

C= option
AXIS statement options 126, 136, 139
BUBBLE statement 1094
GFONT procedure 947
LABEL= option, DONUT statement 829
LEGEND statement options 158
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1106
POINTLABEL= specification 197
SYMBOL statement 185, 206
TITLE, FOOTNOTE, and NOTE statements 216
CA= option
BUBBLE statement 1093
CHART statement, GRADAR procedure 1187
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1106
callback method, JavaScript 407
census division data 1003, 1033
reducing map of (example) 1220
capline, font 940, 947
CAPLINE= option, GFONT procedure 947
CAPTURE= argument, META2HTM macro 564
carriage return at record ends 300
Cartesian coordinates, projecting spherical coordinates into 1161
basic usage of GPROJECT procedure 1172
clipping map areas (example) 1178
default projection specifications, using (example) 1174
emphasizing map areas (example) 1177
ID statement, GPROJECT procedure 1172
input map data sets 1163
projecting an Annotate data set (example) 1180
syntax and options, GPROJECT procedure 1168
types of map projections 1165
Cartographic font 87
CAT command 55
catalog entries 1239
BY line 143
changing information about 1254
copying or duplicating 1251, 1263
deleting from catalogs 1251
displaying BY statement information with 1247
duplicate entry names 1240
grouping 1253
managing 1267
names for 63
names for image output files 445
printing 1254
replacing 70
replaying 1268
selecting for replay 1257
CATALOG function (DSGI) 1407, 1465
CATALOG= option, GDEVICE procedure 921
category variables 726
CATEXT= macro argument 546
BUBBLE statement 1093
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 891
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1106
CAUTOREF= option
BAR statement 753
HBAR and VBAR statements 799
BUBBLE statement 1093
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 892
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1106
CAXES= option, CHART statement 1187
CAXIS= option
BAR statement 753
BLOCK statement 789
BUBBLE statement 1093
CHART statement 1187
HBAR and VBAR statements 799
PLOT statement, G3D procedure 1302
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 892
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1106
SCATTER statement, G3D procedure 1307
CBACK= argument, META2HTM macro 565
CBACK function (DSGI) 1408, 1466
CBACK= macro argument 546, 562
CBACK= option 266
CBLKOUT= option, BLOCK statement 1012
CBLOCK= option, LEGEND statement 152, 163
CBODY= option, SURFACE statement 1031
CBORDER= option, LEGEND statement options 152
CBORDER variable, Annotate facility 643
CBOTTOM= option, PLOT statement 1302
CBOX variable, Annotate facility 644
CBY= graphics option 267
CC option
? statement, GREPLAY procedure 1246
LIST statement, GREPLAY procedure 1254
CC= option, GREPLAY procedure 1243
CC statement, GREPLAY procedure 1247
CCOPY statement, GREPLAY procedure 1248
CDEF statement, GREPLAY procedure 1249, 1274
CDELETE statement, GREPLAY procedure 1250
CELL option 268
CEMPTY= option
BLOCK statement 1012
CHORO statement 1019
PRISM statement 1025
census division data, Canada 1003, 1033
CENTER= macro argument 553
CENTIMETERS option, GOPTIONS procedure 1077
%CENTROID macro, Annotate facility 680
CERROR= option
BAR statement 753
HBAR and VBAR statements 800
CFILL= option
PIE and DONUT statements 821
STAR statement 835
CFR= option
BAR statement 754
CHART statement, GRADAR procedure 1187
HBAR and VBAR statements 728, 800
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 892
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1106
CFRAME= option
BAR statement 754
CHART statement, GRADAR procedure 1187, 1208
GSLIDE procedure 1279, 1281
HBAR and VBAR statements 800
LEGEND statement options 152
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 892
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1106
CFRAMESIZE= option, CHART statement 1187
CFRAMETOP= option, CHART statement 1188
CFREQ option
BAR statement 754
HBAR and VBAR statements 800
CFREQLABEL= option, HBAR and VBAR statements 800
CGMs (computer graphics metafiles)
adjusting graphics output (example) 979
creating and importing (example) 977
elements not supported 971
font substitutions 974
CH= option
BUBBLE statement 1093
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 892
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1106
CHANDLE= macro argument 546
CHAR variable (font data sets) 952
CHAR1, CHAR2 variables (kern data sets) 959
character bar variables 742
character cells 36
alignment 268
as units of measurement 38
aspect ratio of 1152
size of 265
character chart variables 780
character codes 81
character codes, displaying 946, 950, 962
character transcoding 561
adjusting character size in output (example) 1156
as axis values 131
as legend values 155
HTML entities 582
prefixing output records 309
prompts 343
special plot symbols 200
characters, mapping to keyboard 983
asymmetrical 986
basics of 983
creating and using 990
GKEYMAP data sets 987
GKEYMAP data sets, generating 990
ignoring 945, 949
modifying (example) 990
CHARACTERS option 268
CHARREC= option, GODEVICE procedure 269
CHARSET= macro argument 561
CHARSPACETYPE= option, GFONT procedure 948
CHART statement, GRADAR procedure
ActiveX and Java support for 1535
assigning axis definitions to axis spokes (example) 1210
changing star type in radar charts (example) 1207
color and line styles in radar charts (example) 1208
filling stars in radar charts (example) 1204
images in radar charts (example) 1205
multiple classification variables in radar charts (example) 1202
overlaying radar charts (example) 1199
producing basic radar chart (example) 1198
specifying mode for radar charts (example) 1209
syntax and options 1185
tiling radar charts (example) 1201
chart statistics
GBARLINE procedure 745, 778
GCHART procedure 782, 815
horizontal bar chart (example) 851
chart variables 778, 779, 780
charts 4
drill-down functionality, ActiveX 392
CHARTYPE= graphics option 79, 270
CHARTYPE variable (GKEYMAP data set) 987
Chartype window (GDEVICE) 931
CHECK= suboption, AUTOLABEL= option 898
CHORO statement, GMAP procedure 1017
ActiveX and Java support for 1527
creating maps using feature tables (example) 1069
drill-down functionality in maps (example) 1054
labeling U.S. states in choropleth map (example) 1061
producing simple choropleth map (example) 1053
projecting an Annotate data set (example) 1180
choropleth maps 11, 997
creating maps using feature tables (example) 1069
drill-down functionality in maps (example) 1054
identification variables 1005
labeling U.S. states in choropleth map (example) 1061
predefined formats for 1035
producing simple choropleth map (example) 1053
response levels 1004
syntax and options 1017
CHREF= option
BUBBLE statement 1093
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 892
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1106
CHUB= macro argument, DS2CSF macro 562
CI= option, SYMBOL statement 185, 206
CIMPORT procedure 56
CINDIC= macro argument, DS2CSF macro 562
circle-drawing capability, device 270
%CIRCLE macro, Annotate facility 681
circle of stars, drawing (example) 609
CIRCLEARC option 270
circles, writing in (DSGI) 1455
city map data (U.S.) 1003
CLABTXT= macro argument, DS2CSF macro 562
CLABVAL= macro argument, DS2CSF macro 562
classification variables, plotting 1083
CLASSPATH environmental variables 583
CLEAR function (DSGI) 1457
CLEVELS= option, PLOT statement 892, 903
client graphs vs. server graphs 584
CLINK= macro argument 546
CLIP function (DSGI) 1409, 1467
CLIP options, TDEF statement 1260
clipped polygons 331, 335
clipping around viewports (DSGI) 1377
clipping map data sets 1039, 1173, 1213, 12
example of 1178
reducing map of Canada (example) 1220
CLIPREF option
BAR statement 754
HBAR and VBAR statements 800
CLIPTIPS= parameter, JAVA 427
CLM= option
BAR statement 754
HBAR and VBAR statements 800
CLOCKWISE option, PIE and DONUT statements 821, 878
closed destinations, ODS 489
GRAPH window 49
GSF (graphics stream file) 290
CM option, GOPTIONS procedure 1077
CMAP option
? statement, GREPLAY procedure 1246
LIST statement, GREPLAY procedure 1254
CMAP= option, GREPLAY procedure 271, 1243
CMAP statement, GREPLAY procedure 1250
%CMY macro 100
CMYK color scheme 95
%CMYK macro 101
CNODE= macro argument 547
%CNS macro 101
CNS (SAS Color Naming Scheme) 97, 99
CNTL2TXT function, Annotate facility 618
CO= option, SYMBOL statement 185, 206
CODEBASE attribute, OBJECT element (HTML) 399, 424
CODEBASE= macro argument 541
CODEBASE= option 422
CODEBASE parameter, APPLET element (HTML) 399
CODELEN= option, GFONT procedure 948
COLINDEX function (DSGI) 1409
COLLATE option 271
collating printed output 271
color codes
CMYK scheme 96
gray-scale scheme 99
HLS scheme 97
HSV and HBS schemes 98
RGB scheme 95
color lists 93
default 94
managing colors list for device driver (example) 1291
color maps 1239
copying or duplicating 1248
creating 1268, 1274
defining or modifying in catalogs 1249
deleting from catalogs 1250
printing contents of 1254
specifying/assigning 271, 1247, 1250
transporting 58
COLOR= option
AXIS statement options 126, 136, 139
LABEL= option, DONUT statement 829
LEGEND statement options 158
PATTERN statement 170
POINTLABEL= specification 197
SCATTER statement, G3D procedure 1307, 1310
SYMBOL statement 185, 206
TDEF statement, GREPLAY procedure 1260
TITLE, FOOTNOTE, and NOTE statements 216
color schemes 95
COLOR variable, Annotate facility 645
%COLORMAC macro 100
COLORMAP= macro argument 547
Colormap window (GDEVICE) 931
COLORNAMELIST= parameter, JAVA 427
COLORNAMES= parameter, JAVA 427
colors 92
active, number of ( plotters ) 333
axes 126, 136
axes, CAXIS= option for 753, 789, 799, 892,,
axis labels 126, 127, 133, 135,
axis tick marks 126, 129, 139
axis values 136
bar charts 816
bar line charts 764
block charts 794
borders 276
bubble plots 1092
BY lines 143, 267
contour plot lines and labels 903
default, specifying 92, 272
donut chart labels 829
graphics output area 266
image transparency 357
legend label 153
legend text 158
legend values 157
legends 152
managing colors list for device driver (example) 1291
mapping 971
maximum display at once 324
Netscape troubleshooting 583
ODS styles 94
output text (example) 1153
patterns 274
pie and donut chart slices 831
plot print labels 197
plot symbols 93, 185, 206, 231, 2
plotting in order of 333
reference lines 892, 893, 1093, 1094
reversing black and white 353
star charts 1188, 1204, 1208
text in graphics output 93, 215, 216
titles, footnotes, and notes 276, 493
utility macros for 100
COLORS= graphics option 93, 178, 272
COLORSCHEME= parameter, JAVA and ActiveX 428
COLORTYPE= option, GDEVICE procedure 273
COLREP function (DSGI) 1410, 1468
columns , legends 152
columns in graphics output area 3, 36, 274, 315, 322
COMMENT function, Annotate facility 619
%COMMENT macro, Annotate facility 682
comments 279
communications ports, how output is written to 306
confidence intervals 756, 803, 854
error bars in horizontal bar chart (example) 854
HBAR and VBAR statements 803
confidence limits 192
conformal projections 1166, 1172
CONSTANT= option, SURFACE statement 1031
constant-width (uniform) fonts 940, 951
Constellation applet 373, 513
chart with simple arcs (example) 518
chart with weighted arcs (example) 520
data tips with 569
drill-down functionality 572, 573
DS2CONST macro with 515
hotspots 524
when to use 514
XML written to external file (example) 522
CONTENTS= argument, ODS HTML statement 166
contents files 495
CONTENTS option, MAPIMPORT procedure 1349
CONTENTS= option, ODS statements 495
continent formats for maps 1035
continuous output stream 296
continuous paper feed 264, 327
continuous variables
bar variables 742, 744
chart variables 779, 781
map variables 1004
Contour applet 372
parameters for, list of 424
contour labels, size of 187
contour lines
colors for 185, 206
distance between labels 199
fonts 186
size of 201
type of 196, 207
contour plots 10, 885
ActiveX and Java support for 1526
axes 886, 901
AXIS statement, GCONTOUR procedure 886
contour levels, specifying 895, 899, 908
contour levels, specifying (example) 908
interactive, with ActiveX (example) 394
interpolation methods 887
labels for contour lines (example) 906
missing values 887, 889
modifying lines and labels with SYMBOL statement 903
PATTERN statement, GCONTOUR procedure 169
patterns 173
patterns and joins in contour plots (example) 910
patterns and joins in (example) 910
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 889
simple, generating (example) 904
simple contour plot, generating (example) 904
spline interpolation (example) 1343
contour variables 885
control characters, device 359
between RGB and HLS colors 103
graphics output 56, 59
coordinates, projecting from spherical to Cartesian 1161
basic usage of GPROJECT procedure 1172
clipping map areas (example) 1178
default projection specifications, using (example) 1174
emphasizing map areas (example) 1177
ID statement, GPROJECT procedure 1172
input map data sets 1163
projecting an Annotate data set (example) 1180
syntax and options, GPROJECT procedure 1168
types of map projections 1165
coordinates and coordinate systems
Annotate facility 596
data-dependent, GSLIDE with 1281
longitude and latitude 1164
templates, changing 1259
COPY function (DSGI) 1458
COPY= option, TDEF statement 1260
COPY statement
custom device entry, creating (example) 936
GDEVICE procedure 924
GREPLAY procedure 1251
catalog entries 1251, 1263
color maps 1248
numbers of print copies 298
templates 1258
country formats for maps 1035
COUTLINE= macro argument, DS2CSF macro 562
COUTLINE= option
BAR statement 754
BLOCK statement, GCHART procedure 789
BLOCK statement, GMAP procedure 1012
CHORO statement 1019
HBAR and VBAR statements 800
patterns 180
PIE and DONUT statements 821
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 892
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1106
PRISM statement 1025
STAR statement 835
CPATTERN= graphics option 171, 274
patterns 179
patterns and 180
CPCT option
BAR statement 754
HBAR and VBAR statements 801
BAR statement 754
HBAR and VBAR statements 801
CPERCENTLABEL= option, HBAR and VBAR statements 801
CPORT procedure 56
CR= option
BAR statement 754
HBAR and VBAR statements 801
CREATE_ID_, MAPIMPORT procedure 1349
creating graphs interactively 395
CREF= option
BAR statement 754
HBAR and VBAR statements 801
critical success factor (CSF) diagrams
drill-down functionality 573
DS2CSF macro 527, 528
hotspots 532
sample diagrams 530
CSELECT= macro argument 547
CSF diagrams
drill-down functionality 573
DS2CSF macro 527, 528
hotspots 532
sample diagrams 530
CSFTYPE= macro argument, DS2CSF macro 562
CSHADOW= option, LEGEND statement options 153, 163
CSP= option, GFONT procedure 948
CSPOKE= and CSPOKES= options, CHART statement 1188
CSTAR= option, CHART statement 1188
CSTARCIRCLE= and CSTARCIRCLES= options, CHART statement 1188
CSTARFILL= option, CHART statement 1188, 1204
CSTARS= option, CHART statement 1188, 1208
CSYMBOL= graphics option 207, 275
CT=, GFONT procedure 944
CTEXT= macro argument 553
CTEXT= option
BAR statement 755
BLOCK statement, GCHART procedure 789
BLOCK statement, GMAP procedure 1013
BUBBLE statement 1094
CHART statement, GRADAR procedure 1189
CHORO statement 1019
GFONT procedure 944
GPRINT procedure 1149, 1153
HBAR and VBAR statements 728, 801
PIE and DONUT statements 821
PLOT statement, G3D procedure 1302
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 893
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1106
PRISM statement 1025
SCATTER statement, G3D procedure 1307
STAR statement 836
CTEXT= options, GOPTIONS statement 225, 276
CTILE= and CTILES= options, CHART statement 1189
CTIPHILT= argument, META2HTM macro 565
CTITLE= graphics option 225, 276
CTOP= option, PLOT statement 1302
cumulative frequency statistic 745, 782
cumulative percentage statistic 746, 783
current window system, DSGI 1359
curve-drawing capability, device 270
custom graphs, creating with DSGI 1356
CUTOFF= macro argument 547
CV= option
BUBBLE statement 1094
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 893
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1107
SYMBOL statement 186, 206
CVALUE= macro argument, DS2CSF macro 563
CVREF= option
BUBBLE statement 1094
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 893
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1107

SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
Year: 2004
Pages: 342 © 2008-2017.
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