   title 'All Possible Subsets of Covariates for the   log-rank Test';   run;  

Output 40.1.11 displays the univariate statistics and their covariance matrix for the log-rank test.

Output 40.1.11: Log-Rank Statistics and Covariance Matrix
start example
  Obs _TYPE_ _NAME_    SurvTime       Age    Prior DiagTime       Kps Treatment   1   cov   SurvTime     46.42   40.74   19.94   115.86   1123.14   4.208   2   cov   Age   40.74  11175.44   301.23   892.24   2948.45   119.297   3   cov   Prior   19.94   301.23  2207.46  2010.85     78.64    13.875   4   cov   DiagTime   115.86   892.24  2010.85  9578.69   2295.32    21.859   5   cov   Kps        1123.14   2948.45    78.64 -2295.32  29015.62    61.945   6   cov   Treatment   4.21    119.30    13.87    21.86     61.95    25.409  
end example

Results of the best subset regression are shown in Output 40.1.12. The variable Kps generates the largest univariate test statistic among all the covariates, the pair Kps and Age generate the largest test statistic among any other pairs of covariates, and so on. The entry order of covariates is identical to that of PROC LIFETEST.

Output 40.1.12: Best Subset Regression from the REG Procedure
start example
  All Possible Subsets of Covariates for the              log-rank Test   The REG Procedure   Model: MODEL1   Dependent Variable: SurvTime   R-Square Selection Method   Number in   Model      R-Square    Variables in Model   1       0.9366    Kps   1       0.0302    DiagTime   1       0.0150    Treatment   1       0.0039    Prior   1       0.0032    Age   ----------------------------------------------------------   2       0.9737    Kps Treatment   2       0.9472    Age Kps   2       0.9417    Prior Kps   2       0.9382    DiagTime Kps   2       0.0434    DiagTime Treatment   2       0.0353    Age DiagTime   2       0.0304    Prior DiagTime   2       0.0181    Prior Treatment   2       0.0159    Age Treatment   2       0.0075    Age Prior   ----------------------------------------------------------   3       0.9974    Age Kps Treatment   3       0.9774    Prior Kps Treatment   3       0.9747    DiagTime Kps Treatment   3       0.9515    Age Prior Kps   3       0.9481    Age DiagTime Kps   3       0.9418    Prior DiagTime Kps   3       0.0456    Age DiagTime Treatment   3       0.0438    Prior DiagTime Treatment   3       0.0355    Age Prior DiagTime   3       0.0192    Age Prior Treatment   ----------------------------------------------------------   4       0.9999    Age Prior Kps Treatment   4       0.9976    Age DiagTime Kps Treatment   4       0.9774    Prior DiagTime Kps Treatment   4       0.9515    Age Prior DiagTime Kps   4       0.0459    Age Prior DiagTime Treatment   ----------------------------------------------------------   5       1.0000    Age Prior DiagTime Kps Treatment  
end example

Example 40.2. Confidence Bands for Survival of Bone Marrow Transplant Patients (Experimental)

This example uses the data of 137 bone marrow transplant patients extracted from Klein and Moeschberger (1997). At the time of transplant, each patient is classified into one of three risk categories: ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia), low-risk AML (Acute Myeloctic Leukemia), and high-risk AML. The endpoint of interest is the disease-free survival, which is the time to death or relapse or the end of the study in days. The data are saved in the SAS data set BMT . In this data set, the variable Group represents the Patient s risk category, the variable T represents the disease-free survival time, and the variable Status is the censoring indicator with value 1 indicating an event time and value 0 a censored time.

  proc format;   value risk 1='ALL' 2='low-risk AML' 3='high-risk AML';   data BMT;   input Group T Status @@;   format Group risk.;   label T='Time to Relapse';   datalines;   1 2081 0 1 1602 0 1 1496 0 1 1462 0 1 1433 0   1 1377 0 1 1330 0 1  996 0 1  226 0 1 1199 0   1 1111 0 1  530 0 1 1182 0 1 1167 0 1  418 1   1  383 1 1  276 1 1  104 1 1  609 1 1  172 1   1  487 1 1  662 1 1  194 1 1  230 1 1  526 1   1  122 1 1  129 1 1   74 1 1  122 1 1   86 1   1  466 1 1  192 1 1  109 1 1   55 1 1    1 1   1  107 1 1  110 1 1  332 1 2 2569 0 2 2506 0   2 2409 0 2 2218 0 2 1857 0 2 1829 0 2 1562 0   2 1470 0 2 1363 0 2 1030 0 2  860 0 2 1258 0   2 2246 0 2 1870 0 2 1799 0 2 1709 0 2 1674 0   2 1568 0 2 1527 0 2 1324 0 2  957 0 2  932 0   2  847 0 2  848 0 2 1850 0 2 1843 0 2 1535 0   2 1447 0 2 1384 0 2  414 1 2 2204 1 2 1063 1   2  481 1 2  105 1 2  641 1 2  390 1 2  288 1   2  421 1 2   79 1 2  748 1 2  486 1 2   48 1   2  272 1 2 1074 1 2  381 1 2   10 1 2   53 1   2   80 1 2   35 1 2  248 1 2  704 1 2  211 1   2  219 1 2  606 1 3 2640 0 3 2430 0 3 2252 0   3 2140 0 3 2133 0 3 1238 0 3 1631 0 3 2024 0   3 1345 0 3 1136 0 3  845 0 3  422 1 3  162 1   3   84 1 3  100 1 3    2 1 3   47 1 3  242 1   3  456 1 3  268 1 3  318 1 3   32 1 3  467 1   3   47 1 3  390 1 3  183 1 3  105 1 3  115 1   3  164 1 3   93 1 3  120 1 3   80 1 3  677 1   3   64 1 3  168 1 3   74 1 3   16 1 3  157 1   3  625 1 3   48 1 3  273 1 3   63 1 3   76 1   3  113 1 3  363 1   ;  

Klein and Moeschberger (1997, Section 4.4) describe in detail how to compute the Hall and Wellner (HW) and equal precision (EP) confidence bands. Now you can use the SURVIVAL statement in PROC LIFETEST to obtain these confidence bands. In the following code, PROC LIFETEST is invoked to compute the product-limit estimates of the disease-free survival. The SURVIVAL statement is included to create an output SAS data set (named Out1 ) that contains the survival function estimates and to plot them with the experimental graphics using the ODS. To obtain both the HW and EP confidence bands in the OUT= data set, you specify the CONFBAND=ALL option. The BANDMIN=100 and BANDMAX=600 options restrict the confidence bands for the survivor function S ( t ) over the range 100 t 600. The CONFTYPE=ASINSQRT option is specified to apply the arcsine-square root transform to the survivor function in computing the pointwise confidence intervals and the confidence bands. The experimental ODS graphics statement is specified to display the graphics using ODS. The specific plots to be displayed are specified by the PLOTS=(STRATUM, SURVIVAL, HWB) option, which includes a panel of plots for each stratum, a plot of the survivor functions estimates for all strata, and a plot of the Hall-Wellner bands for all strata. Since most of the events occur within 800 days, MAXTIME=800 is specified to restrict the display to such time.

  ods html;   ods graphics on;   proc lifetest data=BMT noprint;   time T * Status(0);   survival out=Out1   confband=all bandmin=100 bandmax=600 maxtime=800   conftype=asinsqrt   plots=(stratum, survival, hwb);   strata Group;   run;   ods graphics off;   ods html close;   proc contents data=Out1;   run;  

TheHWconfidence bands for disease-free survival are represented by the variables HW_ LCL and HW_ UCL in the Out1 data set, and the EP confidence bands are represented by the variables EP_ LCL and EP_ UCL . Other variables in the Out1 data set are shown in the printed output of PROC CONTENTS in Output 40.2.1.

Output 40.2.1: Variables in the Out1 Data Set
start example
  The CONTENTS Procedure   Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes   #   Variable   Type   Len   Format   Label   5   CONFTYPE   Char     8            Transform for Survival Confidence Interval   10  EP_LCL     Num      8            Equal Precision Band Lower 95.00% Limit   11  EP_UCL     Num      8            Equal Precision Band Upper 95.00% Limit   1   Group      Num      8   RISK.   8   HW_LCL     Num      8            Hall-Wellner Band Lower 95.00% Limit   9   HW_UCL     Num      8            Hall-Wellner Band Upper 95.00% Limit   6   SDF_LCL    Num      8            SDF Lower 95.00% Confidence Limit   7   SDF_UCL    Num      8            SDF Upper 95.00% Confidence Limit   12  STRATUM    Num      8            Stratum Number   4   SURVIVAL   Num      8            Survival Distribution Function Estimate   2   T          Num      8            Time to Relapse   3   _CENSOR_   Num      8            Censoring Flag: 0=Failed 1=Censored  
end example

The panel plot for the ALL patients is shown in Output 40.2.2. The upper left cell in this 2 — 2 matrix plot displays the estimated survival curve, the upper right cell shows a table of summary statistics, the lower left cell displays the Hall-Wellner band, and the lower right cell displays the equal precision band. Pointwise confidence limits are plotted along with the confidence bands. As expected, the confidence bands are much wider than the set of the pointwise confidence intervals. The EP confidence band appears to be slightly wider than the HW confidence band for survival time over 200 days. The panel plots for the low-risk and high-risk AML patients are not shown here.

Output 40.2.2: Panel Plot for ALL Patients (Experimental)
start example
  click to expand  
end example

Output 40.2.3 shows a plot of the estimated survival curves for the three leukemia groups. Censored observations are plotted as a plus sign. It appears that the lowrisk AML patients have the best prognosis while the high-risk AML patients have the worse prognosis, with the ALL patients in between. Output 40.2.4 shows a plot of the Hall-Wellner bands for the three leukemia groups. The band for the ALL patients overlaps with those of the low-risk and high-risk AML patients, but there is very little overlapping between the band for the low-risk AML patients and the band for the high-risk patients. One would expect the low-risk AML patients to live much longer than the high-risk AML patients.

Output 40.2.3: Product-Limit Estimates of Survival of Bone Marrow Transplant Patients (Experimental)
start example
  click to expand  
end example
Output 40.2.4: Hall-Wellner Bands for the Survival of Bone Marrow Transplant Patients (Experimental)
start example
  click to expand  
end example

The graphical display in Output 40.2.2 as well as those shown in Output 40.2.3 and Output 40.2.4 are requested by specifying the experimental ODS GRAPHICS statement and the experimental PLOTS= option in the SURVIVAL statement. For general information about ODS graphics, see Chapter 15, Statistical Graphics Using ODS. For specific information about the graphics available in the LIFETEST procedure, see the section ODS Graphics on page 2190.

Example 40.3. Life-Table Estimates for Males with Angina Pectoris

The data in this example come from Lee (1992, p. 91) and represent the survival rate of males with angina pectoris. Survival time is measured as years from the time of diagnosis. The data are read as number of events and number of withdrawals in each one-year time interval for 16 intervals. Three variables are constructed from the data: Years (an artificial time variable with values that are the midpoints of the time intervals), Censored (a censoring indicator variable with value 1 indicating censored observations and value 0 indicating event observations), and Freq (the frequency variable). Two observations are created for each interval, one representing the event observations and the other representing the censored observations.

  title 'Survival of Males with Angina Pectoris';   data males;   keep Freq Years Censored;   retain Years   .5;   input fail withdraw @@;   Years + 1;   Censored=0;   Freq=fail;   output;   Censored=1;   Freq=withdraw;   output;   datalines;   456   0 226  39 152 22 171  23 135 24 125 107   83 133  74 102  51 68  42  64  43 45  34  53   18  33   9  27   6 23   0  30   ;  

PROC LIFETEST is invoked to compute the various life-table survival estimates, the median residual time, and their standard errors. The life-table method of computing estimates is requested by specifying METHOD=LT. The intervals are specified by the INTERVAL= option. Traditional high-resolution graphs of the life-table estimate, negative log of the estimate, negative log-log of the estimate, estimated density function, and estimated hazard function are requested by the PLOTS= option. No tests for homogeneity are carried out because the data are not stratified.

  symbol1 c=blue;   proc lifetest data=males method=lt intervals=(0 to 15 by 1)   plots=(s,ls,lls,h,p);   time Years*Censored(1);   freq Freq;   run;  

Results of the life-table estimation are shown in Output 40.3.1.Thefive-year survival rate is 0.5193 with a standard error of 0.0103. The estimated median residual lifetime, which is 5.33 years initially, has reached a maximum of 6.34 years at the beginning of the second year and decreases gradually to a value lower than the initial 5.33 years at the beginning of the seventh year.

Output 40.3.1: Life-Table Survivor Function Estimate
start example
  Survival of Males with Angina Pectoris   Life Table Survival Estimates   Conditional   Effective Conditional Probability                       Survival   Median   Interval       Number   Number     Sample   Probability    Standard                      Standard  Residual   [Lower,   Upper) Failed Censored     Size    of Failure         Error    Survival   Failure    Error  Lifetime   0         1    456        0     2418.0       0.1886      0.00796      1.0000        0         0    5.3313   1         2    226       39     1942.5       0.1163      0.00728      0.8114    0.1886   0.00796   6.2499   2         3    152       22     1686.0       0.0902      0.00698      0.7170    0.2830   0.00918   6.3432   3         4    171       23     1511.5       0.1131      0.00815      0.6524    0.3476   0.00973   6.2262   4         5    135       24     1317.0       0.1025      0.00836      0.5786    0.4214    0.0101   6.2185   5         6    125      107     1116.5       0.1120      0.00944      0.5193    0.4807    0.0103   5.9077   6         7     83      133      871.5       0.0952      0.00994      0.4611    0.5389    0.0104   5.5962   7         8     74      102      671.0       0.1103       0.0121      0.4172    0.5828    0.0105   5.1671   8         9     51       68      512.0       0.0996       0.0132      0.3712    0.6288    0.0106   4.9421   9        10     42       64      395.0       0.1063       0.0155      0.3342    0.6658    0.0107   4.8258   10        11     43       45      298.5       0.1441       0.0203      0.2987    0.7013    0.0109   4.6888   11        12     34       53      206.5       0.1646       0.0258      0.2557    0.7443    0.0111        .   12        13     18       33      129.5       0.1390       0.0304      0.2136    0.7864    0.0114        .   13        14      9       27       81.5       0.1104       0.0347      0.1839    0.8161    0.0118        .   14        15      6       23       47.5       0.1263       0.0482      0.1636    0.8364    0.0123        .   15         .      0       30       15.0            0            0      0.1429    0.8571    0.0133        .   Evaluated at the Midpoint of the Interval   Median                  PDF                Hazard   Interval       Standard              Standard             Standard   [Lower,    Upper)    Error       PDF       Error     Hazard     Error   0         1    0.1749     0.1886    0.00796   0.208219   0.009698   1         2    0.2001     0.0944    0.00598   0.123531   0.008201   2         3    0.2361     0.0646    0.00507    0.09441   0.007649   3         4    0.2361     0.0738    0.00543   0.119916   0.009154   4         5    0.1853     0.0593    0.00495   0.108043   0.009285   5         6    0.1806     0.0581    0.00503   0.118596   0.010589   6         7    0.1855     0.0439    0.00469        0.1   0.010963   7         8    0.2713     0.0460    0.00518   0.116719   0.013545   8         9    0.2763     0.0370    0.00502    0.10483   0.014659   9        10    0.4141     0.0355    0.00531   0.112299   0.017301   10        11    0.4183     0.0430    0.00627   0.155235   0.023602   11        12         .     0.0421    0.00685    0.17942   0.030646   12        13         .     0.0297    0.00668   0.149378    0.03511   13        14         .     0.0203    0.00651   0.116883   0.038894   14        15         .     0.0207    0.00804   0.134831   0.054919   15         .         .          .          .          .         .  
end example

The breakdown of event and censored observation in the data is shown in Output 40.3.2. Note that 32.8% of the patients have withdrawn from the study.

Output 40.3.2: Summary of Censored and Event Observations
start example
  Survival of Males with Angina Pectoris   Summary of the Number of Censored and Uncensored Values   Percent   Total  Failed    Censored    Censored   2418    1625         793       32.80   NOTE: There were 2 observations with missing values, negative time values or frequency values less than 1.  
end example

Output 40.3.3 displays the graph of the life-table survivor function estimate. The median survival time, read from the survivor function curve, is 5.33 years, and the 25th and 75th percentiles are 1.04 and 11.13 years, respectively.

Output 40.3.3: Life-Table Survivor Function Estimate
start example
  click to expand  
end example

An exponential model may be appropriate for the survival of these male patients with angina pectoris since the curve of the negative log of the survivor function estimate versus the survival time ( Output 40.3.4) approximates a straight line through the origin. Note that the graph of the log of the negative log of the survivor function estimate versus the log of time ( Output 40.3.5) is practically a straight line.

Output 40.3.5: Log of Negative Log of Survivor Function Estimate
start example
  click to expand  
end example

As discussed in Lee (1992), the graph of the estimated hazard function ( Output 40.3.6) shows that the death rate is highest in the first year of diagnosis. From the end of the first year to the end of the tenth year, the death rate remains relatively constant, fluctuating between 0.09 and 0.12. The death rate is generally higher after the tenth year. This could indicate that a patient who has survived the first year has a better chance than a patient who has just been diagnosed. The profile of the median residual lifetimes also supports this interpretation.

The density estimate is shown in ( Output 40.3.7). Visually, it resembles that of an exponential distribution.

Output 40.3.7: Density Function Estimate
start example
  click to expand  
end example

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 3)
SAS/STAT 9.1, Users Guide, Volume 3 (volume 3 ONLY)
Year: 2004
Pages: 105

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