

D= option, TITLE, FOOTNOTE, and NOTE statements 217
DASH option 277
dashed lines
hardware-generated 277
lengths of dashes, scaling 278
DASHLINE= option, GDEVICE procedure 277
DASHSCALE= graphics option 278
data-dependent coordinates with GSLIDE procedure 1281
data library for rendered fonts 347
DATA= macro argument, DS2CSF macro 561
DATA= option
G3D procedure 1300
G3GRID procedure 1332
GBARLINE procedure 750
GCHART procedure 786
GCONTOUR procedure 888
GFONT procedure 946
GKEYMAP procedure 989
GMAP procedure 1001, 1007
GPLOT procedure 1089
GPROJECT procedure 1168
GRADAR procedure 1185
GREDUCE procedure 1216
GREMOVE procedure 1226
data sets 29
contour plots, input for 887
DSGI data sets 1358
font data sets 951, 952, 958
generating for radar/star charts (example) 1196
GKEYMAP data sets 987
kern data sets 949, 958, 959
locking, automatic 31
space data sets 960
three-dimensional graphs 1298
DATA step 27
Annotate data sets 600
data tips in Web presentations 568
data values, formatting 413
DATAFILE= option, MAPIMPORT procedure 1349
DATASYS option, GANNO procedure 708, 710
DATATIPHIGHLIGHTCOLOR= parameter, Metaview Applet 475
DATATIPSTYLE= parameter, Metaview Applet 475
DATATYPE= macro argument 538
date-time information
as axis values, ordering 131
ordering axis tick marks (example) 226
%DCLANNO macro, Annotate facility 683
DDLEVEL# applet parameter 405
DDLEVEL= parameter, JAVA and ActiveX 428
DEBUG function, Annotate facility 620
Annotate facility 604
DSGI programs 1360
DEF option, TDEF statement 1260
DEFAULTTARGET= graphics option 476
DEFINE STYLE statement, TEMPLATE procedure 489
DEG option, GPROJECT procedure 1169
DEGREE option, GPROJECT procedure 1169
DEL option, TDEF statement 1260
delay between displayed graphs 278, 310
DELAY= graphics option 459
DELETE function (DSGI) 1459
DELETE option, TDEF statement 1260
DELETE statement, GDEVICE procedure 925
DELETE statement, GREPLAY procedure 1251
blanks from data values 414
catalog entries 1251
color maps 1250
graphics output, after display 285, 287
polygon overlap 331, 335
replacing/overwriting files 70
templates 1262
density values, map data sets 1218
DENSITY variable (map data sets) 1039, 1213
DEPTH= macro argument 547, 563
DES= option
BLOCK statement, GCHART procedure 789
BLOCK statement, GMAP procedure 1013
BUBBLE statement 1094
CDEF statement, GREPLAY procedure 1249
CHART statement, GRADAR procedure 1189
CHORO statement 1019
GANNO procedure 709
GPRINT procedure 1149
GSLIDE procedure 1280
HBAR and VBAR statements 802
PIE and DONUT statements 822
PLOT statement, G3D procedure 1303
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 893
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1107
PRISM statement 1025
SCATTER statement, G3D procedure 1307
STAR statement 836
SURFACE statement 1032
TDEF statement, GREPLAY procedure 1260
TREPLAY statement, GREPLAY procedure 1263
DES option, BAR statement 755
BAR statement 755
BY statement 142, 1227
HBAR and VBAR statements 802
PIE and DONUT statements 821
PLOT statement 766
BAR statement 755
BLOCK statement, GCHART procedure 789
BLOCK statement, GMAP procedure 1013
BUBBLE statement 1094
CHART statement, GRADAR procedure 1189
CHORO statement 1019
GANNO procedure 709
GDEVICE procedure 279
GPRINT procedure 1149
GSLIDE procedure 1280
HBAR and VBAR statements 802
ODS statements 496
PIE and DONUT statements 822
PLOT statement, G3D procedure 1303
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 893
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1107
PRISM statement 1025
SCATTER statement, G3D procedure 1307
STAR statement 836
SURFACE statement 1032
descriptions of catalog entries 55
destinations, ODS 489
DETAIL= option, PIE and DONUT statements 822, 883
DETAIL_= options, PIE and DONUT statements 822, 883
DEV option, ? statement 1246
DEVADDR= GOPTIONS statement 279
device catalogs 916, 917
device drivers 41
assigning 43
comparisons between 440
controlling output with 45
entries and catalogs 916
Listing available 44
managing colors list of (example) 1292
selecting 43
Web output 369
device drivers, specifying 1251
device entries 42, 916
browsing contents of 44
creating or modifying 72, 934
custom, creating (example) 936
transporting 58
DEVICE function (DSGI) 1411, 1468
device-generated graphics
circles and arcs 271
dashed lines 277
line thickness 323
pie filling 334
plot symbols 354
polygon-fill 336
rectangle-fill 345
vertices, maximum drawn 324
DEVICE= graphics option 52, 72, 280
static graphics 439
device maps 983
asymmetrical 986
basics of 986
creating and using 990
GKEYMAP data sets 987
GKEYMAP data sets, generating 990
specifying 280
DEVICE option, ? statement 1246
DEVICE= option, GKEYMAP procedure 989
device parameters 42, 261
complete list of, alphabetical 262
modifying 45
DEVICE statement, GREPLAY procedure 1251
capabilities of, listing 281
colors list, default 94
external dimensions, display 34
hardware patterns 176, 181
how output is written to 306
identifying type of 283
location of, for output 279
model numbers 324
nicknames for 299
portability between 40
sending strings to 301, 303
specifying type of 358
user input, enabling 360
DEVMAP= graphics option 280, 986
DEVMAP= option, GDEVICE procedure 280
DEVMAP option, GKEYMAP procedure 989
DEVOPTS= option, GDEVICE procedure 281
DEVTYPE= option, GDEVICE procedure 283
diagnostic messages, Annotate facility 699
diagrams, CSF
drill-down functionality 573
DS2CSF macro 527, 528
hotspots 532
sample diagrams 530
direct display 50
DIRECT= parameter, JAVA and ActiveX 428
DISABLE DRILLDOWN applet parameter 414
disabling drill-down functionality 414
BAR statement 743, 756
BLOCK statement, GCHART procedure 790
BLOCK statement, GMAP procedure 1013
CHORO statement 1019
GCHART procedure statements 780
HBAR and VBAR statements 728, 802
PIE and DONUT statements 823
PRISM statement 1026
STAR statement 836
discrete variables
bar variables 742, 743
chart variables 779, 780
charting in star chart (example) 881
map variables 1004
DISPLAY environment variable, batch mode 32
display size (lines) 308
DISPLAY statement 284
displaying fonts 940, 943
DISPOSAL= graphics option 459
DISPOSAL statement 285
DOCTYPE= macro argument 553
documentation, SAS/GRAPH
online help, locations for 385
donut charts 6
basics 776
labels 829
slice labels and formatting 830
statistic and group headings 827, 832
subgrouping in (example) 848
terms used with 778
DONUT statement, GCHART procedure
ActiveX and Java support for 1521
subgrouping in pie or donut chart (example) 848
syntax and options 818
DONUTPCT= option, DONUT statement 823
DOWN= option
CHART statement, GRADAR procedure 1190
LEGEND statement options 153
PIE and DONUT statements 823
STAR statement 837
DOWNVAR= option, CHART statement 1190
DRAW function, Annotate facility 620, 1539
%DRAW macro, Annotate facility 683
DRAW= option, TITLE, FOOTNOTE, and NOTE statements 217
DRAW2TXT function, Annotate facility 622, 1540
%DRAW2TXT macro, Annotate facility 684
DRAWIMAGE= parameter, JAVA 428
drawing areas, Annotate graphics 596
DRAWMISSING= parameter, JAVA 428
DRAWSIDES= parameter, JAVA 428
drill-down functionality 571
Annotate facility for 500
Annotate graphics in drill-down graphs (example) 719
bar charts with (example) 255, 856
choropleth map (example) 1054
constellation charts 524
creating plots with (example) 1141
critical success factor diagrams 532
generating drill-down graphs using DSGI (example) 1395
GIF output hotspots (example) 452
treeview diagrams 510
drill-down links
ActiveX 392
disabling 414
Java applets 400
levels for, customizing 405
drill-down tags 411, 412
DRILLDOWN= parameter, JAVA and ActiveX 428
DRILLDOWNMODE applet parameter 401, 408
DRILLDOWNMODE parameter 571
DRILLDOWNMODE= parameter, JAVA and ActiveX 429
DRILLFUNC= parameter, JAVA and ActiveX 428
DRILLPATTERN= parameter, JAVA and ActiveX 429
DRILLTARGET applet parameter 410, 413
DRILLTARGET= parameter, JAVA and ActiveX 429
DRILTARG= macro argument 547, 563
DRILTARG= option 573
DRILURL= macro argument, DS2CSF macro 563
DRILURL= option 573
driver modules 325
driver termination 286
drivers, initializing 285
drop shadows, legends 153, 163
DRVINIT1= and DRVINIT2= options, GDEVICE procedure 285
DRVINIT1= and DRVINIT2= options, GOPTIONS statement 285
DRVQRY= option, GDEVICE procedure, executing before driver initialization 286
DRVTERM1= and DRVTERM2= options, GDEVICE procedure 286
DRVTERM1= and DRVTERM2= options, GOPTIONS statement 286
DS2CONST macro 383, 515
arguments of 518, 535
arguments of, character transcoding 561
arguments of, data definition 537
arguments of, diagram appearance 545
arguments of, file generation 544
arguments of, page formatting 552
arguments of, titles and footnotes formatting 556
chart with simple arcs (example) 518
chart with weighted arcs (example) 520
enhancing presentations for 517
hotspots 524
stylesheets, macro arguments for 554
XML written to external file (example) 522
DS2CSF macro 383
arguments of 530, 535
arguments of, character transcoding 561
arguments of, data definition 561
arguments of, diagram appearance 562
arguments of, page formatting 552
arguments of, titles and footnotes formatting 556
drill-down functionality 573
enhancing presentations for 529
hotspots 532
sample diagrams 530
stylesheets, macro arguments for 554
DS2TREE macro 383
arguments of 507, 535
arguments of, character transcoding 561
arguments of, data definition 537
arguments of, diagram appearance 545
arguments of, file generation 544
arguments of, page formatting 552
arguments of, titles and footnotes formatting 556
enhancing presentations for 506
stylesheets, macro arguments for 554
DSGI (DATA Step Graphics Interface) 15, 1354, 1401
Annotate facility vs. 1354
attributes for graphics elements 1368, 1373
creating simple graphics 1367
examples of using 1381
functions and routines 1360
GASK routines 1394, 1404
GDRAW functions, list of 1446
global statements with 1358
GRAPH functions, list of 1457
GSET functions, list of 1462
how to use 1357
images, displaying 119
inserting graphs into DSGI output 1379
operating states 1359, 1370, 1402
processing statements in loops 1380
return codes, list of 1501
syntax 1355
utility functions, list of 1402
viewports and windows 1376, 1385
DUPCHECK= macro argument 547
duplex printing 265, 287
DUPOK option, GPROJECT procedure 1168

SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
Year: 2004
Pages: 342 © 2008-2017.
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